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Girls, would you date a guy with dental braces?


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but you shouldn't let that stop you from getting them. You won't be wearing the braces forever.

Edited by cerridwen
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True, I won't have them forever. But I am thinking my dating life for the next 2 years or so will suffer. Recently I've started to get into dating again... and with braces I don't think it'll help my chances. I mean, I look young enough as it is already.


I didn't even know those invisible ones on the back of teeth existed! I am partially covered by my dental plan, have to pay excess though. Are those much more expensive than the normal ones?

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There's also Invisalign which are clear little retainer things you snap on or off.


You could take them off for dates, if need be.


They're a bit pricier I think. Still worth checking out.

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Thanks! I will check Invisalign out. However, if they're too expensive, I might not be able to pay for them... Hopefully it works out that I can get braces are are less... well you know.


So, I'm guessing getting those traditional ones are the front won't be great for me dating-wise? I'm actually feeling very excited about the remainder of this year with regards to dating... and I don't want braces to stop me from enjoying myself. True, I will end up with straighter teeth which may be better for me later on but there will be something holding me back 2 years of uni...

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I did date a guy how was 22 with braces! I honestly don't mind cause it shows that they are taking care of their teeth! Plus some people get them sooner others later, either way they don't stay on forever! And at the end it is worth it!

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i'm 25 and have braces, got them on when i was 23 (coming off in october :D ). has it made me self conscious at times? yes. but have i landed my hottest girlfriend of my life during this time? also yes. even had that same gf fall in love with me (it later died but thats not the point ;) ). point is u can still get with hotties, and most girls really don't care as it doesn't change ur looks all that much anyway.

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i'm 25 and have braces, got them on when i was 23 (coming off in october :D ). has it made me self conscious at times? yes. but have i landed my hottest girlfriend of my life during this time? also yes. even had that same gf fall in love with me (it later died but thats not the point ;) ). point is u can still get with hotties, and most girls really don't care as it doesn't change ur looks all that much anyway.


Thank you for giving him proof that we still find you attractive even with braces!

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About 3 or so years ago, I went on a handful of dates with a 30 (or so) year old rugby player who had clear braces. It surprised me that it didn't bother me at all... until we kissed. Then I kinda understood how guys must have felt kissing me as a young teenager. :laugh:


But really, they shouldn't be too much of a distraction, so long as you keep them food-free and do NOT do the colored bands like teenagers do. If you can't get Visalign, aim for clear brackets.

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Thanks guys for sharing your stories. You're making me feel better about getting braces :D


Danielle, that's cool that you don't mind. I would hate to be judged just because of my braces. I know some will definitely give me negative feedback but all in all I wouldn't bother with them anyways.


Cheers Jono - I really appreciate you sharing that. I've just met some wonderful, beautiful girls recently and I don't want that to change. But in saying that, if a girl makes a snap judgement just on my braces, then I would try not to let that get to anyways. I've just been getting really comfortable in my own skin and didn't want braces to change that. Hopefully I land some hotties too ;)


Exactly what I was thinking, nothappyjan. They're not a permanent fixture and plus the results at the end wold be worthwhile. Myself as a person won't change just because I got braces.


:p I've never kissed a girl with braces before, so I wouldn't know what it feels like. It's good to know that it didn't bother you otherwise though!


Those coloured bands are definitely out of the question :lmao:


I spoke to my dentist and he said the Invisalign will cost 500$ more than the normal ones. Worthwhile investment or not?

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I spoke to my dentist and he said the Invisalign will cost 500$ more than the normal ones. Worthwhile investment or not?


That's it? Then I say, YESSSSSSSSS. Totally worth it.

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My current boyfriend (who's 20) wears braces and it doesn't bother me at all. He still has a great smile, thats what counts to me:love: But he gets them off in a few months and I have to say I'm pretty excited to see a metal free smile :D

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Awesome, I'm getting them! Problem solved. I'm still tossing up between getting braces on the back of my teeth or Invisalign.


Good on you Bridgey, his metal-free smile will be fantastic :)

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Awesome, I'm getting them! Problem solved. I'm still tossing up between getting braces on the back of my teeth or Invisalign.


Good on you Bridgey, his metal-free smile will be fantastic :)


You get "Groupon" in the US, don't you? If you don't know, it's a site that emails you daily deals. You get vouchers for all kinds of things (meals out, spa treatments, adventure days etc) and I'm sure that a few times I've seen promotions for Invisalign...where you could get the full treatment for something like a third of the usual price. You should look into it.

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I had braces later, and I have a few recommendations.


Don't get invisalign. They don't produce nearly the same results.


Don't get the back of the teeth braces. They are painful, and I don't think most orthos recommend them.


Don't get clear braces. You can see them. Spaghetti and wine will stain them. It's gross. I saw it regularly and was glad I didn't do it. But if this is the only one of the 3 options you'll take it's the best.


DO get the regular metal. I got them. I still had men interested. Granted, everyone seemed to think I was about 18 when I was a decade older, but that didn't bother me.


Do wear your retainer as your ortho instructs. If not, your teeth will go back to the way they were.


Do smile while you have the braces. No reason to spend the money on them and become self conscious.


Do waterpik while you have the braces. You WILL get cavities or visible brown spots around your braces if you don't.


Do floss and brush regularly during and afterwards. They're not cheap. Protect your investment.


Whatever you do, get braces if you need straightening. I would endure the 2 years of pain all over again to get the choppers I have today. I get compliments all of the time on my smile. I smile a lot more than I ever did. I became a lot more confident and approachable as a result. The only thing I would do differently is I would have done it a lot sooner.

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Thanks Taramere, I will look into it. I have never really paid attention to Groupons but probably should :)


Thanks for the advice, Daphne. I am worried that Invisalign wouldn't produce the same results as normal braces. However, the reason why I am getting braces relatively late is because I didn't feel that I needed them before; only one tooth at the front on my top set of teeth is not straight - my bottom set is perfectly straight. So, I only need a minor adjustment. Oh and thanks on the tip for the clear braces, they were almost gonna be my no. 1 options. Kinda gross if they stain.


I have had friends who got lazy with their braces... and always cringed because they cost so much! I will definitely take care of them.


My ex-girlfriend had braces when she was in high school and she had one of the best smiles I reckon. So I am not surprise that you smile a lot more now and that you are more approachable. It wasn't ideal for me to get them now. If I could, I would have gotten them done in high school.


I will research into it and talk to my dentist.:)

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Yes I would :) Although 20 is a bit young for me, I'm in my 40's :laugh: No issue with the braces though.




Yes I would, as long as i was attracted to him and he was a sweet guy. Braces won't last forever
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Thanks, HeavenOrHell! :) I guess it isn't such a big deal after all.


I have been thinking why it has bothered me so much. I mean, for a long time now, I haven't been self-conscious about my appearance. In fact, I am extremely happy with myself and don't really care what others think. If I do get braces and a girl rejects me just because that... it's kind of shallow, I think. Personally, I think if a girl is pretty without braces, she'll be pretty with them and I would still date her. Really isn't an issue.


I will talk to my dentist about what he recommends. I have researched about the various options. The three I'm considering are metal braces, ceramic braces or Invisalign. If Invisalign does not work as well, I will go with one or the other two. If it does, it might be worthwhile to invest in them. However, I have read that it is a hassle when it comes to eating.

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Alright, the Invisalign option is not available to me, due to costs.


So, it's between Ceramics and Metal ones? Or, I can have ceramics on top and metal ones on the bottom.


What do you guys think?

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I had braces later, and I have a few recommendations.


Don't get invisalign. They don't produce nearly the same results.


Don't get the back of the teeth braces. They are painful, and I don't think most orthos recommend them.


Don't get clear braces. You can see them. Spaghetti and wine will stain them. It's gross. I saw it regularly and was glad I didn't do it. But if this is the only one of the 3 options you'll take it's the best.


DO get the regular metal. I got them. I still had men interested. Granted, everyone seemed to think I was about 18 when I was a decade older, but that didn't bother me.


Do wear your retainer as your ortho instructs. If not, your teeth will go back to the way they were.


Do smile while you have the braces. No reason to spend the money on them and become self conscious.


Do waterpik while you have the braces. You WILL get cavities or visible brown spots around your braces if you don't.


Do floss and brush regularly during and afterwards. They're not cheap. Protect your investment.


Whatever you do, get braces if you need straightening. I would endure the 2 years of pain all over again to get the choppers I have today. I get compliments all of the time on my smile. I smile a lot more than I ever did. I became a lot more confident and approachable as a result. The only thing I would do differently is I would have done it a lot sooner.


Spot on. Seconded!


I had braces as an adult. Got married and had a child with them, too. Apparently, they didn't get in the way of anything important. :)

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