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I overthink things and its starting to annoy me anyone got any ideas??

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Ok so this might seem sudden but i might this girl about 2 months ago and i we immediately clicked and we kinda of bonded from there and became bf and gf. We do communicate alot over emails and this might sound silly but also in online games we play togather, i can't call her just yet as she doesn't own a Cell Phone/Mobile phone (which ever floats your boat), We get along perfectly, there has been a few times where shes told me stuff and my jealousy has kicked in But thats normal right? Just so you guys know im 18 and she is 17.


Now i just need advice on something, she has gone to USA for month and she wont be able to contact me from there as shes gone with her family.


My problem is nothing to do with her its me I just need you guys to tell me if im over thinking about stuff and im missing her way too much.


Now what is, is im missing her way too much, also the sunday that has just been she told me she had to go off to take care of somethings but never came back on since and its now Thursday (she is ment to be going USA Tommorow) and she also missed my bday which was on the monday and i never got an email or anything off her. Now my friends just think she could of possibly gone to USA earlier then expected and didn't have enough time to send me an Email explaining she had to go...


My Question is for you guys should i stop thinking about stuff too much cause i keep thinking the worse that she possibly was in accident or just didnt wanna talk to me anymore :/... (haha i think i might of posted this in the wrong section so my bad if i have i just needed advice its more advice on how i should think about things).


I do love her to bits, i honestly think she is the "one" and i know some of you guys might say stuff like " You two are too young to be so serious you should be having fun" but you cant help it if you love someoen right?


Also i have another question in a LDR when is the best time to go and meet your SO, Cause ive been with her for a month now and im thinking about talking to her about goign to see her like sometime in December just before Christmas or something, but do you guys think thats like too early?


Btw im from the United Kingdom and she is from sweden. I do have a tedency to think about her having a guy over there with her that she loves already, but she told me she has not. Reason i think like this is because ive had 2 bad realationships where one of them ended in me catching my GF in my bed with my best friend and my other one ended my GF lying to me all the time about everything, so i have it hard to trust girls. I want to trust my GF but i just find it hard to, she has not given me reason not to trust her its just past realatinships that end like that tend to leave complexs.


This whole post i just want your guys opinion on if you think i over think thinks and if meeting her in december is too earliy. Dont Judge me please i just need advice.


Thanks Guys, I hope you can advise me on my annoying habits i have hehe.


If i've posted in the wrong section i apologize!


Yes this whole story its relevant as it describes what im over thinking about.

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