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The BS from hell!

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Who is trying to belittle you? :eek:[/QUOte]


:eek:Incredible. You did not recognize yourself? Most, if not all of your posts on this thread is just that. You are right, most people don't change underneath-to some abusing others comes naturally.

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:eek:Incredible. You did not recognize yourself? Most, if not all of your posts on this thread is just that. You are right, most people don't change underneath-to some abusing others comes naturally.



Good morning tammy. Have a cup of joe. I was trying...(yoda says do or do not) Take your pick.

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Take it from a dude, guys just say it strait, if he told u 2 butt out, then butt out, zip it, just be cute, dont question him, sounds like thats wat he wants. And if he jokes about killin his wife, dude, be careful that aint funny, i dont get a good feelin from the dude.

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Sorry but I have chuckled most of the way through this thread. How old are you daisylove? Is this your first ever type of relationship?

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Memphis Raines
The BW is being a b*tch


wouldn't have anything to do with the treatment of her husband and the interloper would it?


The BW's anger is justified.


And judging by DL's demeanor, I'd take what she says about the BS with a grain of salt.


Also, DL says in another thread that her stbxMM is trying to hide assets. No wonder they will try to bill this to the wife trying to make her think she'd be getting more than the courts would award her. They are trying to hide things.


And sounds like the wife is being smart about it. She should let her attorney find what they hid and hand him his rear end.

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My lover man told W that he wanted a D and he laid forth a VERY GENEROUS settlement.At first, BS said they wold get a D over her dead body. Then my love told her he could make that happen and then her attitude changed and she got real sweet. Then she wanted to try to fix everything and my love told her to get out of town. Then she acted like she didn't care and we thought that everything was going to be real good.Now she's being really passive aggressive and acting like a total b*itch. She will call him on the phone and be all nicey nice and try to talk about old times and crap and agree to what he says, and then she will have her lawyer send him some stupid thing over the settlement! Like she told him she agreed to his terms on keeping the house. He told her she could keep the house and it was this many dollars in value. She said ok to him on the phone. Then her stupid lawyer send him notice that it's not ok and she wants more! He will talk to her on the phone about it, and she's all sweet as pie again!I told him a whole lot of times to STOP TALKING to her! He should let his lawyers take care of everything cuz that's what he paid them for you know? But he insists on talking to her and try to get her to make nice and go away. But then he gets all upset again and real grumpy! I suggested again sweetly with a kiss that he GO NC and he was real pissed about everything and he told me to mind my own business.What should I do?? She is making my life MISERABLE!!


Keyword: Lawyer! That is why one gets paid for. To make sure that someone doesn't just act out of emotions and really does what is in their best interest. You may agree or not but it is what it is... She got a pitbull lawyer. That a girl! Would you be happy if she was just silent and went away without a battle? I mean, let's be for real "NC" with his W? They are still married, that is going to be pretty hard to do. One way or another they will have to be adults and speak.


Your MM, may have said it harshly "to mind your own biz" but try taking the suggestion a bit into consideration. In reality, you have said that it was not your business that he was cheating on her, etc. What's different about this? It's a mess. There is no way that you can have unbiased advice without having your feelings and best interest at heart. Think about it.


The tangled webs...

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Who said I'm not happy? I'm REAL happy all the time unless SHE is the subject! I don't even care if she's the subject but she upsets my baby so much. I love my sweet man and I want things to go easy for him and I want to help him however I can! What's wrong with that? Aren't there any OW here who are married now that can help me?


Oh well! It's either the W or the MIL that will be the cause of "mysery", no? A little late for things to go easy for him. What exactly you thought it was going to happen? This typical scenario really amazes the shyte out of me. :laugh: I don't get it?!?!:o


If people don't want to complicate their lives, they simply shouldn't do shyte that will cause them drama. That simple!:rolleyes:

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How is it not my business? We can't get M until they get the D, so it is VERY MUCH my business!



You think that after going through a "horrible" divorce, your MM will be running to city hall? :eek:


People don't learn...

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I know you alls are very disappointed and you all would like it to be some other way, but he is choosing to talk to his W because he wants to try to keep it civil. The offer he made her was a whole lot more than she would get if she took it to a judge. She isn't the brightest bulb in the box, but she DOES understand that! She is just trying to be a bitch and string things along. My lover man says that she will want to wrap this up super quick the minute she finds a boyfriend. Alls I want to know is how to get this **** she's pulling to not frustrate him so bad. Cuz that's all it is ****!



I know! It beez like that sometimes! :lmao:


She's not "pulling" anything babes. Your sweetness is M to this lady, he pulls out on you and pulls one on her. Don't blame his W, blame your MM that was the one who cheated and got himself in all this dramz.;)

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Memphis Raines
I know! It beez like that sometimes! :lmao:


She's not "pulling" anything babes. Your sweetness is M to this lady, he pulls out on you and pulls one on her. Don't blame his W, blame your MM that was the one who cheated and got himself in all this dramz.;)


exactly, and on another note, if this wife was the "b!tch" daisy claims her to be, then he wouldn't have told her to back off. he'd welcome her "help"


the fact that he is trying to offer her what seems to be more than 1/2, although daisy already admitted in another thread he is trying to move assets to hide them, AND the fact he snapped at daisy and told her to back off suggests to me that he still cares for his wife.


Looks like he still is somewhat in love with her, or at the very least not IN love, but loves her as a person, and daisy is badmouthing his wife and it seems that the MM doesn't approve.

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