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Why Would My Ex Tell Me He Adores Me, Etc?

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:confused: why would my ex keep telling me he adores me i talked with him again this evening and he told me 3 times in a row i adore u,i truelly adore u..?the first time was a week ago he told me that.im confused on it.i know what adore means.To worship as God or a god.

To regard with deep, often rapturous love. See Synonyms at revere1.

To like very much: adores mink coats. . To love in the highest degree; to regard with the utmost esteem and affection; to idolize.

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What is your question exactly? Why would he adore you? I don't really know you - what about you is worthy of adoration?

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Originally posted by moimeme

The only person who can answer that question is the man himself. Ask him.


I agree.

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If I may put my 2 cents worth in but maybe just maybe he still cares about you alot.If he keeps telling you he adores you.Just cause hes an ex doesnt mean he cant still love or care about you. :love:

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In my opinion, if the guy is constantly telling you that, he still has some unresolved feelings towards you. Maybe you should give it another try. Since you're still friends with him, your relationship couldn't have been that bad.

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thank you it does seem that way if he continues to say it i just dont want to read into something and be wrong

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I adore my computer. For without it I would be lifeless. haha :D


Just giving you an example to what other people may use that word for. :)

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