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Am I Overrreacting?


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I'm a guy. 31. I find most guy talk about girls offensive. A few nights ago a friend of mine made a comment about "chasing tail" or "getting tail if you do x". It made my blood boil. So much so I'm considering removing said friend from my life.


I'm a serious relationship kind of guy (whenever it happens in my life), and I will not tolerate those kinds of comments. I've never talked about girls like that myself, so why do other guys feel the need to?


Am I overreacting? Am I not normal because I don't think like that or want to make that kind of "sowing wild oats" philosophy part of my life? Do girls expect guys they go out with to talk like this?

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I'm not a guy, so I have no idea why men talk like this with each other.


But, personally, it gives me chills knowing that I have been talked about like this, at some point, in one way or another. I'm just glad I can't read mens' minds!

It is good to know there are guys out there like you, though.


I wouldn't drop the guy's as a friend. Just tell him that it bothers you. He was just trying to be helpful, in his own creepy sort of way. He may not be as mature as you, and you can't blame him for that.

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I have friends who are like this. I'm quite a conservative person when it comes to dating and family, and very much a serious relationship kind of guy. To me, it sounds like your guy friends really don't have much respect for girls. This kind of talk doesn't make me angry, but I certainly don't egg them on about it. To me, it's just way immature and I don't feel like I need to talk down about girls in order to make myself feel better. It's just an insecurity issue I feel.


But to answer your question, you're probably overreacting a little bit, there's really nothing you can do to change your friends. Just don't talk about that subject so much. It's more important that you are firm in your own beliefs of how you view women and that you don't give in to that kind of behavior if it makes you angry (which I'm not saying you are doing this, but just keep your focus on what you believe in and keep practicing it).

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