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do girls love nice muscles?


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Yea girls can go crazy when they see an guy that they find attractive, I've found that girls go crazy for seductive type eyes more than anything... it's pretty superficial.


I really think guys are the more emotional ones, I swear like 75% of guys I know are so dependent on girls to make them happy, like they can't be happy and have positive relatinships with other guys unless they have a girl that is fulfilling their needs.


Girls seem like they are more independent than guys to me... it's kinda sad really. It makes me kinda disgusted with my fellow brothers. But then again, I think that's why all my ex-girlfriends have always wanted to be with me very badly, because I am independent like that and didn't "need" them to make me happy. I dunno, sorry for ranting.

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The experiences of Steve C80 and Phineas (way to go) prove my point. Muscles are a turn on. They aren't everything, but they help.


The definition of an attractive male body is one with body fat that is clinically low-normal. Not muscle bound per se. Phineas's after photo is a good example. It's something that anyone can control. Either eat less and become skinny and more toned that way, or work out and become ripped, or some combination.


Guys, don't let anyone tell you that muscles, in general, don't matter at all.

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Obviously muscle is in no way a turn off. In moderation rather. Too much muscle is a turn off for me. I hate that muscle on top of a man's shoulders. It's all humpy looking and it just turns me off. I prefer a little definition here and there but in no way do I care if a guy resembles an underwear model or not.


The guy I am seeing has a pretty nice body but recently has gained a few pounds around the tummy. I think it is cute :) He hates it. In no way is there much chub at all but there just isn't any definition either. He lost his 6-pack and it sticks out a bit more but I am in love with it and think it is just as sexy.


I would date a guy who is not hunky and muscle(y). I like a bit of meat on their bones. But I would also not turn a guy away who is fit and in shape.


It is not superficial for someone to turn down an obviously chubby and overweight person. I mean if there is no attraction it just won't work. It isn't a person's fault who they find attractive or not.


Personally looks are about 40% important to me in a guy and 60% personality. I also find that if I am not attracted to a guy Much at all and end up getting to know them (like when I was in high school), if he has a good personality, his looks become better I have found.

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Wow, I'm going to have to leave this website, I shouldn't of started this thread, I'm starting to feel insecure because I'm not "tall"


Only 5'8"


I went from fat as a teen to ripped in my early adult years and the difference was night and day


As for women being emotional creatures and not visual? lol that's laughable


In my experience women are even more shallow creepy and willing to do anytihng for good looking Men then even vice versa when it comes to gakwing at the opposite sex or even downright sexual harassing at times


dude, women at work, since I lost weight, just stare from across the floor.

The younger one's (early 20's) are even worse & have no problem telling me I look "good" or "hot" or making comments about my shoulders, arms, butt.



If I wear a tank top to bum around in their just fricken staring at me until I smile back then they almost give themselves wiplash turning away. LOL!

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He lost his 6-pack and it sticks out a bit more but I am in love with it and think it is just as sexy.


I don't mean this as a flame at all, but sometimes I don't think women realize how outrageously difficult it is to have and maintain a six pack for men. It is far from being the natural healthy look of a man's stomach and requires a borderline unhealthy body fat percentage. The humpy shoulder trapezius muscles you don't like are much more natural on a male body than protruding abdominals are.

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It's been my experience that women are not as much worried about looks as they are confidence in a man.


I've been told that i'm a pretty good looking guy (and i guess i kindof know it too :laugh:), 6ft 2, with some toned muscle (not huge) but pretty cut. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and try to maintain a healthy diet.


I just got out of an 8 year relationship but even before, i was never chosen by girls because i looked good. It had to be another factor such as: being able to make them laugh, having the confidence to ask them out or for their phone number, or etc.


Not to say that looks don't help but anyone has to have more to themselves other than those temporary attributes.



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It had to be another factor such as: being able to make them laugh, having the confidence to ask them out or for their phone number, or etc.


Well put. You're not going to get the girl unless you try, it doesn't just magically happen because she is attracted to you

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dude, women at work, since I lost weight, just stare from across the floor.

The younger one's (early 20's) are even worse & have no problem telling me I look "good" or "hot" or making comments about my shoulders, arms, butt.



If I wear a tank top to bum around in their just fricken staring at me until I smile back then they almost give themselves wiplash turning away. LOL!


Yea i know how that is, I love working out + eating lots of meat, I'm like 195 pounds and my 6 pack is still visible, so I'm pretty thick. and when i wear a snug sleeveless tshirt girls just stare haha. its nice but it kinda makes me feel awkward, i dont know if i should hit on her or what she expects me to do


Can a girl help me out with that? What do you expect a guy to do? I just feel like a cheeseball if I start talking to a girl based on something so superficial...

Edited by Flipper
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Yea i know how that is, I love working out + eating lots of meat, I'm like 195 pounds and my 6 pack is still visible, so I'm pretty thick. and when i wear a snug sleeveless tshirt girls just stare haha. its nice but it kinda makes me feel awkward, i dont know if i should hit on her or what she expects me to do


Can a girl help me out with that? What do you expect a guy to do? I just feel like a cheeseball if I start talking to a girl based on something so superficial...


Yep. I'm in the best shape of my life. I used to be thin, but I never had definition or as much muscle before & i'm just not used to the attention.


Last month I had a 25yr old come up to me at a bar ask for my number then call me while I was driving home to tell me she was coming over. That never happened to me when I was 25.


She was lean also not chubby. Blew my mind.

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I'd say it really helps. I workout 4X's a week and also go to the batting cages. The cages I go to are outdoors & I don't wear a shirt because it gets uncomfortable and too clingy when it's 90 degrees out with high humidity. I tend to draw a bit of an audience when I go to the cages.

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Yep. I'm in the best shape of my life. I used to be thin, but I never had definition or as much muscle before & i'm just not used to the attention.


Last month I had a 25yr old come up to me at a bar ask for my number then call me while I was driving home to tell me she was coming over. That never happened to me when I was 25.


She was lean also not chubby. Blew my mind.


Wanted to say thanks for sharing your pics and story. I am closer to the "before" pic than the "after" but, just reading your posts makes me wanna go workout. :laugh:

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I noticed today that girls get really, really sexually turned on when a guy has muscular body, especially when it's the upper body (and no i'm not talking about bodybuilder muscles, i'm talking about normal-big). I'm not trying to brag by any means, but working out is a hobbie of mine and I do have really broad shoulders, chest, etc. but it's nothing that I ever think about being a big deal... but when I take my shirt off I don't even think about it but girls act nuts it seems.


Are girls really horny creatures like guys? I thought girls were supposed to be more emotional with sex


Men and women in many ways are similar. We both get horny and emotional. You would be surprised how many times I've seen the genders switch roles over and over.



In terms of the muscles/working out thing related to attraction. Just look at how many women dance around the topic in dating profiles. Stuff like "must take care of himself" or "active guy" or other things that basically say "I want a guy who isn't a couch potato or skinny little weakling".


Nothing wrong with that either. I'm no adonis, but I get it.

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Let's ask another question:


Do physically fit guys feel intimidated by other physically fit men?


For instance, a fit guy is hanging out at a restaurant or something, and he feels good because he seems to be the biggest guy there, but then another guy, who is bigger and has either the same level of fitness or greater walks in, does that automatically create tension?

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I noticed today that girls get really, really sexually turned on when a guy has muscular body, especially when it's the upper body (and no i'm not talking about bodybuilder muscles, i'm talking about normal-big). I'm not trying to brag by any means, but working out is a hobbie of mine and I do have really broad shoulders, chest, etc. but it's nothing that I ever think about being a big deal... but when I take my shirt off I don't even think about it but girls act nuts it seems.


Are girls really horny creatures like guys? I thought girls were supposed to be more emotional with sex

Girls ARE more emotional with sex, but they still appreciate a good physique on a guy. Just like men appreciate a feminine body, women appreciate a masculine body--defined by big muscles and a nice appendige.

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Girls ARE more emotional with sex, but they still appreciate a good physique on a guy. Just like men appreciate a feminine body, women appreciate a masculine body--defined by big muscles and a nice appendige.


Hahahah one of the realest posts I have read on LS from a woman.

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Hahahah one of the realest posts I have read on LS from a woman.

I like muscles on a man, and a nice suntan. Those are two of the things that first attracted me to my husband, and it still does. My husband works out every day, lifts weights and does gymnastics. He also works in construction, so he's outside a lot and has a nice tan. Very attractive qualities on a guy.

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Let's ask another question:


Do physically fit guys feel intimidated by other physically fit men?


For instance, a fit guy is hanging out at a restaurant or something, and he feels good because he seems to be the biggest guy there, but then another guy, who is bigger and has either the same level of fitness or greater walks in, does that automatically create tension?


Nope, because I know he has a smaller penis than me. :lmao:

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Men and women in many ways are similar. We both get horny and emotional. You would be surprised how many times I've seen the genders switch roles over and over.



In terms of the muscles/working out thing related to attraction. Just look at how many women dance around the topic in dating profiles. Stuff like "must take care of himself" or "active guy" or other things that basically say "I want a guy who isn't a couch potato or skinny little weakling".


Nothing wrong with that either. I'm no adonis, but I get it.


Except, a lot of these women are delusional in that their equally as out of shape as the guys they reject so they become permanent fixtures on the site.

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Except, a lot of these women are delusional in that their equally as out of shape as the guys they reject so they become permanent fixtures on the site.


I know. I've seen many "plain Janes" who manage to sleep with the "above average" guy, and then believe they are of the "echelon" that can snag such a guy as a boyfriend.


Cest la vie. It's like ugly guys who land the "close buddy" thing with a hot girl, and then believes he can get one as a GF when they all reject or FZ him.


I can't blame anyone for trying, but I stand by that standards are only good if you can attain them. So if an "out of shape" girl wants to try for the "hot athlete" types, then go try...just don't complain "men are shallow" when they won't get with said girl.


Same thing when average joes only try for perfect 10s. Either side should try, but shouldn't only close in on that.

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When we say "want" are we talking marriage or just sex?


also, I went from This:



To this:




Things got a hell of a lot easier when it came to talking to women.


also, it turns out that once my jawline was revealed i'm actually a better looking guy than I thought.


Now i'm not saying I get laid all the time or have dates lined up for the rest of the summer.


what i'm saying is when I do find time to go out to social events single women my age seem to gravitate towards me and i'm fairly certain it's because I wear clothes that show off my muscles & every other guy my age is either very skinny or very fat.


I'm 39 1/2 by the way.


This is my experience, too. At 42, I was fat-ish, out of shape, soft... etc. So, I hit the gym - hard!


Now, I'm 45 and, literally, in the best shape of my life. Sometimes women can not keep their hands off my arms/chest, etc.


Like you said, the other guys my age are either fat, skinny, or so out of shape that they look prematurely old.

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I know. I've seen many "plain Janes" who manage to sleep with the "above average" guy, and then believe they are of the "echelon" that can snag such a guy as a boyfriend.


Cest la vie. It's like ugly guys who land the "close buddy" thing with a hot girl, and then believes he can get one as a GF when they all reject or FZ him.


I can't blame anyone for trying, but I stand by that standards are only good if you can attain them. So if an "out of shape" girl wants to try for the "hot athlete" types, then go try...just don't complain "men are shallow" when they won't get with said girl.


Same thing when average joes only try for perfect 10s. Either side should try, but shouldn't only close in on that.


I agree..most men even really good looking ones will sleep with a women as logn as she doesnt repel them so the plain jane might get sex from some really good lookign guys and get strung along and beleive shes in a league that she really isnt in..


Not saying some average or below average Men dont have too high of standards either some obviously do but most average or below average Men dont get strung along and get to sleep with hot women most have to go through tons of rejections before a girl says yes so most average Men get humbled more then the average women..

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Ruby Slippers

I like it when the guy is in shape with a decent amount of muscle tone. I don't go for the ripped to high hell look. A little fat is OK, as long as there's a good amount of muscle, too. My ideal is the "earthy" body type -- strong, fit, with some meat on his bones. If he is strong enough to maneuver me in bed easily, that's really the best possible scenario.

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I dunno, not sure if I buy it. I'm rail-thin (6'3" 170) and have done just fine. I'm certainly not going to become a vain musclehead just to attract any more women. Besides, I don't want to lose association with any skinny guy myths... :D

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I dunno, not sure if I buy it. I'm rail-thin (6'3" 170) and have done just fine. I'm certainly not going to become a vain musclehead just to attract any more women. Besides, I don't want to lose association with any skinny guy myths... :D


I'm curious, what are the skinny guy myths?

I'm just under 5'10 and have been rail thin and my love life sucked when I was skinny. When trying to start conversations with random girls (coffee shop, train, bus, book store, standing in line somewhere, pub, etc), I would find the majority of women were not very friendly.

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