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the other thing

need advice

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i think part of it has to do with the fact that i am going through some medical problems that have been giving me major insomnia for weeks on end now. because of this i have not worked much and have not wanted to do much, then he does and i don't feel up to it and either i feel bad on my own or he makes me feel guilty. either way, i think apart of it is if i was single i don't have to worry about being pressured to do somethings if i don't want to. but at the same time, if it wasn't for him, i'b probably become a total recluse!

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I am presuming you are the same person who posted just before this.


I don't think your guy fully understands your medical problems and what you go through on a daily basis. However, you have to assure him this is temporary and with his support you can get back to normal in good time.


If you are going to remain this way for a very long time, give him the option of being there for you and being supportive or leaving. You don't need someone around who is going to pull you down.


You also better get to the doctor and see what he can do to get you some sleep. Your days will be pretty worthless if you are 90 percent asleep when you should be up and fully alert. It is really difficult to enjoy life at all when you haven't had sufficient rest and there is no way you can participate actively and constructively in a relationship if you are so wanting of rest.


Learn hypnosis, relaxation techniques, etc. Use medication only temporary for sleep problems...but, of course, follow you doctor's direcitons. Get some help for this ASAP if you haven't already.

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today i bought some bayer pm it is suppose to help you sleep without the addiction of other drugs. i'm hoping it helps so i can feel better again. i have hashimoto's disease and am just starting on levothroid. i tried one yesterday and was so extremely agitated from it, so am going to talk to the dr. monday about it. i guess that could be what is causing the insomnia (the hypothyroid). maybe after i get some sleep, my boyfriend wont seem so bad again.........lol........ :) thank you tony......i'm also going to talk tohim about counceling

I am presuming you are the same person who posted just before this. I don't think your guy fully understands your medical problems and what you go through on a daily basis. However, you have to assure him this is temporary and with his support you can get back to normal in good time. If you are going to remain this way for a very long time, give him the option of being there for you and being supportive or leaving. You don't need someone around who is going to pull you down.


You also better get to the doctor and see what he can do to get you some sleep. Your days will be pretty worthless if you are 90 percent asleep when you should be up and fully alert. It is really difficult to enjoy life at all when you haven't had sufficient rest and there is no way you can participate actively and constructively in a relationship if you are so wanting of rest.


Learn hypnosis, relaxation techniques, etc. Use medication only temporary for sleep problems...but, of course, follow you doctor's direcitons. Get some help for this ASAP if you haven't already.


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