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For those of you who believe in astrology: Can you explain why a Scorpio male always has secrets?

An Aquarian female with insomnia

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An Aquarian female with insomnia

I'm trying to figure out the male Scorpio here. Why do they always betray me by not telling me the truth? Every time I get sucked into their web of lies. They can't focus on a deep conversation with me for long without fidgeting, or getting up and doing another activity.


The astrology books say that the Aquarian one is supposed to be the aloof one with the Scorpio being jealous and possesive, but I find myself in the exact reverse situation here. Can someone explain why?

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I am not an astrologer and I really don't put a lot of stock in it, so this post is for entertainment purposes only.


Acording to what I have read of astrology, the two of you are complete opposites. Scorpios are intense, focused, extremely selfish, and they get what they want no matter who they have to step on. They can be deceitful and most likely this is why your guy is fidgety...he is holding something back from you. (Scorpios do have good characteristics as well but to list them serves no purpose here. I just want all Scorpios reading this to know they have some great qualities as well)


You are the exact opposite. You are extremely open, generous to a fault and loving. The scorpio male usually must have a good, pracitical reason to love while you love simply for the sake of loving.


It sounds to me like your guy may have attention deficit disorder. But, more than likely, there are things he is doing that you are not aware of. Be cautious.


My guess is that he has something else going romantically. Judging from his behavior, reading between the lines of your post, and incorporating what I know about astrology, my guess is that he has one or more other romantic interests. Please don't let this guy use you.


So why do you keep seeking out Scorpios? Because you are a giver and they are, for the most part, takers. That's not bad. But when you continually give a lot more than you take, you will get stepped on. The only way to get along well with any Scorpio is to be strong, set the rules, be tough, don't take any of their crap, and be ready to walk away from them in a heartbeat if they get out of line. They respect strength and will pounce all over any human who shows weakness. Don't be so generous with them. They see this as a sign of weakness...not of kindness.


The next time you meet a guy and he tells you he is a Scorpio, let him know you've been there, done that and you are now going on to other portions of the Zodiak..good bye!!!


If you are wondering what my sign is, it's a STOP sign.

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I am very sorry, I was a bit sleepy when I posted the above. Where ever you see the word "message" I meant to write "massage," which is what you got from this guy who has a girlfriend but who has the hots for you.


massage massage massage massage massage massage massage

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