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how to make her love me


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i love a girl from my college.this happened in the days when i was in diploma.there i studied well&for all the years of my diploma i watched her from a distance.but never tried to express my feelings for her. because of always lost in her dreams i never made any good friends.i aiways thought that she was too ambitious it`s better i leave her with her studies .on my birthday i offered choclates to her &also to my other class mates. but she did not accepted &iwas totally confused what can be the reason for such a decline.i assumed that some one must have told her about that he gets angry when others talk about her. but a day came when we were to get seperated .it was the last week&only 7 days were left to depart.i started to behave in a very rude manner.i was so possessive that i used to abuse the boys speaking of her.i was really angry about the decline of my birthday choclates.in this i decided to make her cry.it was our practical journal submission time .i decided to steal of her journal &did that.


for that moment i was happy to such a thing.but very soon i realised that it was such a great mistake.after realising this for 4 to 5 night i could not sleep.so i dcided to return her journal.knowing this she was red hot.there after i said sorry and managed to get out of that situation.our exams started ,we wrote the exams.the result was out.every one was to go to aurangabad to get admissions to degree colleges through centralised admission procedure.i thought that every thing was over, my love for her cameout as a hate for her.


when i went to pay my college fees, i was shocked to see her there.she also had came there to pay the college fees.


i was very happy about this .still she is in my college. everything appears normal.i feel like taking to her but i don`t have the courage to.after the jornal incident i have realised that i love her so much that i cannot quotein words.today i am in my third year .next year is the final year.this is the situation i have landed with .if any one can help with this i will be very gratefull.hoping for a reply



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You are infatuated with this girl. You cannot be in true love with her because you hardly know her. And you were very unkind to her.


She did not accept your chocolates because she may not like chocolates, she may have a medical condition which prohibits her from eating chocolates, she may have been watching her diet or she may not have been hungry for anything at the time you offered them. Or she may have sensed that you were a real jerk.


Any man who is so INSANE that he would want to make a girl cry and screw up her life by stealing from her surely does not deserve her. At least you had a conscience and returned her journal...but you were very wrong to do such a thing in the first place.


Stealing something that someone has written in is also an invasion of privacy. Nobody likes others to read what they have written except for the person it is intended for.


In America, you could have been arrested and subjected to psychiatric evaluation for stealing from someone because they refused to accept chocolates from you.


The fact that you believe you really love this girl without knowing her well and are willing to make her life miserable indicates to me that you really DO NOT love her.


Keep away from her because the next time you do something crazy to her, she may have you arrested. By your actions, you have not shown her your love but if she should feel an attraction for you in this or another lifetime, she will approach you. YOU JUST BETTER NOT DO ANYTHING MEAN TO HER AGAIN.


Meanwhile, if a person not accepting your chocolates can set you off that badly, you may need some counselling. You also need to learn that people are not required to behave the way you desire them to and you need not punish them for being free human beings.


Even more, you need to learn what love is and how to treat ladies you are attracted to. LEARN THIS SOON...BEFORE YOU FALL FOR ANYONE ELSE!!!


If this would have happened on an American campus (or if it did), word would have gotten around the entire student body within a few days and there wouldn't be one lady there who would come near you. They would think you were absolutely crazy!!!


Again, PLEASE stay away from this girl. You have subjected her to enough pain. For the sake of all the people around you, I hope you get help!!!

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I'm sorry, Sagar, but you've displayed such blatant disregard for her that there's really not much hope for anything but distance to grow between you.


By stealing her journal you not only sabotaged her school grade but also invaded her privacy in a terrible way. The thoughts, memories, and hopes for each day were recorded in that journal - - things she treasured. You stole them, held them, and waited nearly a week to act on what your conscience told you was wrong.


Sagar, what you feel for her cannot be love. It is most likely regret or sorrow driving you now to seek forgiveness or acceptance.


You're not a lowlife and not a hopeless case, but please see that you did some unreasonable things. Seek forgiveness but then please keep out of this poor girl's life. Seek out new friends at school among people who are decent and who treat each other with kindness and integrity. I'm hoping in their company you will find the strength to recognize a woman's denial of your chocolate is not reason to declare war but is just a denial of chocolates.

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It is not possible to force anyone to love a person. Love is a gift and it cannot be stolen, borrowed, or extorted. People cannot earn love just because they are good people or because they are obsessed with their love object. If we could control other people's love for us, the loveshack wouldn't have any postings. It is the fact that love cannot be controlled that causes so many people to despair. And despair drives people to do awful things. I have been stalked, had my keys stolen by a guy who did not want me to leave, been cornered, etc., by men who have wanted to control me and my feelings for them. It just made me want to get away from them more.

I'm sorry, Sagar, but you've displayed such blatant disregard for her that there's really not much hope for anything but distance to grow between you. By stealing her journal you not only sabotaged her school grade but also invaded her privacy in a terrible way. The thoughts, memories, and hopes for each day were recorded in that journal - - things she treasured. You stole them, held them, and waited nearly a week to act on what your conscience told you was wrong. Sagar, what you feel for her cannot be love. It is most likely regret or sorrow driving you now to seek forgiveness or acceptance. You're not a lowlife and not a hopeless case, but please see that you did some unreasonable things. Seek forgiveness but then please keep out of this poor girl's life. Seek out new friends at school among people who are decent and who treat each other with kindness and integrity. I'm hoping in their company you will find the strength to recognize a woman's denial of your chocolate is not reason to declare war but is just a denial of chocolates.
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