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Our fling has ended - no contact?

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Hi there,


me and my friends moved into a new house a few months back, ever since then i got to know my neighbour down the road and we became instant friends. we started hanging out at weekends hitting the town and having a god time, then we started 'dating' really, i wouldnt call it dating but having her coming over and staying the night during weekdays. we would watch movies together and be intimate but at the same same be so comfortable with eachother and just be really good friends in general. she would often say that im one of the sweetest person she has ever met and always says she thinks the world of me. but i knew deep down that she doesnt want a relationship cus she had a bad past, and i re-called her saying one night to me after i told her i really liked her, she said 'i really really like you too, but just dont hurt me'...


so we'v been hanging out and getting intimate for a while now but it all went wrong at the weekend. she's now gone away on hols for a month. but before she went we all went to a party and i seen her getting very close to someone. they hung out for the alot of the night and it made me very jelous. she said she was going home cus she didnt feel well and then i seen them leave together!! i talked to her the next day and she said absolutly nothing happened and that she left the house party to go home and he went his seperate way and that they were purely innocent. and that she has too much respect for me to ever do that to me. i admit i got jelous but rightly so!


so before she left for holidays for a month yesterday, i said to her that i cant continue on seeing her like this because im head over heals for her and i told her that i dont want to be head over heals for her cus i dont want to get into a serious thing. she says she thinks the world of me and that to her im one in a million and that our friendship means so much to her in so many ways and that i deserve the best and hopes i find a cool girl that will treat me so right. so i asked her if she wanted to stay the night one more time before she went off and she said it wouldnt be a good idea cus she didnt want to f**k with my head...


then she explained to me the next day that my happyness means alot to her and that she is sorry she couldnt fullfill that.


i admit i may have rushed into things myself but im stuck and confused of what to do. the truth is, i myself am not ready for a relationship but at the same time im mad about this girl, and i know for a fact she likes me. is it something im doing wrong or is she even worth it?


and what does the saying ''one in a million'' really mean?

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She isn't worth it, she is a lying slut.


'One in a million' means that someone is special but when I think someone is special I don't go off with another man, especially NOT in front of the guy

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