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Wanna change my look, what should I go for?


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Thanks for that Ms Joolie, very insightful; I've never thought of it that way. I'm thinking ahead and what my life would be like once I start working full-time. It's a little daunting. I think I would actually prefer to stay where I am now, just studying and enjoying the university lifestyle. I hope that I will still have my hobbies and friends once I start working... I guess I will be wearing suits and will be a bit more on the dressier side.


Danielle, I like how you don't care about height. Only when coming onto this forum did I realise how big a deal it really is (and really isn't). I wish I had James McAvoy's accent.:)



The accent is AMAZING lol!!! As for enjoying hobbies don't worry! Most people do still, I think the only people that don't are married with kids, but even then they sometimes have poker night and such. I never really cared about height lol, I usually am paying more attention to personality. I would rather date a shorter guy with an awesome persoanlity then a tall jerk.

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So I'm in my 20s and studying at university. There's a lot of trends going on but I want to stand out in my own way. Not too flamboyant but definitely different in a good way. I know guys don't have as much variety as girls but can you suggest something? Posting examples through pictures would be nice!:)


I think you should first use your personal interests.


From there, look for clothing that FLATTERS YOU. Biggest mistake too many men make is they only think "comfort". So they're standing there in baggy jeans, loose t-shirt, and sneakers...wondering why all the women aren't talking to them.


I stopped wearing baggy jeans years ago and only wear boot-cut. They flatter my body better and make me look slimmer...even though I have a "bubble butt" and I'm not some athletic god. I went looking for fashionable shirts to wear and took many cues from European youths when I traveled. I still like "skater shoes" but I also like what's been called "bowlers". Sketchers makes a lot of those.




I NEVER wear those "space boot" looking sneakers they make now. They work in the gym or on the court, but not in casual style. I looked into nice leather sandals (bought mine at a Meijer store for $20) as opposed to the ugly sporty rubber flip-flops many guys wear. I NEVER wear Crocs! They're ugly and hideous.


Jewelry is another one for me. Aldo Shoes has a lot of nice stuff for men at very low prices. I am more into steel rings, cord necklaces, and some bracelets. I also bought some nice watches from Guess (not expensive).


Even in the last few years I wore short-brimmed fedoras...before others did and even after they went out of trendy style...just because I love them and they make me stand out.


When I go out, I'll dress slightly better than the other men do. So if the guys are all in jeans/khakis with polo shirts or tucked in casual shirts...I'll be wearing a sport coat with jeans, casual shoes, the jewelry (not too much) and either a stylish t-shirt or casual shirt. Why look bland when you can look great?


Hair and hygiene is also very helpful. Just shower, try out body wash and even moisturize your skin (just apply some lotion) in the dry winter months. Get your hair cut into a manageable style and take special interest when the stylist shows you how to maintain the look.


Everything I described here isn't hard or expensive. You just need to put aside the thinking many men do of "screw that, I'm comfy as is" and try new things. Forget slobby hipster looks unless you're into that. Look at GQ, Details, and other magazines...see how others dress, find something you like, and go with it.

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Slim, smart, and sexy? Go to J Crew or Banana Republic and look at the sales people. Pick one out who looks put-together in a style that you are comfortable with, and ask them to help you build a 10 piece wardrobe - 1 blazer, 4 collared shirts, 1 sweater vest, 1 long sleeve knit/polo, 2 khakis, 1 pair dark chinos. Pick a color family (brown, navy, black/grey) by choosing your blazer first, and build off of that. Get a pair of casual loafers or Sperrys. Add a nice belt, because details do count.


If someone asks to help you before you get to "pick" your salesperson, then just tell them that you are browsing, and then go directly to your chosen one after you find him/her.

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The accent is AMAZING lol!!! As for enjoying hobbies don't worry! Most people do still, I think the only people that don't are married with kids, but even then they sometimes have poker night and such. I never really cared about height lol, I usually am paying more attention to personality. I would rather date a shorter guy with an awesome persoanlity then a tall jerk.


Awesome, because I don't want it to be just work, home, sleep. I'm liking you more and more :love::p I know a few girls who are less 5'3 and only want guys that are 6'+.


I think you should first use your personal interests.


From there, look for clothing that FLATTERS YOU. Biggest mistake too many men make is they only think "comfort". So they're standing there in baggy jeans, loose t-shirt, and sneakers...wondering why all the women aren't talking to them.


I stopped wearing baggy jeans years ago and only wear boot-cut. They flatter my body better and make me look slimmer...even though I have a "bubble butt" and I'm not some athletic god. I went looking for fashionable shirts to wear and took many cues from European youths when I traveled. I still like "skater shoes" but I also like what's been called "bowlers". Sketchers makes a lot of those.




I NEVER wear those "space boot" looking sneakers they make now. They work in the gym or on the court, but not in casual style. I looked into nice leather sandals (bought mine at a Meijer store for $20) as opposed to the ugly sporty rubber flip-flops many guys wear. I NEVER wear Crocs! They're ugly and hideous.


Jewelry is another one for me. Aldo Shoes has a lot of nice stuff for men at very low prices. I am more into steel rings, cord necklaces, and some bracelets. I also bought some nice watches from Guess (not expensive).


Even in the last few years I wore short-brimmed fedoras...before others did and even after they went out of trendy style...just because I love them and they make me stand out.


When I go out, I'll dress slightly better than the other men do. So if the guys are all in jeans/khakis with polo shirts or tucked in casual shirts...I'll be wearing a sport coat with jeans, casual shoes, the jewelry (not too much) and either a stylish t-shirt or casual shirt. Why look bland when you can look great?


Hair and hygiene is also very helpful. Just shower, try out body wash and even moisturize your skin (just apply some lotion) in the dry winter months. Get your hair cut into a manageable style and take special interest when the stylist shows you how to maintain the look.


Everything I described here isn't hard or expensive. You just need to put aside the thinking many men do of "screw that, I'm comfy as is" and try new things. Forget slobby hipster looks unless you're into that. Look at GQ, Details, and other magazines...see how others dress, find something you like, and go with it.


Thanks for all that! :) I like some of the shoes on the sketchers site and will check them out whenever I get the chance. I would never wear those flip flops that I see a lot of guys wear... They're a bit daggy, IMO.


That's a mistake I made too. I was comfortable with what I was in and I was wearing clothes from relatives that didn't fit me well. Needless to say, I wasn't very presentable. I noticed that when I did improve on what I was wearing and started to dress better, people treated me differently. True comfort is important but you can look great as well as be comfortable.


Yes! I've been meaning to get some accessories as well. Necklaces, rings, bracelets, scarves, etc. I usually just wear shoes, pants and shirt but I would love some accessories. I didn't know Aldo sold accessories; only thought they sold shoes but good, I will check them out.


As for the haircut and other personal hygiene, I've pretty much gotten that taken care of (having a cousin who's really into all this stuff) :D.


I'll check out those mags and get some ideas on what I like! Thanks again.


Btw, I agree, if someone could look great, why wouldn't you?


Slim, smart, and sexy? Go to J Crew or Banana Republic and look at the sales people. Pick one out who looks put-together in a style that you are comfortable with, and ask them to help you build a 10 piece wardrobe - 1 blazer, 4 collared shirts, 1 sweater vest, 1 long sleeve knit/polo, 2 khakis, 1 pair dark chinos. Pick a color family (brown, navy, black/grey) by choosing your blazer first, and build off of that. Get a pair of casual loafers or Sperrys. Add a nice belt, because details do count.


If someone asks to help you before you get to "pick" your salesperson, then just tell them that you are browsing, and then go directly to your chosen one after you find him/her.


Thanks for the tips! I've never asked a sales person to help me pick out a wardrobe before but they obviously know how to dress well, so why not? I've give it a shot next chance available. I love a nice belt too.


I should say I am still studying so my budget is a bit tight. But I'll save and go on a spree :)

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Awesome, because I don't want it to be just work, home, sleep. I'm liking you more and more :love::p I know a few girls who are less 5'3 and only want guys that are 6'+.


I would be bored out of my mind if all I did was work go home eat and sleep!! Thankfully the career I am pursuing is not a desk job so it is different every day but I still would be bored. I know for me I am super active at college which helps for later because if I can handle the course load I am plus a job, plus a horse lease, keeping myself healthy, and friends and clubs ect then I am set!! As for the height thing I honestly don't care haha. I have met guys who were my height who were confident and super strong, I don't like enormous muscles though, and I have met 6' guys who are super awkward. I am awkward enough!! Lol I already trip over air everyday so I don't need another awkward person. I guess another reason I don't look at height is because my dad was only 5'9" when he and my mom got married so I never really saw super tall people, infact I thouoght I was tall up until middle school when everyone else hit puberty lol.

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I like how you're so active! That's what I'm trying to do right now and haven't been able to do successfully, that is to manage everything: clubs, friends, family, work, studies... It's madness, I tell you. How do you do it?


I agree with you completely, personality is more important. One of my friends is 5'5 and he does extremely well with girls, better than most of my taller friends actually.

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Why do women go after the same stupid look?


I am skinny-fat, with glasses and a nerdy looking face. I know that's why I don't get a girl, but it's their own damn fault, for not seeing me for who I really am.

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I like how you're so active! That's what I'm trying to do right now and haven't been able to do successfully, that is to manage everything: clubs, friends, family, work, studies... It's madness, I tell you. How do you do it?


I agree with you completely, personality is more important. One of my friends is 5'5 and he does extremely well with girls, better than most of my taller friends actually.


Haha I have always been kind of an overachiever (I can't spell though) and school has always come easy to me so I had good study habbits coming into college which made it easier because unlike other people I wasn't going to the library in my pjs with a pillow and blanket two days before an exam cramming lol. As for friends it is nice cause we are in the same clubs so I see them all the time, and some live on the same floor as me lol. Our houses get super competitive every year over this singing/dancing competition that we have which I still am not sure how but I got suckered into both singing and helping plan this thing. Then again when it comes to guys I have to try a little harder because almost every class I am in is female dominated since they are pre-vet classes. I have two guys in my classes, one is gay I LOVE him lol, the other is engaged. Football games are a great way to meet people though! Even if you don't like the sport.

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Why do women go after the same stupid look?


I am skinny-fat, with glasses and a nerdy looking face. I know that's why I don't get a girl, but it's their own damn fault, for not seeing me for who I really am.


Go after the fugly women who make the same "accept me as I am" complaints. Done deal.

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Go after the fugly women who make the same "accept me as I am" complaints. Done deal.



"Take me for what I am who I was ment to be and if you give a damn take me baby or leave me"- Gotta love musical numbers!!

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You should go for the tough guy look. Get a tattoo that creeps up your neck and back. Some kind of tribal tattoo. Wear leather jackets and grow your hair long and keep it messy. Smoke cigars.


i would advise against doing this unless you have the goods to back it up. otherwise you'll just be another tool who flipped through a shop catalogue :rolleyes:


keep it simple. girls like sharp, smart guys. how you dress should correlate strongly with who you are and your personality. don't be someone you're not.


James McAvoy is short -- 5'7"


proof that even guys under 6 foot can be though of as sexy. :laugh:

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