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Do women go for guys who don't have cars?

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I'm 20 years old and I don't have a car right now mainly because driving is getting expensive nowadays, and lately I'm getting the impression that women will not go for a guy who does not have a car.

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I'd say it's preferred for sure. What age range are you dating? The younger girls might be more understanding.

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I honestly couldn't care less if a guy has a car or not. This might be because I live in a city with good public transportation and no one I know owns a car, though. Maybe I'd have a different opinion if I lived somewhere where having a car was absolutely necessary just to go to the park or to the movies (does not having a car make it impractical for you to go on dates? because I could see that being a problem.) But I guess I'm saying I'd only ever care about it for practical reasons. Bottom line: I don't consider a car an interesting marker of status or as a good indication of whether a guy is accomplished or trustworthy or anything else one might possibly argue a car could say about a person.

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I don't even know how to drive and had many experiences. Having a car has nothing to with personality and self-confidence. Those are the two things women look for the most.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's probably due to the fact that you have been fixating on the behaviour of girls with no personalities, and ignoring the nice caring girl that just walked past on the path right behind you.


A true woman (not a girl, meaning no personality) will like you for who you truly are, regardless of whether you were homeless living in a cardboard box or driving a Firrarri. Just be yourself, that way a lady can trust you and eventually will be able to build a relationship with you.


Good Luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you're in the US, I would suspect that women associate your driving a car as a means to make money or support her or yourself. Why? The US is based on the commuting model of transport, not so much the mass transit model that you see in Asia or Europe.


Now, bluntly, if you live in a place like LA and don't have a car, you're pretty much without a job and without money.

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If they only want a guy because he has a car, their stupid. If they don't want a guy because he does not have a car, they're even more stupid.


I am a hippie at heart and don't feel the need to own a car, I rent one if I need one. Until I can get a hemp car I refuse to buy one haha


My girlfriend and I get around just fine on public transportation. I live in Vancouver and it's much easier to bike and use public transport to get around than drive and get stuck in traffic.


and yes I have had a number of long lasting relationships without ever owning a car

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