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Any suggestions on next-Chest Pain Nonending

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As you may know since December 2010 I had an aweful chest pain. My chest exploded at night( tore) for some weird reason and ever since it's been hard. I can't move much. i can't even sleep cause when i lay down i get cramps in the chest.


it doesn't go away. the only one that gave me at least a clue of what it can be was the chiropractor because he looked at my spine and we saw a lot of crooks and abnormalities with the rib where it is hurting. The Mds and Orthos refuse to check me and just say i have "costochondritis " and say to take tylenol. Oh please!


Anyways if i don't move at all, i'm fine. But how realistic is that?


Yesterday, I woke up 3 times from bed and my chest felt like it was cramping up about to explode again so i quickly have to sit up before it does. It's pretty bad,



Who should i visit next? Seems all they can say is Costochondritis and that's not even it. I've read the classic costochondritis symptoms and mine's not it. MD's are clueless and just ridicule me. I need to see someone else, i'm over with MD's.

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If it is joint/muscle related, I'm not sure why you weren't prescribed an anti-inflammatory medicine...


If you are not satisfied with the physician's ruling, you should get additional opinions by various medical professionals and have a thorough set of x-rays performed. Then, you can begin to rule out any possible correlation (i.e. thoracic spine disorders, scoloisis, scheuermann's kyphosis, a herniated disc, etc.).


Here is an informative link:




Good luck and I hope you feel better! :)

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