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I asked this girl to study with me


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Ok as you remember I posted on here about a girl I go to school with that I like well today I just up and decided I was gonna ask her to come and study with me before the final and she said yes, took us a min. to decide what day was good but the only day good for both of us was sun. I acted real calm and cool about asking her just threw in with the conversation I was having with her and didn't use any "uh's" or stutter at all just said..I'll probably go to ....store and study for this stuff cause its quiet you wanna meet there and go over this stuff together?..she said yes and even offered me her phone number, I gave her mine as well. So how do you guys think I did?..I think it went well...

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average guy

Well done, compgeek2004 :)


Now call her and tell her what a fun time you had with her and would she like to go to ...the movies...the park...a muesum...etc. and keep up the good work!


Good luck :)

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