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Confused!? I dont know what to do or if he likes me!


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Ok, so I like this guy at work. He just started working there about a two months ago. We started talking then a little flirtting. He always is looking at me and when he walks by he makes these faces I can't really describe them but they are faces where he is trying to make me laugh I guess. Well we work at a resturant and he always asks if I need help and I ask him the same.


The other night we went to a club which would be our first get together outside of work, I asked him if he wanted to go and with no hesitation he said yes. I was kinda surprised. We had a lot of fun together we held hands a little bit but nothing else. Later, my friend got us kicked out cause she was holding a beer and she was under age.. So he invited us to go back to his house and to hang out with his room mates one of his room mates work with us so i knew him and it was fine with me.


So afterwards we went and we listened to some music he was shocked that i really didn't know any of the bands. Then this other girl showed up one of his friends i assumed but they acted like something was happening between them. but he introduced her as just a friend, it was getting late so my friend and I left cause we had class the next morning. So, I dont know what to do or if he likes me or not. can anyone help me?

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I suppose the only way you are going to know if he likes you is to ask. Although I would not do that myself.


In my experience, if a man likes you, and is wanting to 'date' people he will give strong signs that he is interested by asking the person out. Naturally a man also likes to know that he is not going to get rejected when he does ask you out SO, but the signs out there that you are interested, and wait and see what happens. In the meantime, take the time to get to know him more.


Good Luck!

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