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Virgin Mom?? Please Help!!


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Ok This Is Hard to explain breifly But I'll Try


I recently Gave my Virginity to a guy that I have been Dating For About 7 months


My parents know and they are worried about me getting pregnant and my heart getting broken


I look At it this way


even If you Vow To spend your Life with someone you always have that chance of heart break


It's like death if you spend your life fearing death you will never get anything done and you will


constantly be in fear.


Well we have seen eachother ALOT since I gave him my virginity and we haven't had sex again


He leaves tommorrow for bootcamp and he'll be gone a total of 134 days ( I can Visit him on weekends and


he will come home for a week for thanksgiving and 2 weeks for xmas and new years) He'll be home on Feb. 16th


permanatly. My mom understands why I did it and said it was my decision. He bought me a promis ring a few days ago


and promised he'd come home to me. Niether of us are going to see anyone else during this 6 month period.


My thing is Now I am Craving what he Always gave me! What I mean is now I am use to being held and Adored and


Told "i love you" everyday. I am so use to not going to movies alone and having my hand held and being intruduced


by "this is my girl..........." yeah well I dunno If I can make it w/o him! help If you get My drift!


Please no "well your dumb for giving your virginity" To tell the truth I would never for the world take it back


he was so gentle and it was SSSOOOOO much more than I expected. I loved it! And I love him so please help!






P.S. I am OLDER than 16 so don't even ask! Thanks

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What do you need help with?


Your giving him your virginity is completely irrelevant to the fact that he is going into the military and will be away for 134 days. He has been extremely nice to you, you have a great relationship, you love him, etc. If you are asking if I can call the President and get him out of military duty, i have lost the number to the Oval Office.


If you are wondering if you won't be tempted to cheat on him while he's gone, that's totally up to you. During wars, hundreds of thousands of wives and girlfriends do without their guys for periods of up to three years while they are away in foreign lands and unable to visit on weekends or holidays. I think you can get through this just fine.


If I were in your town, I would offer to take you to the movies and hold your hand until your boyfriend got back but that would not be practical. So I think you ought to resolve yourself to the fact that this is just a minor sacrifice for being with such a great guy. The time may seem to go by slowly at first but 134 days in NOT a very long time. And you will be able to see him now and then.


I want to also tell you that military bootcamp is no picnic. Not only will your guy have to be humiliated on a daily basis by a rude drill sargent who will make him do 500 pushups for breathing too fast after excersing...and make him get up at 3a.m. to guard the dumpster for two hours...he will also be missing you terribly as well. So stop the pitty party!!! You're guy has a lot more to be sad for that you EVER will!!!


It sounds to me like you need to experience this...a little sacrifice for your country. It will make you a better person and build character.


Get over it. There are so many people without someone special...and you've got somebody. You're just going to have to wait four or five months to have him back. Count your blessings, babe!!!


P.S. There is no point in worrying about whether or not you are pregnant. Either it is so or it isn't and worrying won't make any difference.

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Hey Loran, I got a t-shirt from this one... ok so heres what you do 1) stop boohooing. 2) go to the post office and get 120 stamps. 3)stop boohooing, again. 4) when he leaves and you get his address, you sit down and address 120 letters. 5) you know the routine, stop boohooing. 6) start writing him every day and if you feel like it write twice, tell him about your cat, your dog, your mom your pop, his mom and pop, how you bought a pair of shoes that don't fit right, how you ate something that did not aggree with you.... you see he is going through some thing really hard and he needs constant support from home...Ie. the one he loves and were not talking mom here...ok.. so what are you going to do buy kleenex or stationary?????

Ok This Is Hard to explain breifly But I'll Try I recently Gave my Virginity to a guy that I have been Dating For About 7 months My parents know and they are worried about me getting pregnant and my heart getting broken


I look At it this way even If you Vow To spend your Life with someone you always have that chance of heart break It's like death if you spend your life fearing death you will never get anything done and you will constantly be in fear. Well we have seen eachother ALOT since I gave him my virginity and we haven't had sex again


He leaves tommorrow for bootcamp and he'll be gone a total of 134 days ( I can Visit him on weekends and he will come home for a week for thanksgiving and 2 weeks for xmas and new years) He'll be home on Feb. 16th permanatly. My mom understands why I did it and said it was my decision. He bought me a promis ring a few days ago and promised he'd come home to me. Niether of us are going to see anyone else during this 6 month period. My thing is Now I am Craving what he Always gave me! What I mean is now I am use to being held and Adored and Told "i love you" everyday. I am so use to not going to movies alone and having my hand held and being intruduced by "this is my girl..........." yeah well I dunno If I can make it w/o him! help If you get My drift! Please no "well your dumb for giving your virginity" To tell the truth I would never for the world take it back he was so gentle and it was SSSOOOOO much more than I expected. I loved it! And I love him so please help! Thanks Lora P.S. I am OLDER than 16 so don't even ask! Thanks

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