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Wanna change my look, what should I go for?


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So I'm in my 20s and studying at university. There's a lot of trends going on but I want to stand out in my own way. Not too flamboyant but definitely different in a good way. I know guys don't have as much variety as girls but can you suggest something? Posting examples through pictures would be nice!:)

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Ok what are we looking at?!?!?! What length/color is your hair? Regular style of dress?? Tattoos or piercings??

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You should go for the tough guy look. Get a tattoo that creeps up your neck and back. Some kind of tribal tattoo. Wear leather jackets and grow your hair long and keep it messy. Smoke cigars.


Seriously you should just walk around the mall or clothing stores and find a mannequin or picture that has a look you feel you would enjoy. Wear what makes you feel sharp.

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I would suggest dressing nice, but not too nice, having short hair, no facial hair or facial hair that is trimmed nicely. Just because you are in college, does not mean you have to be a slob.


Don't go for the tough guy look, it is overdone and overplayed. Let your personality show through your style.

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Why do people put so much effort into making sure they convey a certain message with what they wear? I dont get it.


If my job or the occasion requires me to dress a certain way then of course. But other than that I'm just a t-shirt and jeans guy.


Workout and get into really good shape and women will notice you no matter what you have on. But that's just the first step.......

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Thanks for the responses guys.


haha, Gerard Butler:lmao:


I have short dark brown hair and dark-brown eyes. No tattoos or piercing - at the moment I wouldn't consider getting either one of them. My regular style of dress is jeans and a t-shirt, sometimes a hoodie when it's cold, a cardigan or sweater. It's basically jeans all-year around as for bottoms goes.


:lmao: Dust, if I had a tough guy look you described, I'll be dead the moment I step in. Thanks for the advice, there are some looks I've seen around the shopping more that I like but sometimes I don't think I can pull it off. I'll give it a shot though! Oh, and I don't have a leather jacket - must get one.


Thanks triphopper, that's what I want. A sort of smart casual look, nothing rugged or messy. And I don't think I can pull off the tough guy look anyways :)


I've stopped wearing my hoodie after wearing it for over 2 years... haha, everyone wears them tough!


For me, it's not so much as conveying a message but rather mixing it up and changing it up. It's not a huge deal but I just thought it would be fun and a bit exciting:) You're right though, I need to start working out again... I haven't been committed to it enough. What's a good back workout I can do?

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Thanks for the responses guys.


haha, Gerard Butler:lmao:


I have short dark brown hair and dark-brown eyes. No tattoos or piercing - at the moment I wouldn't consider getting either one of them. My regular style of dress is jeans and a t-shirt, sometimes a hoodie when it's cold, a cardigan or sweater. It's basically jeans all-year around as for bottoms goes.


:lmao: Dust, if I had a tough guy look you described, I'll be dead the moment I step in. Thanks for the advice, there are some looks I've seen around the shopping more that I like but sometimes I don't think I can pull it off. I'll give it a shot though! Oh, and I don't have a leather jacket - must get one.


Thanks triphopper, that's what I want. A sort of smart casual look, nothing rugged or messy. And I don't think I can pull off the tough guy look anyways :)


I've stopped wearing my hoodie after wearing it for over 2 years... haha, everyone wears them tough!


For me, it's not so much as conveying a message but rather mixing it up and changing it up. It's not a huge deal but I just thought it would be fun and a bit exciting:) You're right though, I need to start working out again... I haven't been committed to it enough. What's a good back workout I can do?


Tattoos I don't mind piercings I do!!! Lol I think the whole smart but sexy look rocks lol gotta love glasses!!!!

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That smart, sexy look is ideally what I want :) It's funny, a few of the girls I have dated have said they agreed to go on a date with me because I'm smart. But how would they know that? :p


Nexus, I wish! I'm pretty slim and use to be more toned but haven't worked out in a while. I want that toned look, like some of the soccer players have. Nothing too muscular.

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That smart, sexy look is ideally what I want :) It's funny, a few of the girls I have dated have said they agreed to go on a date with me because I'm smart. But how would they know that? :p


Nexus, I wish! I'm pretty slim and use to be more toned but haven't worked out in a while. I want that toned look, like some of the soccer players have. Nothing too muscular.



It's cause women(well at least me) I find intelligence sexy, I like someone to talk with lol! And don't feel like you need to turn into Ryan Renolds, or Gerard Butler, toned and slim is perfect!! Guys with huge muscles make me look like one of the people from Wizard of Oz who are in the Lollipop Gild.

James McAvoy is the perfect example!! I mean the library scene in Atonement?!?!??! YAY!!!



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I think I am an intelligent guy so I'm glad some girls find it sexy :)


Yes, I wouldn't mind that James McAvoy build! I haven't seen Atonement :p I was thinking something along the lines of David Beckham. For me, that would be perfect. Plus I play a bit of sports as well.


As for the smart look, maybe something like how James McAvoy dressed in X-men?

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I think I am an intelligent guy so I'm glad some girls find it sexy :)


Yes, I wouldn't mind that James McAvoy build! I haven't seen Atonement :p I was thinking something along the lines of David Beckham. For me, that would be perfect. Plus I play a bit of sports as well.


As for the smart look, maybe something like how James McAvoy dressed in X-men?


Perfect :-) shows that he is put together but he still looked a little scruffy and tough witch in my opinoin is PERFECT!! And if you haven't seen it at least google the library scene from it!! To this day that scene gives me chills!! Then again his is wearing a tux in that scene which is also super attractive to me lol!! All I can say is don't change everything about yourself!! Mix in "prepprier"(I think that would be the look) pieces like loafers or a sweater but don't abandon your jeans and tee shirts. I will tell you a secret all women have we think your tee shirts are the comfiest things EVER!! I don't get why they are nicer than girls are!! Maybe if you wear contacts try wearing glasses for a day or two even small things like that we girls notice!! ;)

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Perfect :-) shows that he is put together but he still looked a little scruffy and tough witch in my opinoin is PERFECT!! And if you haven't seen it at least google the library scene from it!! To this day that scene gives me chills!! Then again his is wearing a tux in that scene which is also super attractive to me lol!! All I can say is don't change everything about yourself!! Mix in "prepprier"(I think that would be the look) pieces like loafers or a sweater but don't abandon your jeans and tee shirts. I will tell you a secret all women have we think your tee shirts are the comfiest things EVER!! I don't get why they are nicer than girls are!! Maybe if you wear contacts try wearing glasses for a day or two even small things like that we girls notice!! ;)


I'll start working out again and see how it goes :) Don't think I can quite get to David Beckham's look haha.


I just checked out the library scene... a really hot scene; definitely gave me the chills. I love Keira Knightley! I'll check out the movie whenever I have the chance.


I don't actually have a pair of loafers so might invest in that. I'll keep my T-shirts - I have a lot of nice ones. I never knew they were more comfortable than women's.


I was thinking something like this or this (the middle guy)

Maybe even something like this.


Plus, what shoes should I wear with those looks? I usually wear casual sporty looking shoes.


Oh and I don't wear contacts or glasses :)

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I'll start working out again and see how it goes :) Don't think I can quite get to David Beckham's look haha.


I just checked out the library scene... a really hot scene; definitely gave me the chills. I love Keira Knightley! I'll check out the movie whenever I have the chance.


I don't actually have a pair of loafers so might invest in that. I'll keep my T-shirts - I have a lot of nice ones. I never knew they were more comfortable than women's.


I was thinking something like this or this (the middle guy)

Maybe even something like this.


Plus, what shoes should I wear with those looks? I usually wear casual sporty looking shoes.


Oh and I don't wear contacts or glasses :)


Those are perfect! You can wear casual shoes like converse or whatever I know how much walking across campus in the wrong shoes can hurt(damn boots!) And yeah the library scene is......:love: LOVE James McAvoy!!

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Whatever you do----------DON'T DO A TATTOO. In the eyes of some segments of society you will be labeled as not desirable.


Otherwise, try anything that is reversible.

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So many people have tattoo's these days it wont hurt your prospects in regards to jobs and such provided they can be covered up, however, some women will like guys with tattoos others won't. Don't get a tattoo for the sake of (debatably) appearing more attractive.

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So many people have tattoo's these days


That is because some humans follow each other like sheep.:laugh::laugh::laugh: They are not that original.

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Converse are really popular and I do enjoy working in them :) However, I'm thinking of going for something different than what I usually wear. I like James McAvoy too ... as an actor only :p


No way I'm getting a tattoo... I have considered it before but it was never a serious thought. Some of my friends have tattoos and IMO it doesn't make them any more attractive. One of my friends recently got a quote tattooed on... Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna do that.

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Converse are really popular and I do enjoy working in them :) However, I'm thinking of going for something different than what I usually wear. I like James McAvoy too ... as an actor only :p


No way I'm getting a tattoo... I have considered it before but it was never a serious thought. Some of my friends have tattoos and IMO it doesn't make them any more attractive. One of my friends recently got a quote tattooed on... Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna do that.



I like how some people look with them, but it depends. My friend has her mom's signature on her shoulder and it is tiny since her mom passed away. I like James McAvoy more than an actor lol!!

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If you want to change your look, you can focus on the next 5 years and who you are going to be... fill those shoes, so to say. Take a look at the groups and activites you will be a part of and especially those you want to be a part of.


Get the idea in your head of where you will be, and what you will be doing for the next 5 years. Get an idea of what personality you want to reflect, what colors and patterns you would like to wear. And how you want to impress.


Start there and take a look at various clothes lines that will accomodate for your new stylin'.

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James McAvoy is short -- 5'7"



I am only 5'3" so that is perfect for me lol!! Daniel Radcliff is 5'6", I feel like leading men don't have to be super tall anymore. I don't care though!!

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Thanks for that Ms Joolie, very insightful; I've never thought of it that way. I'm thinking ahead and what my life would be like once I start working full-time. It's a little daunting. I think I would actually prefer to stay where I am now, just studying and enjoying the university lifestyle. I hope that I will still have my hobbies and friends once I start working... I guess I will be wearing suits and will be a bit more on the dressier side.


Danielle, I like how you don't care about height. Only when coming onto this forum did I realise how big a deal it really is (and really isn't). I wish I had James McAvoy's accent.:)

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