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Long Distance Difficulties

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I just got back with my ex-boyfriend, and he attends a different college. I am finding it hard to have a relationship since we are far apart. Any tips?

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What's a diffuctile?


Just kidding.


If you have cell phone plans, make sure you get ones with free long distance and unlimited night time minutes. These have been a life-saver for me and my boyfriend.


Check out reasonable and feasible transportation in your area (so that you can see each other as often as possible). Even if you can only afford to fly out to see him once a semester, and he can reciprocate, it's much more than not seeing each other until graduation.


I'm a big fan of sending cards and small packages in the mail, and FTD.com also has some nice flowers he can send you ;)


Just keep lines of communication open, basically. There will be some difficulty, and it never gets "easier" per say, but it's not tough to work through it if you love each other enough.


Just out of curiosity, how far apart are you?

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Just like you, I am dating a guy who goes to a different college then me. As long as you e-mail, letters, plan weekends or even call.....nothing to worry about. I have had an LDR like this for about 5 months and it has been incrediable! Good luck!

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I just finished my 3rd year of university. Through all 3 years I had a bf who lived 2 hrs apart. I had moved away from home for school and he stayed in my home town to work. Everything was great! It was hard at times, but you just make sure that you call each other whenever you can and possibly see each other on weekends or whenever you can get time/money. It may be hard at first, but you'll adjust. It is good in a way because it leaves you time to hang out with friends, and get school work done. I know that if I had a bf that lived in the same city as me while I was in school i would get too distracted. Having a LDR made school a lot easier. Unfortunately he and I broke up (for other reasons), and now i have ANOTHER LDR. We both go to different universities that are 2 hrs apart, and when we go home for the summer (like right now) we are 4 hours apart. We actually just got together almost a month ago now, but we are both prepared to do whatever it takes to make this work.


I actually have two friends who just got married. Throught their first two years together they lived a world apart (he was in Canada, she in Poland), then the year after that about 6 hrs apart (she moved to Chicago). Finally she moved to his city and soon after they got married!


Also think of all those couples who are separated because of what is going on in the middle east. Mothers staying over here with their newborn children while the faters are over there (that gets me the most). Same with the women over there while their bf's/husbands are back home. That has got to be tough. When i think of how small the distance between me and my bf is compared to that, and those ppl can make it work, it gives me a lot of hope.


The way I'm looking at it is if it works, good, if it doesn't, then it just wasn't meant to happen. If you both really want it to work, you will put as much effort as possible to make it work, and if you do everything will be fine. You will miss each other like crazy, i'm telling you now. And at times you will be absolutely miserable because of it, but in the end, it is completely worth it. I don't think i would have it any other way while i'm in school! Just gives you so much time for other things!


Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It all boils down to one word: communication.


The more contact you have with him, the better off you'll both be.


My fiancee lives in Japan, and I don't see her for several months at a time. How does it work for us? Love, number one. Number two, we COMMUNICATE as often as possible.


Write him an e-mail as often as you think about him.


Call him AT LEAST once a week.


Let him know that he's the only guy in your thoughts and fantasies, and I can just about guarantee he'll give it right back to you.


Minus the lack of sex, it can be almost as rewarding as being together.


Almost! :p

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  • 3 weeks later...

I met this guy about 3 months ago, and we started hanging out and getting very close.

Then he had to go back home to Russia for the summer when school was over. I live in the south eastern US.

So, thats a lot of miles between us. Although its hard and I'm sad sometimes, I feel that our relationship can handle it.

I am just going to make sure that I write him letters often (although it takes 2 weeks to get there), and call him once a week or so.

Its difficult too because we were just getting to know each other and develop of good friendship and bond.


But, indeed, it is more difficult for those women that have men that are overseas and IN HARM'S Way (like in Iraq)

so, really those of us that are separated from those we care about by only a few hours or for only a few months, really do not have any thing to complain about.


Lets count our blessings. and when we feel sad, pick up the phone!

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