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how do i find out?


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I'm 19 years old and I really want to know if this girl from a school right near mine likes me. But I'm not sure if she does. I guess my question is how do I approach this? Should I hint at it? or should I flat out ask her?...thanks to whoever responds

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You didn't say if you knew her personally. If you do, ask her out. If you don't, introduce yourself.


I don't think it's ever a good idea to come right out and ask a girl if she likes you. You need to be a little more skillful and coy than that. If she agrees to do something with you, the chances are great that there is some attraction there.


She won't know if she likes you until she gets to know you. I will also tell you that high school girls don't like guys who kiss their butts so I suggest you play this REAL COOL!!!

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