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I feel like she is playing mind games...

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Have known this girl for a few years, and within those few years, we go through phases. We talk for a few months, argue over something stupid, it blows up unnecessarily, and we stop talking for a while. Sometimes a few weeks, sometimes a few months.


This past time, was because I felt she was playing games with me. Her big thing with me was to BE NICE during arguments. Things like, not insulting her (calling her stupid) or saying mean things about her personality ( selfish ). In the recent past, she said she couldn't see her and I together because of how " mean " I am in arguments. A few weeks ago, I was going to walk away again, because of another argument we had, and I started to ignore her. She ended up calling me one night, nonstop for an hour straight. I eventually picked up, and she talked me into trying something different. I've always liked her more than a friend, but she seems to have a new excuse every other month on why she can't be with me. Here's a few.


- I felt like I wasn't worth it to my ex. My last relationship left a scar.

- I'm done with guys, they are jerks.

- I can't be with you because you aren't nice to me


So the last one is the one she is trying to say now. And I asked her, if I'm really THAT MEAN to you, why do you always come chasing me. She actually showed up at my house about a month ago, uninvited, because she pissed me off and I was ignoring her. She told me that she knows I'm a good person and I've only started to be mean recently.


But basically, the deal was, if I was "nice" to her in arguments, after enough time passed, she would probably consider me boyfriend material. So the first week goes great. Every day we are texting, being very flirty, and she even sends me risque pictures ON HER OWN. Talking about sex a lot, and I ended up seeing her later that same first week. When I saw her, it was the first time we got that physical with her seeming normal about it. After going out for some drinks and dancing, we got very touchy feely in the car. There was no kissing, but her hand was down my pants for a long time, and she let me touch her breast. She told me " kissing is off limits " right now. So I just went with it. But here's where the games seem to kick in.


After that night, she literally flipped a 180 on me. Going from texting me every day every hour, being flirty and talking about sex, to texting me once a day, about something general. And after a day or so passed, I even tried to test it by acting flirty, and she acted cold toward me. After a few more days passed, I confronted her about it and she sort of flipped out. I asked her why she is being different with me all of a sudden, and she said something like " why do you think everything is about you. The past few days have been awful for me. " And when I asked what happened, she didn't answer, and basically blew up at me, one thing led to another, and I was " mean " in this argument again, and we aren't talking anymore now. It was my choice though, to stop talking to her. I deleted her from the chat program we have, as well as facebook. It's been about a week, and usually she contacts me by now, but I think this might be one of those few months duration periods we stop talking.


Anyways, I just don't get it. She usually tells me what is going on with her, especially if it's something that's supposedly " awful ". I honestly think she just realized she doesn't want to get physical with me, and maybe had second thoughts on everything she was "trying" with me. So she became distant, without telling me. I just don't get it. She gives all the signs that she has feelings for me, but never acts on them.


I think she is just an attention craving human being who is playing mind games with me. Once I try to leave, she reels me back in, and once she has me, it's like she doesn't give a crap anymore. Sigh....

Edited by seagatehdd
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lol Dude, why are you still dealing with this ridiculous excuse for a human being. Ditch her today, she's so not worth it and yes she is a total mindfuc_k who is doing a top job messing with your head.


I guess she meant exactly what she meant when she said all guys are jerks, so in a way she's giving you a hint that she's trying to make men suffer by fuc_king with their heads and playing all these stupid games. Believe me she enjoys everything she's putting you through right now, it's what makes her feel empowered.


She has a damaged soul from her last ex and you happen to be the first guy that she decided to take her vengeance out on.


Do yourself a favor and walk away from her while you still can. She is NOT your friend, let alone your next love interest.

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