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too fast are we?


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justin and i have been going out for three months. we are both in our last year of high school. both he and i are very serious about each other and have said and meant that we love each other very much. he tells me everything, and is very sweet to me. justin is open, honest, and treats me with the respect that i so often have not had with previous relationships. well, he told me recently that he would like to marry me someday. i know we're young and we have not been seeing each other very long, but in my heart i feel the same way. i know i want to spend the rest of my life with justin. what i don't know is if we're moving too fast with our emotions. i don't know if we're jumping to conclusions with how we feel. i feel that if i have to ask these questions to myself, then i probably am not in as much love as i think i am with justin. but i know i love him. i am very confused. once again, are justin and i jumping to conclusions with how we feel?? do high school sweethearts know that they're going to get married while they're in high school?


ps:we aren't even going to get married until after college

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justin and i have been going out for three months. we are both in our last year of high school. both he and i are very serious about each other and have said and meant that we love each other very much. he tells me everything, and is very sweet to me. justin is open, honest, and treats me with the respect that i so often have not had with previous relationships. well, he told me recently that he would like to marry me someday. i know we're young and we have not been seeing each other very long, but in my heart i feel the same way. i know i want to spend the rest of my life with justin. what i don't know is if we're moving too fast with our emotions. i don't know if we're jumping to conclusions with how we feel. i feel that if i have to ask these questions to myself, then i probably am not in as much love as i think i am with justin. but i know i love him. i am very confused. once again, are justin and i jumping to conclusions with how we feel?? do high school sweethearts know that they're going to get married while they're in high school? ps:we aren't even going to get married until after college Dear ubaygirl - I am not very much experienced when it comes to love relationships. But from what little experience i have I would like you to consider the following:


It is opbvious that both of you are very much in love with each other. But every relationship has to face the test of time and both of still being in college and still have to face the challenges of live, i would suggest this relationship to carry on as usual and leave the rest to time. In the mean time, concentrate on your studies and built a career which will help you to fulfill your ultimate goal of living together.



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It is opbvious that both of you are very much in love with each other. But every relationship has to face the test of time and both of still being in college and still have to face the challenges of live, i would suggest this relationship to carry on as usual and leave the rest to time. In the mean time, concentrate on your studies and built a career which will help you to fulfill your ultimate goal of living together. Vishy

You really don't need to make any decisions right now, do you? If you really do love eachother, you'll be together in the end. True love lasts throughout all tribulations, lust will fizzle out eventually.


Grace too.

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