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Don't wait for god to make the next move...

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Feelin Frisky

Do you believe that Christian mingle commercial? They must be making money to be able to afford those commercials. Are there that many people out there who really think and speak in those terms, that they are "waiting for god to make the next move" to validate that kind of commercial?


I'd be interested too in hearing from anyone who tried it. I'm wondering if they had to sign Grover Norquist's pledge too. :p Seriously, is the Republican party all over these folks with steering mechanisms to vote their way. Tain't right when your stealing from god. Discuss.

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I agree - those commercials are a complete Hoax! Seriously - yes...if you use OUR service, since we have God on OUR side you will find success...don't use those other pesky GODLESS services out there!!


Honestly...and are people so blind that they cannot see that there will obviously be folks on there who pretend (just like on other sites) and aren't who they really seem?


Ok, I don't use the dating sites, I am married...but I just had to agree with how awful I find that commercial to be...not to mention the whole greedy drive behind those types of organizations...preying on peoples spirituality is pretty low, I think, and then to combine that with their vulnerability when they're lonely and looking for someone to love and to love them back...wow. Just. Wow. K :) Wow, thanks Frisky! I think I needed to vent!

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Forever Learning
Do you believe that Christian mingle commercial? They must be making money to be able to afford those commercials. Are there that many people out there who really think and speak in those terms, that they are "waiting for god to make the next move" to validate that kind of commercial?


I'd be interested too in hearing from anyone who tried it. I'm wondering if they had to sign Grover Norquist's pledge too. :p Seriously, is the Republican party all over these folks with steering mechanisms to vote their way. Tain't right when your stealing from god. Discuss.


I didn't know who Grover Norquist was, so I googled him. What a fascinating man. He is married to a woman who was born into a muslim family. That in itself is not such a big deal, but more interesting is this quote from this link:




the quote within, which I reference as interesting:


"Muslin Issues':



"Norquist is the co-founder of the Islamic Free Market Institute.


In 2010, Norquist, whose wife was born into a Muslim family, emerged as the most outspoken Republican foe of politicizing the mosque-in-Manhattan issue, saying:


"This is a distraction from a winning game plan… It is very stupid, when Republicans are poised to win an overwhelming victory in November over Democratic spending, to focus attention on this issue."


He has also "announced his plan to assemble a center-right coalition to discuss pulling out of Afghanistan to save hundreds of billions of dollars."


In a CPAC 2011 speech, David Horowitz accused Norquist of having connections with the Muslim Brotherhood. "


So he is an ultra Republican accused of having connections with the Muslim Brotherhood. You don't see them apples everyday. Or do you? I am not the most hip on the political scene, and everything seems a bit Alice in Wonderland-ish half the time now anyways.




I vaguely remember having seen this Christian Mingle dating commercial. So is their jingle something along the lines of "Don't wait for God to make the next move" - meaning, as a Christian person viewing this commercial with their eyeballs on late night t.v. during Lawrence Welk re-runs, who has been waiting for God to drop from the clear blue sky into their lap, another nice Christian single - that they can go to this dating website, and actually take proactive measures on their own behalf to round up some quality singles, under the assurance that God would approve of this dating service, therefore usurping waiting for God to do all the legwork on the single Christian's behalf?


If so yeah, that is kinda ballsy on Christian Mingle's part, LOL.


Then again, some Christians allude to the fact they have better knowledge of the secret workings of God than other Christians, due to their superior interpretation of the bible.


It's kinda cute, in a f*cked up way.


But anyhow, is that the jist of the commercial? If so, yes that is annoying on Christian Mingle's part.


Do some Christian people really speak and think in those terms?


As someome living just south of the bible belt in this country, I can give you an assured yes on that matter.


I worked for 5 years in a Christian based organization that cared for handicapped folks. I took the job even though I wondered how deep in their religious mindset the organization was going to try to pull me. My guard was up, even though I consider myself someone who loves Jesus. I just don't like other people telling me how to love Jesus or that their version of God and Jesus is superior to mine. So I went into the whole deal wary and with my invisible shields up.


It didn't turn out too bad, many nice experiences helping the handicapped folks, that was ok overall. But yes, this organization attracted some of the most fundamental of Christians (missionaries who traveld to Haiti and Africa on their free time, etc), who did indeed fully believe, if they were single, that praying to God to bring them a spouse was all they need to do to make it happen. Their mindset was, once that prayer was prayed, you could sit back and relax, God would do the rest for you.


That's why my favorite quotes are "God helps those who help themselves" and "Seek and ye shall find". I tend to think our creator, whoever or whatever that force may be, would rather we go do some legwork ourselves for anything we are hoping to achieve or find, rather than shoot out a prayer email and sit back eating bon bons waiting for the sky/lap drop phenomenon.


Did I totally miss your point here? I sometimes do that. It's all good though. :D

Edited by Forever Learning
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