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"The Divorce Generation"

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Wow, I got a totaly different feeling from this article. It let me know that as ****ty as divorce can be, it doesn't have to be a total hell for the people involved. That it can be done better than our, at least my, parents did it. And that I am not the only one. It gave me hope.

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Thanks Lucid for the Wall Street article. As I was determined for an imminent separation, I have to again reconsider my little ones as I have always done in the past. Sometimes the frustration of wifey's overweight and sexless complacency overshadows the consequences the little ones could face if I were to split. Incidentally, I would suspect the author of the article probably had similar issues concerning intimacy and sex also, but she never went there.


So now I wonder if we could live together while stop sharing the bedroom, and agree to start dating outside of our couple. Only problem is that I will be interested in dating, but my wife shows no interest in other men or women! Something to think about...:confused:

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So now I wonder if we could live together while stop sharing the bedroom, and agree to start dating outside of our couple. Only problem is that I will be interested in dating, but my wife shows no interest in other men or women! Something to think about...:confused:


just curious... what kind of dating life can you have while living with your wife?? even if she agreed to this kind of an arangement what kind of woman wants to date a guy in that circumstance? I think most people (men and women) want to be with someone who has already moved on and out of the marriage. I would think that you can only attract people with serious issues who would accept your arrangement....

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