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"This is the last time i give a short guy a chance"

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Enchanted Girl
Someone calls you a horse once, insult him . Another person calls you a horse, punch him in the nose. But when a third person calls you a horse, I think it's time to buy a saddle.


Maybe certain guys act like a "stereotype" because they keep getting a raw deal that reinforces the awful truth even if they pretend it isn't so and act like mother theresa, ever consider that? I would love to see any of you females taking the moral highground walk a mile in our shoes while dating.


I don't think anyone here cares about validating or invalidating stereotypes that women will always have about all the different types of men that will never be on the cover of a romance novel anyway.


Men on here regularly complain about women's weight and say women of my weight or more are fat. (And no, I'm not telling you what my weight is.) Some men go as far as saying women who weigh more than 100 lbs. are fat. And I hear them saying this crap in person as well.


Yet, I have been here over a year and haven't read even one thread where a woman complains about short men.


And yet women don't make threads about men's shallowness towards their weight nearly as much as men do about their height on here.


I know I'm not skinny enough for some men to date and several of them have told me so directly, BUT I don't care because there are several men who would and have dated me, so I'm not constantly making threads on here complaining about it.


Seriously women validate the stereotype of not wanting short men more then vice versa


Women dotn try to pick up other women so they dotn know guys plight in dating nor do they care other then trying to post some cliche fluff and tell guys to stop whining


No other physcial trait is looked own upon physically AND looked at as if you have a personality flaw becasue of it,its hillarious


Short guy is a jerk and has anger issues=all short men do


tall guy is jerk and has anger issues its just him as a individual not all tall men




I am a bisexual woman. I've tried to pick up other women a ton of times. =/ It's really not that different than trying to pick up men, except that men usually jump into relationships with girls very quickly, while women are slower to agree to anything.


I dated a short guy with anger management issues and they were caused by his mother, not his height, so don't worry, I know the two are unrelated.


Why don't we switch up the genders for another view of this issue. Say a woman who's flat chested gets rejected by 4 men who love big-breasted women. Should she disparage all men for wanting women with big breasts? Is she just a pair of breasts where nothing else matters within the realm of attraction?


That's not to say that there aren't women who feel this way and do complain about it too.


But what people in general need to realize is that no one is universally attractive so everyone they're attracted to, won't necessarily consider them attractive. Everyday, everyone gets rejected when they leave their home and come into contact with the opposite gender. All it takes is a fleeting glance and if something about them doesn't crank the person, they're not going to consider them attractive even if it's only due to pheromones or smell that doesn't do it for you.


So the ones who don't find you attractive, don't worry about. Zero in on the ones who do find you attractive.


To be blunt, my preference is for tall men and has to do with my father who was always my hero so this has been imprinted within me, where there's a positive link to tall, dark and handsome, and most awesome, loving and caring man. That's not to say I haven't been attracted to short men because I have for certain! But it had more to do with the rest of who they were, rather than their fixation on being short.


These fixations automatically lower your self-esteem and confidence, even in situations where height has no factor. Play to your strengths, don't fixate on self-perceived flaws or weaknesses.


Yep, that's what I was trying to say. Lots of men dislike the way I look and I don't cry about it all the time.


Very nice post.


To be honest, I never became self-conscious about my (5'8") height until I started coming on here. It's wasted energy when you really think about it. Women generally have a preference for taller men, and that's fine. Constantly getting on women for a preference is stupid, anyway, since preferences aren't restricted to women.


I guess the only thing that used to annoy me was the "most short guys have a complex", which I always thought was an unfair generalization. There are some with that unnecessary attitude, but I don't think it's something only seen in short men.


Agreed. I have a preference for dating nice men, should mean, angry men all be offended? XD


And also, just because someone has a "preference", doesn't mean they don't sometimes date people outside their preference.


My current boyfriend is amazing, but my ex was a huge *******. I thought that the fact that he was a jerk, since he did it in a weird way was kind of funny when I first met him, but he was the exception.


People are always making exceptions to their preferences.


breast size is nowhere near as important as height,height is almost a universal trait of attraction for women


I know guys who like all different breast sizes and never heard even my most shallow friends turn down a pretty girl because she wasnt a c or d cup where ive heard women turn down a guy because he wasnt an inch or two more off the ground


Plus women with small breasts dont get labeled having complexes just because they have small breasts


One short guy a women goes out with is a jerk or has a bad temper and its autoamtically because hes short and all of a sudden all short Mne are like this


Why cant a short guy whos a jerk be a jerk just because some people in this world are jerks? why does it have to be becasue of his height?


Breast size is pretty universal as well. If it wasn't, then porn wouldn't be the way it is.


I know girls who prefer short men and even girls who prefer tiny penises. Should I say a lot of men's insecurities on this board are invalid now?


That seriously made me laugh.


But, it goes both ways. I've seen plenty of guys who generalize: "Don't date nurses", "chicks who ride horses are nuts", etc, etc.


I think it's human nature to draw connections between things where no connection exists. It's not easy to live in a world where there are no rules, so people create them.




Agreed. People are stupid. I've seen both genders do this.


My boyfriend likes me because I'm ticklish and claims that girls who aren't ticklish are angry people. I think the two are unrelated.


women do most of generalizing.


No, they do not. They just do all the generalizing that hurts you, personally.


I wish you'd shut your big trap.


I know. It's offensive to find a woman who's actually rational and kind. It destroys all your theories and you have a need to be unhappy.

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Enchanted Girl
Dude, the average height for a male in the US 5'9' why would you feel self-conscious?


Agreed. I've dated many men and only 1 who was 6 feet tall or taller. My ex was short because he was 5'5", but I wouldn't really call 5'8" short.

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Enchanted Girl
women do most of the generalization. threebyfate either rational or kind? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you must be ****ing kidding me. threebyfate should shut her trap.


I can always tell what kind of quality a man is based on how he talks about women. Men who say all women are evil tend to be selfish men who can't put their foot in another person's shoes. They only see their own hurt and their own pain and want to make others miserable because of it and not look at each situation as an individual one.


My boyfriend is a nice guy for real and he's been rejected for being a nice guy for real. He has never once claimed that all women are bitches because of it, even though he's been treated like crap. He doesn't act like he's five and knows that dating involves getting hurt.


Same with women. The bitchiest ones are the ones who usually complain the most about being hurt. And I'm not talking about crying. It's fine to cry. I'm talking about the stereotyping. Saying all men are this or that and that they hate men and how women are better.


I'm bisexual and women aren't worse than men or vice versa. There's ****ty people of both genders. If it was really so great to date men, then why aren't you dating them? Why do you continue to date women if they are all evil and out to hurt you? Because the truth is, you'd run into the same problems if you were dating men as well.

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Agreed. I've dated many men and only 1 who was 6 feet tall or taller. My ex was short because he was 5'5", but I wouldn't really call 5'8" short.


Really? I always assumed the averages were skewed by older generations (i.e. Great Depression generation = less nourishment, plus less crazy hormones in their food; kids get bigger every year). I've never even meet very many men under 5'8'' in my age range. . . (I'm 26). I'm 5'6'' and I've met maybe half a dozen men within 10 years of my age who are shorter than I.

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@OP: She may not have meant what she said. Remember, she's in an emotionally vulnerable state if she broke-up with this guy.


My ex was short as well and he hurt me so much when he broke-up with me that I started making fun of every aspect of himself that he was insecure about, including his short height and weird fetishes. (Not to his face, but to my friends.) At the time though, neither thing really bothered me. (Well, his height didn't at least.) I was just making fun of him to make myself feel better. Because he treated me like **** and then dumped me in a cruel manner.


But that doesn't mean I'd never date a short man again. Even though I was calling him the "mother ****ing midget *******" for awhile and making fun of his teeth and freckles. His freckles were actually adorable to me and I don't really think they are ugly. I was just comforting myself that way at the time.


Now that I am over him, I can speak about him more objectively.




And men are only good for their money! They can't get a woman to orgasm and they couldn't be emotionally supportive to save their lives.


Not really. I don't believe that. But if I were to say that it's as stupid as what you just said.


I'm not a bitter *******. I don't mistreat the people I am with or emotionally abuse them by treating them as less than normal human beings.




You're partially right and then you mess everything up! What is it with people and their inability to put themselves in the opposite genders shoes!


Most men and women are terrible, shallow people and treat each other like ****. Both sides are searching for those rare exceptions.




No, you are grouping all women together as a whole. I'm very dedicated to my relationships. I only have long term relationships. My ex was an ******* and because I had little experience, I didn't know there were nicer men out there. I stayed with him for five years.


Now I'm with a nice guy and I'm very pleased with finding him.


Just because some girls are repulsed by nice guys and others stay with *******s, doesn't mean we're all out to hurt nice guys. *******s are usually just so full of themselves that they don't give a **** about their rejections and don't acknowledge that they even happened. I wouldn't say they happen less.


There was an ******* at my college that still harasses me. He told me about his bad past and how he rides motorcycles and how girls try to date him because he only becomes committed to the rare few. Keep in mind that I'm dating a guy that other girls say is like a giant teddy bear, kind hearted, and nerdy. This ******* asked me out and was shocked when I said no. He tried several times to get me to change my mind, but I felt disgust with him and his personality. Because its not that he even just says he's an *******, he's ACTED it around me, putting down others and yelling at them for having differing opinions and **** that my boyfriend would never do.


And you shouldn't want those girls who like "bad boys" to like you anyway. They are usually the ones who enjoy drama which is why they enjoy the excitement of a bad boy. WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT DATING YOU?!




Yea, ****ing seriously! No one is universally attractive. I'm not universally attractive. In fact, I went on a date with a guy who wound up having zero attraction to me. I've been rejected tons of times. And I don't make threads on here whining about physical aspects of myself all the time and how every guy that I've ever liked hasn't returned my feelings. Of course they haven't all felt the same way. XD LOL. Dating is a search, not an instant gratification.




God! Are you my ****ing ex?! LOL. No wonder you and I usually disagree. You're his height and he always talked about women that way.


Know this . . . . the reason women don't love you and love children is you're a jerk, that's all there is to it. It's a you thing, not a them thing.


You're right, I am a jerk lol, but I love it because it's the new improved me and it's working wonders. I always had this side to me, but I held in check because I thought it would make me lots of enemies. In reality, I'd say I get about a 50-50 split. I'll accept it because having a backbone actually garners the respect of many, whereas when I used to just be agreeable, even though I disagreed deep down, people never really spoke to me after that. A lesson well learned.


See, the thing is, I'm not a jerk all day long. That would be detrimental to my well-being. I'm just an ******* in doses and it keeps people in check. I especially use this side of me on my girlfriend, and though she sometimes snaps at me for it, she eventually starts laughing again, because I know how to tickle those funny bones, and get her back in my corner again. :cool:

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Really? I always assumed the averages were skewed by older generations (i.e. Great Depression generation = less nourishment, plus less crazy hormones in their food; kids get bigger every year). I've never even meet very many men under 5'8'' in my age range. . . (I'm 26). I'm 5'6'' and I've met maybe half a dozen men within 10 years of my age who are shorter than I.


Yea, the study was done in the 2000s and it was males 20-29 (if I remember correctly).


Americans are getting bigger by the generation but that is more horizontally than vertically.

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Enchanted Girl
Really? I always assumed the averages were skewed by older generations (i.e. Great Depression generation = less nourishment, plus less crazy hormones in their food; kids get bigger every year). I've never even meet very many men under 5'8'' in my age range. . . (I'm 26). I'm 5'6'' and I've met maybe half a dozen men within 10 years of my age who are shorter than I.


I've met a ton of men under 5'8" actually. XD But maybe its my area.


You're right, I am a jerk lol, but I love it because it's the new improved me and it's working wonders. I always had this side to me, but I held in check because I thought it would make me lots of enemies. In reality, I'd say I get about a 50-50 split. I'll accept it because having a backbone actually garners the respect of many, whereas when I used to just be agreeable, even though I disagreed deep down, people never really spoke to me after that. A lesson well learned.


See, the thing is, I'm not a jerk all day long. That would be detrimental to my well-being. I'm just an ******* in doses and it keeps people in check. I especially use this side of me on my girlfriend, and though she sometimes snaps at me for it, she eventually starts laughing again, because I know how to tickle those funny bones, and get her back in my corner again. :cool:


Well, I prefer people to have a balance. It's not good to let people trample over you in general, but its bad to be an ******* as well.


It sounds like you're not necessarily imbalanced though, but you shouldn't treat your girlfriend the way you do in my opinion if you tell her the things you said in this thread.


how can you call threebyfate rational? she should shut her trap. I don't date men because I'm straight.


Why are you upset by her?


Yea, the study was done in the 2000s and it was males 20-29 (if I remember correctly).


Americans are getting bigger by the generation but that is more horizontally than vertically.


Ahahahaha. I can believe that.

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Why don't we switch up the genders for another view of this issue. Say a woman who's flat chested gets rejected by 4 men who love big-breasted women. Should she disparage all men for wanting women with big breasts? Is she just a pair of breasts where nothing else matters within the realm of attraction?


That's not to say that there aren't women who feel this way and do complain about it too.


But what people in general need to realize is that no one is universally attractive so everyone they're attracted to, won't necessarily consider them attractive. Everyday, everyone gets rejected when they leave their home and come into contact with the opposite gender. All it takes is a fleeting glance and if something about them doesn't crank the person, they're not going to consider them attractive even if it's only due to pheromones or smell that doesn't do it for you.


So the ones who don't find you attractive, don't worry about. Zero in on the ones who do find you attractive.


To be blunt, my preference is for tall men and has to do with my father who was always my hero so this has been imprinted within me, where there's a positive link to tall, dark and handsome, and most awesome, loving and caring man. That's not to say I haven't been attracted to short men because I have for certain! But it had more to do with the rest of who they were, rather than their fixation on being short.


These fixations automatically lower your self-esteem and confidence, even in situations where height has no factor. Play to your strengths, don't fixate on self-perceived flaws or weaknesses. [/Quote]



Like the other guy said, among my friends even the most shallow of them, I have never heard them reject a girl because she has small boobs. The only men who have the luxury of rejecting an otherwise good girl because she's a B or A instead of a C or D are probably calvin klein underwear models and trillionaires.


Are you seriously going to argue that breast size is as big of a deal to men as height is to women? Because there is absolutely no comparison. You can be beautiful and have a small chest, there is plenty of evidence to support this. However, you can never be considered a very desirable man if you are under 5'10, the best you can hope for is "compensate" for it with huge muscles and a good job and pray there is a woman out there who will "forgive" your height. These are simply the cold hard facts and it sucks.


And at the end of the day, you still do the same thing other women do about height. You correlate personality traits to a physical one, which is so unbelievable to me. Women have an aesthetic preference for tall men, it not fair but its life, but why do women have to go the extra step in attributing all these absurd positive traits like they are better protectors, they are better people, they are more loving, you realize that what pisses us off is your preconceived notions and attributing all these good things to people who don't always deserve it (and most likely, whether you admit it or not, bad ones to people who also don't always deserve it) not simply you sexually desiring a certain physical trait?




Enchanted Girl - yes now you are making the fat girl comparison but there is none. First of all, fat men will generally have no problem dating fat women (of course there are exceptions on both sides who are fat and don't want to date other fat people, but that is pretty even in both genders). Second of all, women generally like fat guys about as much as vice a versa. Third of all, if you don't like being rejected from being fat and are desperate enough, you CAN lose weight.


Shorter men on the hand: Tall and short women find us equally unattractive, short women perhaps even more. Every single man who is dating and is not tall I can guarantee you would go through any length possible to become taller if it was something we could control like weight. I actually am pretty comfortable in my own skin and like my height for a few reasons and don't think I'm a dwarf by any means, but when I think of all the girls I connected with intellectually and values-wise and didn't want me simply because I wasn't the right height (and yeah I know "they weren't worth it anyway" but lets put the cliches aside for a minute and get real) I can guarantee this would weigh on any man after a certain point. I can find girls both shorter and taller than me attractive, I think this is what frustrates me the most : the fact that I just don't understand this and never will .

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Like the other guy said, among my friends even the most shallow of them, I have never heard them reject a girl because she has small boobs. The only men who have the luxury of rejecting an otherwise good girl because she's a B or A instead of a C or D are probably calvin klein underwear models and trillionaires.


Are you seriously going to argue that breast size is as big of a deal to men as height is to women? Because there is absolutely no comparison. You can be beautiful and have a small chest, there is plenty of evidence to support this. However, you can never be considered a very desirable man if you are under 5'10, the best you can hope for is "compensate" for it with huge muscles and a good job and pray there is a woman out there who will "forgive" your height. These are simply the cold hard facts and it sucks.

Yes, I am serious about height and breast fixations as crutches.


There are more than enough "short" men who are in relationships or are dating regularly. Not every woman wants a tall man. These are facts.


People use the stereotypical ideal, in order to pre-emptively reject or blame rejection solely on fixation.

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The shortest guy I dated was either 5'7'' or 5'8'' and he is generally considered "sexy" and very desirable, so I'm not buying the "never if under 5'10''" argument. (And he's literally the shortest guy in the room most of the time I've been around him, since as I said, apparently in my area, there aren't a lot of guys our age under that height.)


I do think a man 5'6'' or under is at a disadvantage. But so are women with plenty of different features. No one is universally attractive, and plenty of features are particularly off-putting. A woman with, for example, a very tall, manly build is going to be in a worse spot than a guy under 5'6'' IMO.


And what good does focusing on people's preferences against you or your disadvantage do?

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And what good does focusing on people's preferences against you or your disadvantage do?



For real...work with what you have, not with what you DON'T have. I was in love with a 5'7" guy. His height was no problem (I'm 5'6"). But developing substance abuse issues were, lol.

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The shortest guy I dated was either 5'7'' or 5'8'' and he is generally considered "sexy" and very desirable, so I'm not buying the "never if under 5'10''" argument. (And he's literally the shortest guy in the room most of the time I've been around him, since as I said, apparently in my area, there aren't a lot of guys our age under that height.)


I do think a man 5'6'' or under is at a disadvantage. But so are women with plenty of different features. No one is universally attractive, and plenty of features are particularly off-putting. A woman with, for example, a very tall, manly build is going to be in a worse spot than a guy under 5'6'' IMO.


And what good does focusing on people's preferences against you or your disadvantage do?


I'm sure that you are exagerrating how desirable that 5'7 guy is considered to make a point. I am sure he is also very muscular or wealthy, those are the only guys I see under 5'10 with girlfriends.

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Yes, I am serious about height and breast fixations as crutches.


There are more than enough "short" men who are in relationships or are dating regularly. Not every woman wants a tall man. These are facts.


People use the stereotypical ideal, in order to pre-emptively reject or blame rejection solely on fixation.



I don't think a woman with a big breasts is more capable of love, kindness, or would make a better girlfriend. That is the difference.


And yes, every woman I have met has a preference for a tall man, seriously. There are some more willing to "tolerate" a not so tall man if he "makes up for it" with exaggerating other features, but I have never and never will hear a woman talk about a short mans height as something that god forbid, can have positive aspects to it.

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I don't think a woman with a big breasts is more capable of love, kindness, or would make a better girlfriend. That is the difference.


And yes, every woman I have met has a preference for a tall man, seriously. There are some more willing to "tolerate" a not so tall man if he "makes up for it" with exaggerating other features, but I have never and never will hear a woman talk about a short mans height as something that god forbid, can have positive aspects to it.

Actually, on LS, there have been a number of women who've expressed their preference for short men.


I've yet to hear of any man who's said that flat chested women are their ideal or preference. But many don't view breasts as the sole element of attraction, much like many women don't view height as the sole element of attraction.

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Actually, on LS, there have been a number of women who've expressed their preference for short men.


I've yet to hear of any man who's said that flat chested women are their ideal or preference. But many don't view breasts as the sole element of attraction, much like many women don't view height as the sole element of attraction.


So true. I'm short - only 5'3 and put off by really tall guys. A guy I am sort of seeing at the moment is only 5'4 at most. And he has no problem getting women at all. He's extremely attractive, outgoing, confident and just an overall nice guy.

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As objectively as a person can be from reading these post I cannot help but think that the GLARING "SHORT" comings of some posters are a major turn off. So that in itself would qualify under the "short" of common sense category.

I sadly admit I don't date persons who have dillusional and grandiose attitudes of themselves.

TO the Ladies here, Thanks for staying true and realistic.

To some of the XY Chromies, sincerely get help. No one should walk thru life with one eye closed and no ears to listen with. Its just not right...

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I'm sure that you are exagerrating how desirable that 5'7 guy is considered to make a point. I am sure he is also very muscular or wealthy, those are the only guys I see under 5'10 with girlfriends.


You can be sure all you want, but it doesn't make it so.


He makes a good living, sure, but so do a lot of the other guys we know in that social circle. He has a really cute face, and he's a sexy, funny, smart guy. He's not "very muscular" (as that's not my type) but he's in shape. Definitely not a gym rat and doesn't even have a gym membership---doesn't work out every day either, or even close. But he doesn't have trouble finding a GF, including (if I do say so myself) cute ones like me. :) Any person of either sex who's "very desirable" is reasonably in shape, though. And this guy definitely isn't "ripped" as I find that look gross. He's no Brad Pitt or whatever, but he definitely does well, better in many cases than some of his taller friends (all of whom have similar careers/money/etc), but he has a more attractive face, so that makes sense. Most women I know go for face over height.


Half the guys I've dated are under 5'10''.

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So true. I'm short - only 5'3 and put off by really tall guys. A guy I am sort of seeing at the moment is only 5'4 at most. And he has no problem getting women at all. He's extremely attractive, outgoing, confident and just an overall nice guy.
One of the most attractive men I've ever met was a guy who wasn't average height. He even wore glasses but his overall attitude in the way his eyes sparkled, mischevious personality and mannerisms, just put him way, way up there!
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The 5'2" guy was actually pretty good looking to my eyes, but not rich by any stretch of imagination and during our second year gained some weight. He was very passionate, in a good and bad way. Never had a problem pulling women, although getting a keeper was an issue.


Now that I'm thinking about it, I think the 6'6" guy was an anomaly in terms of the heights of men I've dated... a tree I frankly wish I'd never climbed. It wasn't until years later that I realised he was a walking textbook example of borderline personality disorder.

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It's not true that all women prefer tall men. Personally, I prefer short men because they're closer to my height. I wouldn't want to date a guy who's shorter than me, but I'm only 5'1" so I don't have to worry about that. But I wouldn't want to date a guy who towers over me either. The tallest guy I've ever dated was 5'10". I don't think I'd like it if he was taller than that. I definitely couldn't date a guy who's over 6 feet, that would just make me feel uncomfortable and self-conscious.


you can never be considered a very desirable man if you are under 5'10, the best you can hope for is "compensate" for it with huge muscles and a good job and pray there is a woman out there who will "forgive" your height. These are simply the cold hard facts and it sucks.


That could not be further from the truth. Most of the guys I've dated were in the 5'7" to 5'9" range, and I consider that absolutely perfect. And no, they didn't have huge muscles and they weren't wealthy. Huge muscles are a turn-off for me anyway; I prefer a man with a normal body, not a man who looks like he's on steroids. And I certainly don't date men for their money. I have a job and I can take care of myself, thanks.


when I think of all the girls I connected with intellectually and values-wise and didn't want me simply because I wasn't the right height...I can guarantee this would weigh on any man after a certain point.


Are you sure your height was the reason they rejected you? Maybe they just thought you were unattractive in general. Maybe they didn't like your personality. Maybe they didn't like your sense of humor. They could have a million reasons for turning you down. Your height probably had nothing to do with it.


Most women actually look at a man's face to determine if he is attractive or not. Whether he's short or tall has no bearing on his attractiveness. I've dated short guys and I didn't have to "forgive" their height because there was nothing wrong with their height. In fact, I liked it. I thought they were hot and I never really noticed that they were shorter than average. They probably looked tall standing next to me anyway, lol.

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I don't know why hight is so important to me. I actually cut ties with one FWB for it (he was 6ft) because it didn't.. work for me. Anywhere from 6'3-6'8 (been with both and in between) is comfortable. Maybe it's because I like feeling fragile/smaller/protected.. I'm not sure.

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I don't know why hight is so important to me. I actually cut ties with one FWB for it (he was 6ft) because it didn't.. work for me. Anywhere from 6'3-6'8 (been with both and in between) is comfortable. Maybe it's because I like feeling fragile/smaller/protected.. I'm not sure.


6'1 too short for you eh! Why do you want to be fragile? What about the whole 'you go girl', 'girls kick ass' philosophy? What do you need protection from..al qaeda?

Would you empathise with a guy that rejected women or his gf when they put on weight because they are now bigger and don't make him feel as masculine anymore and he worries he wont be able to protect them as well?

Edited by ascendotum
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I don't know why hight is so important to me. I actually cut ties with one FWB for it (he was 6ft) because it didn't.. work for me. Anywhere from 6'3-6'8 (been with both and in between) is comfortable. Maybe it's because I like feeling fragile/smaller/protected.. I'm not sure.
Either you have some deep insecurity, or the guy in question was doing something very wrong.
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And yet women don't make threads about men's shallowness towards their weight nearly as much as men do about their height on here.[/quoute]


Of course, that's because women have control of their weight, but men can't control their height.

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