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average guy

Love is not logic.


Go see "Love, Actually" about 3-5 times and cry your heart out :) Then it might start to make a little more sense :)


I'm serious...the only way to get over it is to mourn the loss and move on...give yourself time and you will feel better. And don't go back to your boyfriend - keep yourself occupied - go see "Love, Actually" about 3-5 times and cry your heart out (am I repeating myself? :)


Best of wishes :)

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I know no one believes me on this point but if someone doesn't see sleeping with someone while they are in an intimate relationship with another person as cheating, then its not cheating to them. I think that cheating is something that we do more to ourselves than anyone else. We all know when we have cheated ourselves, it usally means we didn't work hard at something or give it our best. I always say when we cheat, we cheat ourselves.


For example, if you decide to go on a sex strike for a month and not give you bf sex can you blame him if he goes elsewhere for it? Probably not. However, if you don't give him sex for a week and he goes elsewhere, well then maybe you have cause for worry.

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