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Phd Study Looking for LDRs...

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I'm a PhD student interested in communication technologies and LDRs and I need your help!


I'm looking for long-distance couples. Don't worry, I'm not asking for anything substantial - just send 4 messages to your partner, each including a v. short questionnaire and at the end fill in a short questionnaire. Please find the instructions below.


If you're willing to take part, please drop me a message such that I can keep a rough idea of numbers :)


And of course, also feel free to circulate this message to anyone you think might be interested...


Many, many, many thanks






We are interested in communication technologies, the way people use them and how personalised they are.


What we would like you to do is this:


1) Send your partner a typed letter. As the end, ask them to complete this survey:



2) Wait a few days


3) Send your partner a hand-written letter. At the end, ask them to complete this survey:



4) Wait a few days


5) Send your partner a personalised email. What we mean by this is handwrite a letter, take a photo of it or scan it and then email the image. As the end, ask them to complete this survey:



6) Wait a few days


7) Send your partner an email. As the end, ask them to complete this survey:



8) Complete this survey:



9) Receive our grateful thanks


Please note that the surveys will close on the 26th of August.


My thanks as always...

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