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I don't know :(

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Ok it's only been one moth and a few days, this man I'm talking bout is really a sweet heart. He makes me laugh, we talk about everything time to time, we go do and do things together, now the problem is he just got out of a relationship and so did I, i was with my Ex for 3yrs and he was with his Ex for 2yrs. I went through hell and back with this guy thats why he's my Ex, so it's a little hard for me to not show any feelings towards a new guy who's sending all the right signs. I always think about if we were in a relationship how would things be" I mean I know it's soon and he may can go back to his Ex not ne we are over for good. I just want this man to be my man, he told me a few weeks ago that he wish i was his first everything, i'm 26 and he's 33, gotta like that man lol, I don't want a little boy who don't know how to treat a woman but always claims he's grown smh...I just really want to make this man know that I am a very good woman and mother he has no kids I do want one more, I just don't what to do, sometime he call me and text me, then it will be a day when I don't hear from him, I mean I want to give himspace because he do need time to heal, as well as me. I'm so confused because I know I just have to sit back and let everything play itself out, but how long what if i'm waiting for no reason, help me yall.

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I think from a relationship that lasted 3 years, getting out of that will definitely take time. I don't think it matters who the guy is you're interested in, if you feel like you are still fighting against emotions that will keep your undivided attention away from him, you probably just need to take a breather and step back. Hindsight always puts things into greater perspective, sometimes you just need to slow down a bit!

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thank you so much, I mean it's a little hard because I really want to see if this go somewhere, but I think i'm just gonna leave himalone, so what do I do if he calls me?

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Trust me, I know the urge can be strong, I've been there too!


If he calls you, just treat him like any other friend. If you think you can handle just being friends but you're still curious, just get to know him as a friend. 1 month isn't enough time to really get to know someone, and I think a lot of people can agree that it's usually a safer bet dating someone that you know well beforehand. You might get to know him better and he's a total douchebag. Or, he can prove himself to be amazing for you down the road. I really think that right now, time is your best friend, not your enemy. Sit back and just take a good look at everything and don't make any irrational or sudden decisions. I think you'll know when the time is right for you to start back again :)

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You are so right< iI know it's too early to really say how he would be or how he will treat me, it's just the time I do spend with him, i really enjoy it, so do you think I should date other people, how do I do that I mean I just don't want to be out here sleeping around or should I say like the girls say "having fun" thats not me. I am so ready to settled dwn and have a real family, I gave my Ex 3yrs and I really feel like I waste my time with him, I just don't understand, i know he is very hurt from what his Ex did to him, I just don't get it edition.

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Well, that's the other thing, he's coming out of a slump too with his ex. I mean, I don't fully understand your situation, but listen, I'm 22 and I'm ready to settle down lol, and people just tell me that I'm young and have plenty of time. Sometimes, the conditions just aren't right to move forward yet. In a month from now, things could look a lot better and hard feelings will fade. There are things that only time can mend, and relationships are definitely one of those things.


Ultimately, I'd probably continue to see where things lead up, but I just wouldn't get caught up in the emotions of it. That sounds strange, but hormones are a powerful drug, and you just need to be careful to not jump the gun on it. Don't use the relationship to help mend the bruises from your last one. Instead, make sure the purpose behind your relationship is focused on him and him only. You owe it to him and he owes you the same respect to start fresh, which is why I just want to make it clear that you know that old feelings won't get in the way before you start another relationship.

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Edition thats just it, I don't let my old relationship come between me and him, but it's him who can't seem to stop talking about what she did to him, don't get me wrong I'm here for him at the same time i think he should try and understand that I have feelings as well and i'm thinking bout me and him not what happen to him or me the past is the past, I just think i'm not gonna call him no more and see what happen, we was just together on sunday he telling people i'm his fiance, and then come monday he did call me, same as tuesday then we was talking on the phone wendsday morning, I just don't know i really wish emotions had a turn off switch lol. this is really crazy, Edition I know we will be great for eachother, but your right only time will tell, and I do have to make time my best friend now at this point cause thats all I have. I really don't want to see other people, but I guess i will.

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