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do girls love nice muscles?


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I noticed today that girls get really, really sexually turned on when a guy has muscular body, especially when it's the upper body (and no i'm not talking about bodybuilder muscles, i'm talking about normal-big). I'm not trying to brag by any means, but working out is a hobbie of mine and I do have really broad shoulders, chest, etc. but it's nothing that I ever think about being a big deal... but when I take my shirt off I don't even think about it but girls act nuts it seems.


Are girls really horny creatures like guys? I thought girls were supposed to be more emotional with sex

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Do men like big boobs?


Yes women (along with transsexual women, and gay men... anyone who's androphilic at all) likes muscles on a man. Muscles make a man look good. Consider the alternative.


When we drop the nicety that we associate with women they are just as horny as men are. Their is nothing wrong wit women being sexual creatures.

Edited by Mrlonelyone
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I noticed today that girls get really, really sexually turned on when a guy has muscular body, especially when it's the upper body (and no i'm not talking about bodybuilder muscles, i'm talking about normal-big). I'm not trying to brag by any means, but working out is a hobbie of mine and I do have really broad shoulders, chest, etc. but it's nothing that I ever think about being a big deal... but when I take my shirt off I don't even think about it but girls act nuts it seems.


Are girls really horny creatures like guys? I thought girls were supposed to be more emotional with sex


That's a cute dolphin.

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I actually don't think they care that much. Especially when you get out of highschool. Muscles are usually behind career, social status, confidence, height, etc. Some women actually say they like men with a little chub. Men care about looks a lot more. I mean why does hue hefner have all those young women with him. Its not his muscles. Same goes with any successful man. Physically I would say height means the most though.

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Muscles matter. Women who say they like chub were likely trying to be nice to a chubby man.


Height matters. A tall skinny man say 6'2" 150 20% body fat will not get as much play as a man who's 6'1" 275 and 7% body fat.


Who gets more women?


This guy rich tall (5'11") but at least a little chub.

With his shirt off (I wonder why I can't find one of him... Likely because of his huge man boobs.)


This guy rich tall (6' 1") not the least little chub.

With his shirt off.


Come on. It's no contest who I would rather have sex with.

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Of course we like muscle, lol. They don't have to be big and buff like "The Rock" but some muscle is nice enough to just turn me on.

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Eddie Edirol

Are girls really horny creatures like guys? I thought girls were supposed to be more emotional with sex


Women are more emotional with sex, but the muscles are a serious distraction. I just started working out hard last year, Ive reshaped my whole upper body, started wearing better fitting shirts, and the response is amazing. When it rains it pours. Fitness brings alot more choices than non fitness. When you have a personality and talent on top of that (which tops guys that have been fit all their lives - never had to learn how to be fun or talented) the women flock. So yes, they are horny, and they like muscles. Even if its a hint of muscle.

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There are studies all over the internet regarding what women want. Height and success are always at the top. There was also a study that had guys pick what they think women look good and what women actually think looks good regarding muscles and men usually put too much emphasis on muscles. You could be 5'6" with all the muscles in the world and you'll get passed over by a lot of women.

Also, usually men that obsess over their muscles too much are insecure. And looking good does not necessarily mean a lot of muscle.


The top 6 things women want FROM MEN, in order, are:[/sIZE]

1. Women want men who exhibit confidence (or power)[/sIZE]

2. Women want men with a sense of humor (fun)[/sIZE]

3. Women want men with money or the things money can buy (sense of security)[/sIZE]

4. Women want men with looks (protection and attraction)[/sIZE]

5. Women want men with a bit of "Bad boy" qualities (mysterious and independent/strong)[/sIZE]

6. Women want all the other stuff they typically list (varies - sensitive, caring, etc.)[/sIZE]



Edited by henderson14
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Biologically speaking women want the healthiest specimen of a man that they can get - just like men want the healthiest specimen of a woman that they can get.


Men like women who are fit, slim and have soft curves in all the right places, because biology dictates they are likely to be the most fertile.


Women like men who are fit, in shape and have a hard toned body (muscles) because biology dictates they are likely to be the most fertile and able to provide for and protect her and her offspring (hunting for food, fighting off predators etc).


As a species we haven't evolved much since our 'caveman' days.

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Biologically speaking women want the healthiest specimen of a man that they can get - just like men want the healthiest specimen of a woman that they can get.


Men like women who are fit, slim and have soft curves in all the right places, because biology dictates they are likely to be the most fertile.


Women like men who are fit, in shape and have a hard toned body (muscles) because biology dictates they are likely to be the most fertile and able to provide for and protect her and her offspring (hunting for food, fighting off predators etc).


As a species we haven't evolved much since our 'caveman' days.



Thats actually not true about men at all. Men who are fit has nothing to do with their ability to provide. YOu don't have to be fit to protect your family. Thats why rich men still get women. And men can get a woman pregnant most of their lives so your argument about men doesn't hold much weight.

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When we say "want" are we talking marriage or just sex?


also, I went from This:



To this:




Things got a hell of a lot easier when it came to talking to women.


also, it turns out that once my jawline was revealed i'm actually a better looking guy than I thought.


Now i'm not saying I get laid all the time or have dates lined up for the rest of the summer.


what i'm saying is when I do find time to go out to social events single women my age seem to gravitate towards me and i'm fairly certain it's because I wear clothes that show off my muscles & every other guy my age is either very skinny or very fat.


I'm 39 1/2 by the way.

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When we say "want" are we talking marriage or just sex?


also, I went from This:



To this:




Things got a hell of a lot easier when it came to talking to women.


also, it turns out that once my jawline was revealed i'm actually a better looking guy than I thought.


Now i'm not saying I get laid all the time or have dates lined up for the rest of the summer.


what i'm saying is when I do find time to go out to social events single women my age seem to gravitate towards me and i'm fairly certain it's because I wear clothes that show off my muscles & every other guy my age is either very skinny or very fat.


I'm 39 1/2 by the way.


Nice work Phineas!


I will answer this question similar to the way I have answered it before. Yes, women love muscles. However, women like the fittest possible guy that doesn't make them feel uncomfortable about their own body/fitness. Women are much more aware about being used for sex and, thus, skeptical of such things. When I was uber-fit and a personal trainer in college, it was hard to get an average girl to go out with me. The fit gym girls loved me though.

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Thats actually not true about men at all. Men who are fit has nothing to do with their ability to provide. YOu don't have to be fit to protect your family. Thats why rich men still get women. And men can get a woman pregnant most of their lives so your argument about men doesn't hold much weight.


Well I'm sorry you don't agree but it's pretty much accepted as a given within the scientific world.


Today there are additional factors such as money which help a man to attract women, but we're talking about why women find muscles and hard bodies attractive, nothing else.


It goes back to our caveman days - when it was important for a man to be fit and healthy to protect and provide for his dependents.

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Based on what they usually post as being hot, women seem to prefer a very lean androgynous "testicles haven't fallen yet" look in men today. Almost none of them post a real athlete's body with an athlete's body fat content, most of them post fashion model or actor bodies of guys who wouldn't do well in any endurance sport other than swimming or biking due to not having enough body fat. It takes a heathy body fat percentage to compete in lots of sports, and also to survive and prosper biologically in the wild, so the mammalian biology argument is hooey. Women and men both like, to a large extent today, the sharp angles that the camera favors, because so much of the sexual messages we receive are through the lens of a camera.

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Why is it always extremes on this site? Can't people enjoy a balance of internal and external? Can't people appreciate people for who they are, instead of most of the time, assuming asinine rationale for motivations?


No wonder people can't get a date or maintain relationships.

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Are girls really horny creatures like guys? I thought girls were supposed to be more emotional with sex

dont' be fooled, a nice face and a good body will go a long way with chicks

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When we say "want" are we talking marriage or just sex?


also, I went from This:



To this:




Things got a hell of a lot easier when it came to talking to women.


also, it turns out that once my jawline was revealed i'm actually a better looking guy than I thought.


Now i'm not saying I get laid all the time or have dates lined up for the rest of the summer.


what i'm saying is when I do find time to go out to social events single women my age seem to gravitate towards me and i'm fairly certain it's because I wear clothes that show off my muscles & every other guy my age is either very skinny or very fat.


I'm 39 1/2 by the way.


you just made me hit my exercise bike and dumbbells again.

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Biologically speaking women want the healthiest specimen of a man that they can get - just like men want the healthiest specimen of a woman that they can get.


Men like women who are fit, slim and have soft curves in all the right places, because biology dictates they are likely to be the most fertile.


Women like men who are fit, in shape and have a hard toned body (muscles) because biology dictates they are likely to be the most fertile and able to provide for and protect her and her offspring (hunting for food, fighting off predators etc).


As a species we haven't evolved much since our 'caveman' days.


QFT....Nice succinct post, LT.

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Wow, I'm going to have to leave this website, I shouldn't of started this thread, I'm starting to feel insecure because I'm not "tall"

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dont' be fooled, a nice face and a good body will go a long way with chicks


What age do guys who have a nice face start to lose it? 30? 40? 50? Anyone? I'm curious...

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What age do guys who have a nice face start to lose it? 30? 40? 50? Anyone? I'm curious...


Guys with a nice face will have it all their lives - right into their 70s if they look after themselves.

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Muscles matter. Women who say they like chub were likely trying to be nice to a chubby man.


Height matters. A tall skinny man say 6'2" 150 20% body fat will not get as much play as a man who's 6'1" 275 and 7% body fat.


Who gets more women?


This guy rich tall (5'11") but at least a little chub.

With his shirt off (I wonder why I can't find one of him... Likely because of his huge man boobs.)


This guy rich tall (6' 1") not the least little chub.

With his shirt off.


Come on. It's no contest who I would rather have sex with.


I quite seriously like a little bit of chub.


not soft fat, just like... a hard tummy that isn't actually muscly.. hard chub haha?


anyway pointing out one persons idea of attractive is not anothers. muscles don't turn me on much, any guy i've ever know who has some tend to be arrogant and spend too much time at the gym, which i find makes them boring as they talk too much about it. sure there are exceptions, i haven't met anyway that make it worth overlooking the "uglyness" (to me) of bigish muscles.

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I went from fat as a teen to ripped in my early adult years and the difference was night and day


As for women being emotional creatures and not visual? lol that's laughable


In my experience women are even more shallow creepy and willing to do anytihng for good looking Men then even vice versa when it comes to gakwing at the opposite sex or even downright sexual harassing at times

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