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why is it when guys cheat...

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why is it when we find out our boyfriends that we love cheated on us, we still go on loving them and wanting to be with them even though we're in so much pain?? i dont understand

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*sigh* one of life's many unanswered questions, hm?


probably because we're in denial lol *shrugs* who knows




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What's also funny is that we ALWAYS seem to be even more angry at the female that's involved...

Ain't life grand...haha

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You've passed out of love (which makes you feel good inside) into challenge (which forces you to beat out someone else and feel sh*tty).


Your choice? What is it?

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I am with a girl now, I love her like no other girl.... but I have thought about it.... why? b/c I am not getting something i want - not physically, i am not big with that... I want affection and i think guys and girls do it when they are not getting waht they want in the larger circle... either not enough sex, affection, need, want, love etc....

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maybe because you've invested so much in the relationship already and to lose him would be to lose what you worked so hard for.

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