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Do you lose weights after breakup?


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hey guys,


I am quiet worrying that I might lose too much weights. In the first weeks of the breakup I didnt eat very well and I cried way too much. Now I havent eaten breakfast for a while, stay up all nights, and wake up when its past noon. I dont know how much weights I lose but it is obvious I can see my bones.


Other than that, I feel healthier than when I was with my ex. A lot healthier.


So I just want to know, If I change the eating and sleeping habits, do you think I ll gain some more weights? Did you guys ever lose a lot of weights because of the breakup?


This is my first blindsinded breakup and so it was a really bad one.

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Short answer: yes. Your sleeping and eating habits have an impact on your weight.


If you google nutrition and the benefits of sleep, I'm sure you'll find all your answers. :) I could give you my interpretation which works for me, but I'm not really qualified.

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Hi Reimeivn,


It's been 2 weeks since my breakup, and tbh i think i've put on weight, as i'm a comfort eater - i've been to the gym twice which i never did while i was in a relationship, but i've also just ordered a takeaway....


I think you need to start getting your body into a routine - not eating breakfast isn't healthy as that first bit of food gets your food burners going for the day.


You may need a conscious effort until it becomes routine, which it will after a while - i.e. make yourself go to bed at a normal time (10/11pm for me as i have work the next day), get up in the mornings after around 8 hours sleep or however much you feel you need, have breakfast (doesn't need to be boring toast or boring cereal, get something you like and you will want to eat it i'm sure!)


Once you start continuously going to bed at a certain time and waking up at a certain time, it will become habit and your body will get used to it.


I think if i hadn't had to get up and go to work these past 2 weeks, i would have done the same as you - stayed up all night, slept all day, so don't beat yourself up as sometimes i think when you've had a shock your body and your mind needs to protect itself, and this has obviously taken the form of sleeping and not eating.


The other point is - if i didn't get up till 12, i wouldn't have breakfast either as you'll have obviously missed it by then! But if you're up when it's time for a meal, you might feel inclined to have something.


Just try to eat healthy, even if you don't feel like it, just eat a little something - don't let your ex make you ill as they're really not worth it.


In time you will feel better - you'll sleep normally, eat normally - but just for now you have to make the effort to do it.


All the best hunni xxx

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The first few days I didn't eat at all. It made me sick. After a few days I was able to force myself to eat, but not nearly enough. Over the first couple weeks I dropped 15 pounds. (and I was not overweight to begin with)

I hardly slept at all during this time period. Thoughts kept me up all night. Dreams woke me up constantly.


By the fourth week I was eating okay, but I had to remind myself to eat. I didn't have the urge. This lasted a while, and my weight stabilized.

Sleep was more stable, but still woke to dreams I did not want.


It wasn't until six or so weeks that I started eating normally again...and a couple months before I started gaining back some of the weight. Sleeping was, for the most part, nearly back to normal as well after a couple months.



My breakup was also the blind side variety, and it took a good while to recover physically. Everyone is different and re-stabilizes at their own pace. But I'm sure that, with time, eventually you will find your eating and sleeping habits return to normal.

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my girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me a month ago. i didnt eat anything more than banana a day the first two weeks and i would throw up in the mornings bc i felt sick thinking about her with someone else. i ate a little bit more later but still not nearly enough. ive lost a little more than 20 pounds in about 5 weeks. im still losing a little too. im a mess and need to get better but dont know how.

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my girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me a month ago. i didnt eat anything more than banana a day the first two weeks and i would throw up in the mornings bc i felt sick thinking about her with someone else. i ate a little bit more later but still not nearly enough. ive lost a little more than 20 pounds in about 5 weeks. im still losing a little too. im a mess and need to get better but dont know how.




That is too much of a weight loss in 5 weeks. It is unhealthy. Please start eating properly or seek medical advice. No human being is worth you getting sick over him/her (unless it's your child, but even than you should take care of your self).

Please love yourself and the world will love you back.

Take care and be kind to your body.


Best wishes

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It happened to me too. Still not eating properly but I'm trying.


I just tried to eat as much junk food as I could, to get my body used to eating often, then slowly phase that out and eat regular again.

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Under The Radar

Many people, myself included, have lost weight after a breakup. If you really loved the other person it can lead to depression, obsessive thoughts, and a blow to your self-worth. Consequently, a lot of people have trouble taking care of themselves - including eating enough food. Trying to get calories from liquids versus solid foods will be easier if you are sick and not hungry. Even if you are not hungry it is important to force yourself to eat, even if it is just a little bit (soup, juice, protein shakes, etc...). Junk food and fast food can be an option if you feel up to it. They are "calorie dense" and could keep you going until you start to normalize from the healing process. Not a viable long term approach for your health, but if you are only able to eat once every day or so it can help to give your body the energy requirements it needs. Please try and take care of yourself; I know it's hard.

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I guess one bright spot of my breakup is that I've lost about 15lbs since my ex dumped me. Mostly because I've been jogging, and working out more. Unfortunately, even though I look great now, I'm still left with that empty feeling without her. Then I try to think to myself, it's her loss, and the next person to come along is going to have this great guy and everything.

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Yes, it's normal- stress has a great impact on your body.

I've lost so much weight that people are beginning to comment on it.

I also had my hair fall out... I went days without eating after the break up- I still find it hard to eat 5 months later.


You could always drink boost shakes with added calories. I had to resort to that after my divorce because I got so skinny.


Look after yourself girl:)

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I did not eat solid food for 5 days but did drink some protien shakes as I knew that as bad as I felt I had to be able to function. So yea I lost unhealthy weight.


It has taken me about a month to really enjoy eating normal again and even now I think there is an association with food and her as we loved to cook and go places to eat.


I think you know what is the smart thing to do and sometimes we have to force ourselves to do it. Look for as has been mentioned high in calories shakes and or protien bars that are not full of bad sugars and keep them handy. When you have no appetite try to get one down and keep at that as it will help you feel as alive as possible.

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I ate as normal after my breakup and did no exercise but still managed to lose a stone, im tiny as it is so I was worryingly underweight, Ive still not put it back on 8 months later, ive put about 1/4 stone on but im still much less than I was before the breakup...stress can make you lose weight so quickly! x

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I didn't lose weight.... however, my diet became shockingly bad. I stopped taking the time to prepare healthy meals and just got take out. I stopped exercising completely as I lost all motivation in the early weeks of the break up. Like most other people, I was lucky if I got a couple of hours sleep a night and even then it wouldn't be good quality sleep. Because of this I survived the working day by drinking can after can of high calorie, high sugar energy drink...... yet, through all of that I didn't put on a single pound. I'm certain that if I'd continued to eat normally, rather than all the junk, I'd have lost masses of weight, which, considering I'm a slim guy to start with, would have been rather dangerous.

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