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other guy making things complicated


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If you've read my other posts you know that I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years now...ups and downs, but overall a great relationship that I am very happy with and want to stay in.


But -- there's this guy who will not give up getting in touch with me. We lost touch for a year, and he literally tracked me down and got in touch with me. I was very flattered, but for some reason just thought we would be friends. Seems we can't just be friends. He needs to not be in my life, I mean no communication if things are going to remain great with my boyfriend. Because this guy comes in and makes things complicated. :( He does wonderful things for me...that my bf doesnt even do...but I never cared until this guy came along and started trying to sweep me off my feet.


I never question my feelings for my bf, but it does cause conflict between us because I find myself comparing them.


When this guy and I decided on no contact a few months ago, things went back to wonderful w/ my current bf. Then a few weeks ago, this guy emails me again. He is so nice, and seems so genuine. Just wants to know how Im doing etc etc...He never tries to get between me and my bf, he doesnt come out and tell me how he feels...but it has been made obvious in other ways.


ANYWAYS, I need some advice. Should I go back to no contact?? Problem is he's now going to be transfering to my school next sem!! And said he can't wait to see me now and then...ugh...and he's SOOOOO nice, making it hard to tell him to f--- off!! :mad:


Thanks for reading and I'd appreciate opinions :)

PS- my bf knows about "this guy"...

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When this guy and I decided on no contact a few months ago, things went back to wonderful w/ my current bf.


Then you know what to do.


...He never tries to get between me and my bf, he doesnt come out and tell me how he feels...but it has been made obvious in other ways.


That sounds to me like he is trying to get between you and your boyfriend. Otherwise why would be doing such nice sweet things for you? And even if this is not his express intention clearly he's making you question and doubt your relationship which by your own admission is causing conflict.


And said he can't wait to see me now and then...ugh...and he's SOOOOO nice, making it hard to tell him to f--- off!!


Maybe you can't avoid seeing him all the time but that doesn't mean you have to engage him in conversation or anything of the sort. You can be short and polite, acknowledge his presence, say hello, then move on. If he asks why you're being like this tell him you're happy with your current b/f and you're getting the impression that he is interested in being more than just friends and you don't want to jeopardize your current relationship.

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Bluechocolate- Thanks for replying to my posts! You're right, I already do know what to do. This seems to happen to me a lot when things come up. I guess I just need reassurance. THanks for that! :)

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