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IS IT A DATE? or not?


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ok theres this girl that i like and i posted on here recently and everyone said to take it easy and just start seeing each other first instead of jumping into a relationship.

well.... i asked her to come out for dinner and see a movie tonight and she agreed, but the problem is.... she asked me if it was a date.i didnt know what to say so i said "what do you want" and she said to me "id prefer if it wasnt" is it just me or is this girl NOT interested at all. its really confusing because sometimes i think she does have feelings and other time i dont know. she calls me up everynight to talk and we sometimes would talk about relationships and how i had a 2 year relationship without getting "bored" of one another. is she hinting something to me?

this girl is so sweet and i do care about her very much. she is younger then me 2 years and everything about her i like. she gots the best personality and gorgous looks. she likes a real life mary, from the movie "something like mary" every thursday she would go down to the sports centre and help the disabled either play sports or help them read. i think this girl is one of teh best thing that happened in my life and i dont want to her her go just like that.

i finally met a girl that wants to get to know me for me and doesnt care about my car. my last few gf's went out with me because of my car, because its been i the car show. and this girl doesnt even care about it, she even encourages me not to take!?!? :confused: !!?!

well you guys heard the story and i need advice because im going out with her in a few hours. its a very confusing situation and i really want to be with this girl. please help me and tell me what i should do next. thanks

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have her pay for her own crap if it's not a date and just a friendship. You might gather info from that. One 'friend' doesn't continuosly pay for another 'friend's' stuff.

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maybe she just wants to have an out...like if things get Too Wierd for her.


do not bet that she will pay her own way, you should at least offer, Friends do that too.

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ok i just came home from a nite out, and it was fun. we saw a movie and took some photos then went and ate dinner. i paid for the movie, and she wanted to pay for the dinner but i felt bad cause it cost about 120$ so i paid for that a bit too. i found out that she likes me, so we are going to see each other 2morro nite. hopefully something will work out, cause i really like this girl. she makes me quiver whenever she touches me. ~fingers cross~

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Good Deal! Stear clear of $120 meals though!!! what did you two have? drinks?

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no, no drinks, that was only food ;) entree, main and no desert. preety damn expensive if you ask me :eek:

but it was all worth it in the end. she had fun and i did too.

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eres an update on what happened...

we went out again a few times and had alot of fun, she slept over last nite because it was too late for her to go home cause of her parents and all. we slept in the same bed and hugged each other to sleep, we kissed for a while and thats it. but theres a but~

she said to me that she wants us to be together as bf & gf, but she admitted that she wont be a good gf and she didnt want to ruin anything we hav even tho we kissed and it was too late. the things she said to me was

1) she not a protective gf, so if she saw me on the streets with another grl, she wouldnt care. but just be happy for me

2) she admits to flirtin alot with other men. ~ but dont we all flirt with other sexes?


and just things like that. now im not sure what to do. she comes from a very rich family, and she gets $$ easliy. me, my family does ok for ourselves. and im affaird that she might use up all my $.

my friends told me to tell her that my money issnt going to be spent all on her, and that i have my car, rent and everything else i need to take care of first. they told me that if she's cool with that then give a relationship a try and it turns out bad then leave her. what does everyone ere think i should do? advice plz.

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Don't let money come in the way too quickly. You can only truly give what you can offer... if you want things to work out on a deeper level I would assume it would have to be more than merely money; if she starts bugging you about how much money you have (especially if you are doing ok for yourself) then you should reconsider the relationship. Other than that though it seems like you're off to a pretty good start... yes girls flirt often (my parents have had a STRONG marriage for over 20 years and my mother is still fairly flirtatious but it's only on a very basic level) so don't worry about this either unless it either gets out of hand or she starts cheating in you. Anyways that's what I think... I hope things work out for you

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ok thanks for the advice, i needed to know a few stuff, and you cleared it all up for me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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ok, eres a lil update on whats been happening.

i have been seeing this girl for lil under a month now, and everything is going perfectly. we get along so well, and have alot of things in common. just tonight she told me that she was falling for me, i was feeling the same way, so i told her i was feeling the same as she is. everyone is very suprised because this girl "was" a commitmaphobe, and im happy i got her confidence with us strong. thanks everyone for all your advice, and i will keep everyone upto date with everything, again thanks

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