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They're making fun of me on twitter!

one goal

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So that girl Im on her facebook, but not her twitter, and she has her tweets protected. Anyways if you do a search u can still see what their friends tweet them. Anyways apparently she tweeted about my card because her friends are tweeting her back about it and laughing about it!


Im not happy! She doesnt know I can see what they're saying about me.


F her!

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Cracker Jack

You only have yourself to blame for this. If you would've just left the girl alone from the jump, you wouldn't have been made fun of.

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Nicer than a restraining order, I guess. . .


Do we really think one goal is a serious person? Because I am kind of feeling bad for finding his self-created plight so amusing, but I'm basing my amusement on the fact I'm 80% sure he's a really amusing troll.

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Im not happy!


Well if you come here asking for advice and then completely and repeatedly ignore it, you only have yourself to blame.

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Nicer than a restraining order, I guess. . .


Do we really think one goal is a serious person? Because I am kind of feeling bad for finding his self-created plight so amusing, but I'm basing my amusement on the fact I'm 80% sure he's a really amusing troll.


I think it's sadder if he's a troll then if he isn't, cause in the latter he's just an innocent person who understands nothing about social situations.

Maybe he's got a lot of time on his hands, and he switches between this and chronic masterbaiting to fill out his day.

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one goal, just learn from this experience.


remember no matter how much you like a girl, there is no way to:

- buy her affection with cards/gifts

- guilt her into going out with you.


Realize that when you profess your affection for a girl, and continue do so insistently, it makes it very uncomfortable for her to spend a little time with you even if it is for school reasons. That isn't her going out of her way to be mean that is her being a normal girl.

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Nicer than a restraining order, I guess. . .


Do we really think one goal is a serious person? Because I am kind of feeling bad for finding his self-created plight so amusing, but I'm basing my amusement on the fact I'm 80% sure he's a really amusing troll.


I believe not.


His name is Tom (surname is also available, I just forgot it), and has rather disturbing incident (or series of such) with Katherine McPhee, acknowledged by Katfia.


There were links in his other thread.

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F her!


Yes! Grrrr! She's a mean person! You should delete her from your friend list at once! That'll show her!

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Yes! Grrrr! She's a mean person! You should delete her from your friend list at once! That'll show her!


Definitely delete her! She may even run back straight into your arms when she sees you're serious!

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Dude what did you expect would happen.


Everybody told you to not get her a gift, (those not giving sarcastic answers) and you do it anyways.


Since you insist on not taking any advice at all and just do what you want, all you are doing is providing free entertainment for the people here.

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Dude what did you expect would happen.


Everybody told you to not get her a gift, (those not giving sarcastic answers) and you do it anyways.


Since you insist on not taking any advice at all and just do what you want, all you are doing is providing free entertainment for the people here.


is there anything I can do to maybe get her to hangout with me just once within the next 3 weeks?


I feel hurt, sad, and I miss her!

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is there anything I can do to maybe get her to hangout with me just once within the next 3 weeks?


I feel hurt, sad, and I miss her!


lmao OH YOU

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Cracker Jack

I suggest you keep the tiny bit of "pride" you have left and move on. They think you're a complete joke. Not only that, but this girl doesn't like you. At all. She doesn't want to hang out, chat, or do anything with you, one goal. You need to understand that. You buying her a gift was silly. This girl wants nothing to do with you. Delete her # and don't look back.


At this point, it just feels so unfair watching you do this to yourself. I know most people think you're a troll that enjoys wasting time, but I honestly feel sorry for you.

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is there anything I can do to maybe get her to hangout with me just once within the next 3 weeks?

You can't be serious.


This girl has no interest in you whatsoever. On top of that she has zero respect for you.


And you are still interested in her?!


Give me a break.

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I suggest you keep the tiny bit of "pride" you have left and move on. They think you're a complete joke. Not only that, but this girl doesn't like you. At all. She doesn't want to hang out, chat, or do anything with you, one goal. You need to understand that. You buying her a gift was silly. This girl wants nothing to do with you. Delete her # and don't look back.


At this point, it just feels so unfair watching you do this to yourself. I know most people think you're a troll that enjoys wasting time, but I honestly feel sorry for you.


I think she's hot and I liked her. What is it I did though to make her not like me? I was nice to her.

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Would you date a really fat and ugly girl just because she was nice to you?


Why or why not?

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Would you date a really fat and ugly girl just because she was nice to you?


Why or why not?


No I wouldnt. Im not ugly or fat.

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So that girl Im on her facebook, but not her twitter, and she has her tweets protected. Anyways if you do a search u can still see what their friends tweet them.


Why are you searching through her friends tweets?


You're approaching stalker status, dude.

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Cracker Jack

You're missing the point....as usual.


The point is your niceness has nothing (being obsessive isn't nice) to do with anything here. I'm sure you're not ugly or fat, but she's still not attracted to you. Therefore, your "niceness" didn't make or break you.


The girl was simply not attracted to you. Being "nice" isn't going to automatically make some girl fall for you. Please stop mentioning it, and please stop asking the same obvious questions.


Btw, curious question: do you ever take any of the advice on here seriously?

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Citizen Erased
I think she's hot and I liked her. What is it I did though to make her not like me? I was nice to her.

You're one creepy dude and people can sense it just from being around you.


If some moron I'd refused multiple times in a clear manner gave me a gift I'd be laughing at him too. You need to learn to leave people alone, before you're threatened with legal action yet again. ;)

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Nicer than a restraining order, I guess. . .


Do we really think one goal is a serious person? Because I am kind of feeling bad for finding his self-created plight so amusing, but I'm basing my amusement on the fact I'm 80% sure he's a really amusing troll.


Yeah, don't...

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I think she's hot and I liked her.
What is it I did though to make her not like me?
I was nice to her.


Um... You are STOCKING her

You come across as what Freud would refer to as, 'clinically spooky'.


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Would you date a really fat and ugly girl just because she was nice to you?


Why or why not?


No I wouldn't. I'm not ugly or fat.


But you might as well be TO HER. It doesn't matter what you look like or how nice you are to her. She's not interested in you any more than you would be interested in a "really fat and ugly girl". Period.


Put yourself in her shoes: what you would do if said "really fat and ugly girl"


A) Kept asking you to hang out after you told her you weren't interested?

B) Kept trying to talk to you after you started to show clear disinterest in further communication (i.e. ignoring texts, barely mumbling "hi" to you in class, her "there's nothing to say" comment from your other thread, etc.) and

C) Gave you a gift for noo reason even after A & B had occurred.



Would YOU, One Goal, feel stalked? Harassed? Annoyed? Answer, please.

Edited by LexiB
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