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i meet a guy he's alot younger than me,things were great i felt like a queen and gave him lots of money now iam broke and things seem bad i feel like iam dirt under his shoe we both work he doesn't get home until 8;00 pm now and goes to bed at 9;00. i HAVE 2 kids that i have 50% of the time thanks to the court system he has none and is very young


I don't know what happen except i have no money none and lots of bills i can't even make my payments now.

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You made one of the dumbest mistakes a woman can ever make!


You gave him MONEY! That is one the most degrading things you could have done to yourself, especially because you are broke yourself. Why on earth would you give it to a younger guy? Did you feel you were unworthy of his affections? If you hadn't given him money do you think he wouldn't have "made you feel like a queen?" This is what gigolos do! They make older women feel like queens, and they make a good living at it too.


....and anther piece of advice, and I'm not saying this to be a snob or to put you down, but PLEASE LEARN legitimate English!!!

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Because you use no punctuation (no periods, they look like this (.) at the end of each sentence (complete thought), it is difficult to understand your predicament. But I sort of got the drift.


Giving money away is never a way to secure or perpetuate a relationship. Being too nice and too generous will get you into trouble most of the time. A self-respecting man with no children would not take money from a lady who needs it to care for her two children unless he was either led to believe you were filthy rich or he is a worthless, rotten, selfish, scumbag.


It is not his fault that you gave him all your money, though. You must take the responsibility for that. My guess is that you have very low self esteem and felt you needed to buy his love. This syndrome is often mistaken for having a big heart, not to say you don't have one. He is NOT one of your children and you had no reason to bail him out financially, especially at the peril of having no money to pay your bills.


There are people like this, blood-suckers, at ever corner and you must watch out for them. You must also keep in mind at all times that supporting yourself and your children and keeping money in savings is far more important than having a worm of a man around.


If you live with this guy, get rid of him. If you don't, stop seeing him. He is a user and an abuser and has no interest whatsoever in making your life better. It seems he has assisted in making it a whole lot worse.


At this point, what is your purpose in keeping him around?

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