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How can I tell?


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Hello, I am not very sure what to do with my situation.


I have a very good female friend, she is intelligent and caring and most importantly, we have alot in common and we get along very well. I would love to try bringing our friendship to the next level and start going out with her. However, I have no idea if I am physically attractive to her. I mean, there is nothing wrong with me physically, I don't think I am particularly ugly or anything, and I keep myself in good shape. But I simply don't know if I am "her type" in the sex appeal area.


We never discussed this topic before, because I had a gf then and it wouldn't be appropriate for her to talk about if she is attracted to me, or maybe she was hiding her feelings? But now that I have broken up with my gf (we broke up for other reasons, not because of my friend), I really want to know if she would go out with me, but I am afraid that that would scare her away from me. The potential rejection from her doesn't worry me at all (hey, what guy hasn't been rejected by a girl before?), but I am afraid that I could lose a close friend. What should I do?


Thanks in advance


Should I ask her straight up? Or is there some other ways to tell if she is interested in me, without me asking?

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No other way, except you asking...unless she brings it up first.


You really need to resolve this deal because you obviously have feelings for her and trying to be just friends with someone for whom you are developing increased feelings is just not where you want to be.


You can be right up front about this. If she is so shallow she would dismiss you as a friend because you expressed feelings for her she could not return, she is not worth having as a friend. However, you might just say something like...hey, we've been great friends a really long time and, you know, if you ever decide you'd like to try taking it to a new level, I'd certainly be open to that. Then just see what her reaction is.


You can judge by her reaction whether you should discuss it further or just drop it. But, for your sake, you really need to talk this out and see where you stand with her.


I also think you should be able to tell if she might be interested in you in a romantic way if you have been paying attention to her body language and what she says. Ladies will usually put out some pretty good hints that way. But, then again, a lot of men don't listen very well.


Good luck!!!

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