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billy the kid

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billy the kid

Thank you, I really liked your answer on love at first site.. don't let the questions tear you up just please think about them before you answer them. Now and this one might need more that one answer... what if you never found true love but wanted to? and less say you were 39.

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Billy, why not just come out with it? Your in love with her! It's so obvious man, your not foolin anyone!


But seriously though, I heard a story that said that latin people are way more likely to believe in soul mates and the like.


My guess is that it is related to religous beliefs and stuff. Christianity is very widespread in latin America,, and unlike the U.S., a lot of people are actually devout and not just 'nominally' faithful.


My arguement is that, if I truly believe in God, then it's likely that I feel my life has some sort of destiny....or path. When that special someone comes along, we can talk ourselves into believing that we've found "the one" we were meant to meet.


In the West, I think we are less religous and so more of us don't really believe in this love at first sight mumbo jumbo.


I probabbly sound like a cynic, there's good reason for it too, but in my heart I think I still believe too.




I know this message wasn't intended for me, I couldn't resist though. Taressa, if you read this I want you to know that I liked what you wrote about wearing your soul on the outside. I'm the same way you know.


It makes it so much easier to connect with people. If you let down your guard, others can sense it are more willing to open to you......and therefore it makes relationships A LOT better, more real, and I feel this goes for all relationships.....not just those that are romantic.



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Hey Truth,


Thank you for the nice post. Yes, One of your first posts gave the impression you are more open than most people. I got the feeling you had been through the wringer and done some soul searching. I really enjoyed the quotes you included by the European philosopher.


I believe you're right about our feelings of destiny being attached to our faith in God. I'd hate to think we're just here on earth floating about with everything left to chance. When it comes to the big three: life, death, and love, I take comfort in knowing it's not all on my shoulders.


Love at first sight as presented in the movies is a bit mumbo jumbo. I think it's a much more spiritual connection than the physical attraction they present.


As to you being cynical - - Not. You sound rather hopeful to me.

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"What happens to a dream deferred?


Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?"


- Langston Hughes




Never give up the hope of true love.


Wow, I'm finding this a very hard question because you've touched such a sensitive spot. Love's timing hasn't been what I expected either...


When I take stock of my life it's strange to see how different it is from what I expected. I'm 37 now and expected, or hoped, to have a husband, home, perhaps even kids by now. I thought I would would sleep peacefully in my husband's arms at night and kiss his stubbly face every morning. Reality is I sleep with a cat between my feet and another cat curled up in the crook of my arm. Love's timing isn't what we expect, I suppose, but you know, if you believe there is one best love for us, I think the delay should be expected while we become the best for them.


I believe some of us take a longer path to find love than others because our character flaws are more persistent. Time and life's hard knocks often become the sandpaper that smooth our personality flaws and teach us lessons that are absolutely essential to love. Five years ago I would have made a terrible wife. Five days ago I would not have been as good a wife as I could be today. Time has been a sweet gift.


I also think that the lack of romantic love in our life can be a great teacher in other relationships. I spent many years pining after romance and stepping into desperate heartbreaking relationships. The rape last year opened my eyes and taught me to value friendships above romance for friends are the joy and support of life. Loneliness, though bitter, has been a strong motivator.


Oh, I just don't feel I've answered well enough. Your question rings with a little doubt and a lot more sorrow. Don't give up, Billy. Love and Hope last beyond our number of years. To meet that special one someday, we've got to keep on the path. Persist, dear Billy, Persist.




Your questions will probably haunt me pleasantly all weekend. I look forward to more Monday. Have a good weekend.

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