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Why do I feel so ugly inside...

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Everything in my life seems to be fading before my eyes. Divorced 2 yrs ago ex left me for my friend thought she was prettier than me he always said I was fat and ugly and so did she they are now married and love to rub it in my face. Since than I moved away with kids in tow doing he best to move on with life, lost 28 lbs. The problem is that most of my friends that divorced have remarried shortly afterward. I seem to be having a harder time doing this, I go out and I even tried online dating sites but no luck. I'm really a nice person, caring loving , easygoing kind of person. I'm average looking so I'm told and I believe looks are not everything anyway. I'm 46 with 3 kids, no man wants that. What am I doing wrong I just want to be happy again.. I'm happier inside now that I left my miserable marriage and cheating ex behind, lost weight, changed my hair style what more can I do to attract men. I just want to feel loved again this is hurting so much inside. I want to be a family again.. :(

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I first and foremost want to give you major credit for pulling through what sounds like a difficult time. I say good riddance to him and the other woman (who was in no way, shape, or form a real friend).


Please do not make the mistake of thinking that there is any certain time limit in which you need to remarry. This is not only untrue, but unhealthy. I know you crave the companionship and miss the intimacy and want a family structure, but what is the rush? What if you rush into something and end up with someone that is horrible and you're back single a few years later? It's worth it to take the time to keep working on yourself. You will meet someone as long as you are projecting positive vibes and making the best choices for yourself.


One of my good friends is in her late 40s and has just recently met someone. She has 2 children and was in a very similar situation as you. But it took time. She had been away from her ex for several years. She started working out, getting out with friends, gardening, whatever she could reasonably do and thought was fun. She has been with this guy for a few months and they really seem to have hit it off. Had she rushed, she never would have met him.


Cut yourself some slack and try to do your best in the meantime to stay busy with things that make you happy. You will have horrible days and nights, but keep pushing on. You will get there!


Best of luck :)

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