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"This is the last time i give a short guy a chance"

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A few weeks ago a women i know was talking about a recent ex and how bad he was and said this is the last time i give short guys a chance,first off shes about 5'2 hes maybe 5'7 so its not like hes a midget but anyway before that she came off a horrible 5 year relationship with a tall man and has also had other bad experiences with tall guys as well


Ladies why do some of you have one bad experience with a guy who happens to be short and that makes you think short guys all over are all the same? yet Tall guys you can have bad experiences with but not group them


This height thing must be pretty powerful for females

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its sure weird. i've seen it happen with short guys, virgins, men with certain carrers, men with certain hobbies and one time even men with a certain color hair. but it's rarely with rude men. they always will give another rude man a go.


The part about giving another rude man a shot is so true in their endless efforts in trying to make him "unrude" if that's even a word. :p

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As a tall guy ive seen from the other side how powerful height is to women and how much short guys are disdained by women..


Ive had married women come to me and say they wish they had a tall man like me and it disgusted me...


Theyres some good women out there but most women are more shallow then even Men and are spoiled vain self centered creatures its just in their nature...


Even women who give short guys a chance always have their eye on the prize aka the tall prince charming they were promised as a child...

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I blame short men for this problem. Just be confident, and know that if any woman holds this against them that this isn't a testimony for all women in the world. We don't all feel that way, so stop feeling insecure about your own height. If a female has a problem with this, then f her, and realize that you wouldn't want to waste your time with someone that cares about stereotypical standards of what couples should look like or that cares that much about what other people think in the first place.


I know many woman that treat being short as a strike against short men, and typically look for taller men regardless of the proportional level of height to them. But that doesn't mean we all feel that way again, so if a woman accepts you the way you are, stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder. I hate it when shorter men ask me, do you mind short guys, do you think that its a problem and then after I say no, don't believe me or act like I have offended them somehow.

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As a tall guy ive seen from the other side how powerful height is to women and how much short guys are disdained by women..


Ive had married women come to me and say they wish they had a tall man like me and it disgusted me...


Theyres some good women out there but most women are more shallow then even Men and are spoiled vain self centered creatures its just in their nature...


Even women who give short guys a chance always have their eye on the prize aka the tall prince charming they were promised as a child...


Yea, women are inherently evil little creatures when it comes to men, but yet loving and maternally connected to their children. I take it because as a woman, she knows how useless to men she is except for "two" things I already stated before. In the past she has accepted her part, but now she fights it like the plague. This is why she'll never find happiness with a real man until she resorts back to her original, correct self.


Anyway, I know about the "short" life. I'm only 5'6 but since my girlfriend knows her place, albeit annoys me sometimes, and is barely 5 feet, I do appear pretty tall to her. :D

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I know many woman that treat being short as a strike against short men, and typically look for taller men regardless of the proportional level of height to them. But that doesn't mean we all feel that way again, so if a woman accepts you the way you are, stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder. I hate it when shorter men ask me, do you mind short guys, do you think that its a problem and then after I say no, don't believe me or act like I have offended them somehow.


I've never dated a shorter guy who asked me if it was a problem. That would be lame. Obviously it's not a problem if I'm dating you!


I've dated shorter men and not thought a thing about it, really. And I'm fairly tall---not really tall, but I'm 5'6''. If a guy is taller than me and attractive to me, I don't really care about height. I will say I've never found a guy who was shorter than me attractive, but I've only met a few.


My current BF is tall. He's the first guy over 6 foot I've dated since my college BF several years ago. I actually worried at first he'd be "too tall" since I was used to shorter guys (I rarely wear heels, so I was worried about craning my neck up all the time or something, haha). But it works out fine. In the end, it's all irrelevant.


At any rate, it sounds like the girl in the OP post was socialized to believe shorter = lesser. So, she feels even more annoyed at being rejected/failing with a lesser guy than she would with someone she perceives as "better than her." Men and women both do this, especially if they see dating someone as "giving them a chance" in the beginning and the person not fitting their ideal, as it hits their ego with an extra blow. It's pretty lame all around, but people are egoistic creatures. Also, it sounds like the kind of silly comment that she likely doesn't even mean.

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I'm 5'5" and I feel a bit short at times. I had a LTR with a man who was 5'2", I casually dated someone who was 6'6". Personalities vary but incompatibility stays the same at any height.

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Enchanted Girl

@OP: She may not have meant what she said. Remember, she's in an emotionally vulnerable state if she broke-up with this guy.


My ex was short as well and he hurt me so much when he broke-up with me that I started making fun of every aspect of himself that he was insecure about, including his short height and weird fetishes. (Not to his face, but to my friends.) At the time though, neither thing really bothered me. (Well, his height didn't at least.) I was just making fun of him to make myself feel better. Because he treated me like **** and then dumped me in a cruel manner.


But that doesn't mean I'd never date a short man again. Even though I was calling him the "mother ****ing midget *******" for awhile and making fun of his teeth and freckles. His freckles were actually adorable to me and I don't really think they are ugly. I was just comforting myself that way at the time.


Now that I am over him, I can speak about him more objectively.


Women are silly little creatures that really should be confined to only two places: the kitchen and the bedroom. Other than that, she'll just be there making no sense, getting in the way, and just an annoyance.


And men are only good for their money! They can't get a woman to orgasm and they couldn't be emotionally supportive to save their lives.


Not really. I don't believe that. But if I were to say that it's as stupid as what you just said.


I'm not a bitter *******. I don't mistreat the people I am with or emotionally abuse them by treating them as less than normal human beings.


As a tall guy ive seen from the other side how powerful height is to women and how much short guys are disdained by women..


Ive had married women come to me and say they wish they had a tall man like me and it disgusted me...


Theyres some good women out there but most women are more shallow then even Men and are spoiled vain self centered creatures its just in their nature...


Even women who give short guys a chance always have their eye on the prize aka the tall prince charming they were promised as a child...


You're partially right and then you mess everything up! What is it with people and their inability to put themselves in the opposite genders shoes!


Most men and women are terrible, shallow people and treat each other like ****. Both sides are searching for those rare exceptions.


they won't give good men the time of day, but they won't leave rude men because claim they are scared to leave them. what a load.


No, you are grouping all women together as a whole. I'm very dedicated to my relationships. I only have long term relationships. My ex was an ******* and because I had little experience, I didn't know there were nicer men out there. I stayed with him for five years.


Now I'm with a nice guy and I'm very pleased with finding him.


Just because some girls are repulsed by nice guys and others stay with *******s, doesn't mean we're all out to hurt nice guys. *******s are usually just so full of themselves that they don't give a **** about their rejections and don't acknowledge that they even happened. I wouldn't say they happen less.


There was an ******* at my college that still harasses me. He told me about his bad past and how he rides motorcycles and how girls try to date him because he only becomes committed to the rare few. Keep in mind that I'm dating a guy that other girls say is like a giant teddy bear, kind hearted, and nerdy. This ******* asked me out and was shocked when I said no. He tried several times to get me to change my mind, but I felt disgust with him and his personality. Because its not that he even just says he's an *******, he's ACTED it around me, putting down others and yelling at them for having differing opinions and **** that my boyfriend would never do.


And you shouldn't want those girls who like "bad boys" to like you anyway. They are usually the ones who enjoy drama which is why they enjoy the excitement of a bad boy. WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT DATING YOU?!


I blame short men for this problem. Just be confident, and know that if any woman holds this against them that this isn't a testimony for all women in the world. We don't all feel that way, so stop feeling insecure about your own height. If a female has a problem with this, then f her, and realize that you wouldn't want to waste your time with someone that cares about stereotypical standards of what couples should look like or that cares that much about what other people think in the first place.


I know many woman that treat being short as a strike against short men, and typically look for taller men regardless of the proportional level of height to them. But that doesn't mean we all feel that way again, so if a woman accepts you the way you are, stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder. I hate it when shorter men ask me, do you mind short guys, do you think that its a problem and then after I say no, don't believe me or act like I have offended them somehow.


Yea, ****ing seriously! No one is universally attractive. I'm not universally attractive. In fact, I went on a date with a guy who wound up having zero attraction to me. I've been rejected tons of times. And I don't make threads on here whining about physical aspects of myself all the time and how every guy that I've ever liked hasn't returned my feelings. Of course they haven't all felt the same way. XD LOL. Dating is a search, not an instant gratification.


Yea, women are inherently evil little creatures when it comes to men, but yet loving and maternally connected to their children. I take it because as a woman, she knows how useless to men she is except for "two" things I already stated before. In the past she has accepted her part, but now she fights it like the plague. This is why she'll never find happiness with a real man until she resorts back to her original, correct self.


Anyway, I know about the "short" life. I'm only 5'6 but since my girlfriend knows her place, albeit annoys me sometimes, and is barely 5 feet, I do appear pretty tall to her. :D


God! Are you my ****ing ex?! LOL. No wonder you and I usually disagree. You're his height and he always talked about women that way.


Know this . . . . the reason women don't love you and love children is you're a jerk, that's all there is to it. It's a you thing, not a them thing.

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There is actually a better chance a taller girl will date you than a shorter one. But of course, that isn't saying much, because its still a small chance.


A lot of women are insecure, and they blame their inability on really stupid things. Some red haired girls loath their red hair, certain Asian girls trying to fit into American culture loath being Asian, and of course short women in general blame their height for all the things they can't do, so of course what ends up happening is that these women look at their male equivalents in absolute disgust and inferior. The truth is unfortunately, that their inferiority isn't because they have red colored hair, asian features, or aren't tall, it's that they are women :lmao:


Women in America in particularly, you see the men they date and its always obvious that he is just an embodiment of her insecurity. 4'11 Asian girls with perpetual losers but who are 6'4 Jeff Spicoli lookalikes, Ginger girls who do not date anyone with light hair, and of course the short woman icon who needs a guy that is a foot and a half taller than her. Don't date American women.

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But if she has a bad experience dating a guy 6 feet or taller, she'll continue dating THOSE men


I guarantee it. LOL



A few weeks ago a women i know was talking about a recent ex and how bad he was and said this is the last time i give short guys a chance,first off shes about 5'2 hes maybe 5'7 so its not like hes a midget but anyway before that she came off a horrible 5 year relationship with a tall man and has also had other bad experiences with tall guys as well


Ladies why do some of you have one bad experience with a guy who happens to be short and that makes you think short guys all over are all the same? yet Tall guys you can have bad experiences with but not group them


This height thing must be pretty powerful for females

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You guys realize you're only validating your own stereotype, right?



Someone calls you a horse once, insult him . Another person calls you a horse, punch him in the nose. But when a third person calls you a horse, I think it's time to buy a saddle.


Maybe certain guys act like a "stereotype" because they keep getting a raw deal that reinforces the awful truth even if they pretend it isn't so and act like mother theresa, ever consider that? I would love to see any of you females taking the moral highground walk a mile in our shoes while dating.


I don't think anyone here cares about validating or invalidating stereotypes that women will always have about all the different types of men that will never be on the cover of a romance novel anyway.

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Someone calls you a horse once, insult him . Another person calls you a horse, punch him in the nose. But when a third person calls you a horse, I think it's time to buy a saddle.


Maybe certain guys act like a "stereotype" because they keep getting a raw deal that reinforces the awful truth even if they pretend it isn't so and act like mother theresa, ever consider that? I would love to see any of you females taking the moral highground walk a mile in our shoes while dating.


I don't think anyone here cares about validating or invalidating stereotypes that women will always have about all the different types of men that will never be on the cover of a romance novel anyway.


Seriously women validate the stereotype of not wanting short men more then vice versa


Women dotn try to pick up other women so they dotn know guys plight in dating nor do they care other then trying to post some cliche fluff and tell guys to stop whining


No other physcial trait is looked own upon physically AND looked at as if you have a personality flaw becasue of it,its hillarious


Short guy is a jerk and has anger issues=all short men do


tall guy is jerk and has anger issues its just him as a individual not all tall men

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Someone calls you a horse once, insult him . Another person calls you a horse, punch him in the nose. But when a third person calls you a horse, I think it's time to buy a saddle.


Maybe certain guys act like a "stereotype" because they keep getting a raw deal that reinforces the awful truth even if they pretend it isn't so and act like mother theresa, ever consider that? I would love to see any of you females taking the moral highground walk a mile in our shoes while dating.


I don't think anyone here cares about validating or invalidating stereotypes that women will always have about all the different types of men that will never be on the cover of a romance novel anyway.

Why don't we switch up the genders for another view of this issue. Say a woman who's flat chested gets rejected by 4 men who love big-breasted women. Should she disparage all men for wanting women with big breasts? Is she just a pair of breasts where nothing else matters within the realm of attraction?


That's not to say that there aren't women who feel this way and do complain about it too.


But what people in general need to realize is that no one is universally attractive so everyone they're attracted to, won't necessarily consider them attractive. Everyday, everyone gets rejected when they leave their home and come into contact with the opposite gender. All it takes is a fleeting glance and if something about them doesn't crank the person, they're not going to consider them attractive even if it's only due to pheromones or smell that doesn't do it for you.


So the ones who don't find you attractive, don't worry about. Zero in on the ones who do find you attractive.


To be blunt, my preference is for tall men and has to do with my father who was always my hero so this has been imprinted within me, where there's a positive link to tall, dark and handsome, and most awesome, loving and caring man. That's not to say I haven't been attracted to short men because I have for certain! But it had more to do with the rest of who they were, rather than their fixation on being short.


These fixations automatically lower your self-esteem and confidence, even in situations where height has no factor. Play to your strengths, don't fixate on self-perceived flaws or weaknesses.

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my bfs short and i have no problems with him being short, or does he. it doesn't even come up, nor do i notice it at all. i think stereotyping guys based on height will eliminate potential great men. everybody is diff

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Cracker Jack
Why don't we switch up the genders for another view of this issue. Say a woman who's flat chested gets rejected by 4 men who love big-breasted women. Should she disparage all men for wanting women with big breasts? Is she just a pair of breasts where nothing else matters within the realm of attraction?


That's not to say that there aren't women who feel this way and do complain about it too.


But what people in general need to realize is that no one is universally attractive so everyone they're attracted to, won't necessarily consider them attractive. Everyday, everyone gets rejected when they leave their home and come into contact with the opposite gender. All it takes is a fleeting glance and if something about them doesn't crank the person, they're not going to consider them attractive even if it's only due to pheromones or smell that doesn't do it for you.


So the ones who don't find you attractive, don't worry about. Zero in on the ones who do find you attractive.


To be blunt, my preference is for tall men and has to do with my father who was always my hero so this has been imprinted within me, where there's a positive link to tall, dark and handsome, and most awesome, loving and caring man. That's not to say I haven't been attracted to short men because I have for certain! But it had more to do with the rest of who they were, rather than their fixation on being short.


These fixations automatically lower your self-esteem and confidence, even in situations where height has no factor. Play to your strengths, don't fixate on self-perceived flaws or weaknesses.


Very nice post.


To be honest, I never became self-conscious about my (5'8") height until I started coming on here. It's wasted energy when you really think about it. Women generally have a preference for taller men, and that's fine. Constantly getting on women for a preference is stupid, anyway, since preferences aren't restricted to women.


I guess the only thing that used to annoy me was the "most short guys have a complex", which I always thought was an unfair generalization. There are some with that unnecessary attitude, but I don't think it's something only seen in short men.

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Why don't we switch up the genders for another view of this issue. Say a woman who's flat chested gets rejected by 4 men who love big-breasted women. Should she disparage all men for wanting women with big breasts? Is she just a pair of breasts where nothing else matters within the realm of attraction?


That's not to say that there aren't women who feel this way and do complain about it too.


But what people in general need to realize is that no one is universally attractive so everyone they're attracted to, won't necessarily consider them attractive. Everyday, everyone gets rejected when they leave their home and come into contact with the opposite gender. All it takes is a fleeting glance and if something about them doesn't crank the person, they're not going to consider them attractive even if it's only due to pheromones or smell that doesn't do it for you.


So the ones who don't find you attractive, don't worry about. Zero in on the ones who do find you attractive.


To be blunt, my preference is for tall men and has to do with my father who was always my hero so this has been imprinted within me, where there's a positive link to tall, dark and handsome, and most awesome, loving and caring man. That's not to say I haven't been attracted to short men because I have for certain! But it had more to do with the rest of who they were, rather than their fixation on being short.


These fixations automatically lower your self-esteem and confidence, even in situations where height has no factor. Play to your strengths, don't fixate on self-perceived flaws or weaknesses.


breast size is nowhere near as important as height,height is almost a universal trait of attraction for women


I know guys who like all different breast sizes and never heard even my most shallow friends turn down a pretty girl because she wasnt a c or d cup where ive heard women turn down a guy because he wasnt an inch or two more off the ground


Plus women with small breasts dont get labeled having complexes just because they have small breasts


One short guy a women goes out with is a jerk or has a bad temper and its autoamtically because hes short and all of a sudden all short Mne are like this


Why cant a short guy whos a jerk be a jerk just because some people in this world are jerks? why does it have to be becasue of his height?

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Very nice post.


To be honest, I never became self-conscious about my (5'8") height until I started coming on here. It's wasted energy when you really think about it. Women generally have a preference for taller men, and that's fine. Constantly getting on women for a preference is stupid, anyway, since preferences aren't restricted to women.


I guess the only thing that used to annoy me was the "most short guys have a complex", which I always thought was an unfair generalization. There are some with that unnecessary attitude, but I don't think it's something only seen in short men.

Firstly, 5'8" isn't short, at least from my perspective.


The short and breast things are bizarre. Most often they're just crutches for other issues. If someone has a major attitude problem towards the opposite gender, they're not going to be perceived as attractive by the opposite gender which will then create a circular reinforcement to their fixation, that their fixation is the cause of all their problems.


Better to stop focusing on their fixation which will hopefully translate into a better attitude towards the opposite gender which will then translate to attraction from the opposite gender. Quite frankly, who's attracted to someone who dislikes them?

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The part about giving another rude man a shot is so true in their endless efforts in trying to make him "unrude" if that's even a word. :p



It's not a word but of all people on earth who have a right to use it, you do. So feel free! And FTR, I don't like you because you don't have a good grasp of the use of the english language.:p

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its sure weird. i've seen it happen with short guys, virgins, men with certain carrers, men with certain hobbies and one time even men with a certain color hair. but it's rarely with rude men. they always will give another rude man a go.


That seriously made me laugh.


But, it goes both ways. I've seen plenty of guys who generalize: "Don't date nurses", "chicks who ride horses are nuts", etc, etc.


I think it's human nature to draw connections between things where no connection exists. It's not easy to live in a world where there are no rules, so people create them.



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Mme. Chaucer
As a tall guy ive seen from the other side how powerful height is to women and how much short guys are disdained by women..


Ive had married women come to me and say they wish they had a tall man like me and it disgusted me...


Theyres some good women out there but most women are more shallow then even Men and are spoiled vain self centered creatures its just in their nature...


Even women who give short guys a chance always have their eye on the prize aka the tall prince charming they were promised as a child...


You have such a rich and active fantasy life.

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breast size is nowhere near as important as height,height is almost a universal trait of attraction for women


I know guys who like all different breast sizes and never heard even my most shallow friends turn down a pretty girl because she wasnt a c or d cup where ive heard women turn down a guy because he wasnt an inch or two more off the ground


Plus women with small breasts dont get labeled having complexes just because they have small breasts


One short guy a women goes out with is a jerk or has a bad temper and its autoamtically because hes short and all of a sudden all short Mne are like this


Why cant a short guy whos a jerk be a jerk just because some people in this world are jerks? why does it have to be becasue of his height?

Anecdoetal evidence doesn't make it so and once again, a validation of the stereotype.


Height and breast size are two issues that aren't the sole reasons why people get rejected consistently.

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That seriously made me laugh.


But, it goes both ways. I've seen plenty of guys who generalize: "Don't date nurses", "chicks who ride horses are nuts", etc, etc.


I think it's human nature to draw connections between things where no connection exists. It's not easy to live in a world where there are no rules, so people create them.




THIS. The human brain is prone to labels, making connections, and detecting patterns. It's great for survival and progression of the species, but certainly has its flaws sometimes.

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Very nice post.


To be honest, I never became self-conscious about my (5'8") height until I started coming on here. It's wasted energy when you really think about it. Women generally have a preference for taller men, and that's fine. Constantly getting on women for a preference is stupid, anyway, since preferences aren't restricted to women.


I guess the only thing that used to annoy me was the "most short guys have a complex", which I always thought was an unfair generalization. There are some with that unnecessary attitude, but I don't think it's something only seen in short men.


Dude, the average height for a male in the US 5'9' why would you feel self-conscious?

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