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We have been friends, but i want to be more than that

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Hi loveshack community, this is my first post and hope that you gals/guys can help me out. So ive been friends with this girl for around 5 or 4 years already, we have always have had a since of being best friends. but recently ive been really into her:love: ive had multiple dreams about her and i havent been able to get her of my head. now i know that a lot of people would say that i just think she is hot, but i just love the way she is. we hanged out today(spent like 3 or 4 hours together) and we were talking and just chilling. ive known her for a while and i really love her, ive thought of making a move but i dont want to cause a freakout moment or just get turned down and mess up our friendship that we have. i was thinking about asking her ex( im really cool with him) if she even mentioned me or anything. but most importantly is getting out of the considered "friendzone" impossible? if not how are some good ways of getting out of it. hope i get some good advice- Anthony

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get the fear out of your system, it won't do you any good..

if you love her, and are friends with her..

the worst thing she could do to you is tell you... sorry, but I want things to keep on moving on the way they are and that's it...

four or five years or friendship are quite a lot...

how would you know if she loves you don't take the iniciative..

have the guts, get out of the comfort zone.. sometimes it takes things to great places..

: )

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oh 5 years you been together as bestfriends it is always end up for you get develop with her because 5 yrs is really quite long that you've known with her. Try to make some move dude, Just tell of what you have feel for her. There's nothing wrong with that. If she won't really accept you as more than bestfriend well you have nothing to do, because you can never teach her to love you out of pityness. :)

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