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Just curious what you think of a MM who defines himself as a prisoner in his marriage but stays for kids etc...

I understand not wanting to break up a family..but really calling yourself a prisoner...PLEASE!! How mellow-dramatic.

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I say, where there's a will, there's a way.


If a person is truly unhappy in their situation, only they have the power to change that situation for the better.


Bringing another individual into the mix, isn't fair to the other person, nor is it their place to involve themselves in anothers relationship. In other words, finish one, before beginning another. (or so I've learned)


It's been my understanding that a prisoner doesn't have free will.

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Just curious what you think of a MM who defines himself as a prisoner in his marriage but stays for kids etc...

I understand not wanting to break up a family..but really calling yourself a prisoner...PLEASE!! How mellow-dramatic.


I'd say its complete bulls**t.

Saying that, just makes the coward in them look like a martyr. And to them, that's a whole lot better.


No one is where they don't want to be.


A lot of people separate and can still raise their children, be civilized to their ex, and move on with their lives. It just takes a lot of guts and work - that's why the cowards and the lazy ones linger and give that bulls**t line ;)


but that's just my take on it :)

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So Very Confused
Just curious what you think of a MM who defines himself as a prisoner in his marriage but stays for kids etc...

I understand not wanting to break up a family..but really calling yourself a prisoner...PLEASE!! How mellow-dramatic.


Sounds like he's enjoying being a martyr. He's not a prisoner. He's a volunteer.

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A liar and a whiner, and looking for sympathy... in the form of YOU! :lmao:


All that poor me, poor me, I'm a prisoner... is just blather. He wants you to feel sorry for him so you can justify starting an A. And then, when he gets scared, or has enough sex, or you start getting too possessive, all of a sudden he will decide to give his marriage another try! :lmao: :lmao:


Whining is not a very attractive thing, is it?



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No one is where they don't want to be.


A lot of people separate and can still raise their children, be civilized to their ex, and move on with their lives. It just takes a lot of guts and work - that's why the cowards and the lazy ones linger and give that bulls**t line ;)


Hear hear! It DOES take a lot of work and guts to leave a marriage! It's scary but completely possible. :o

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Just curious what you think of a MM who defines himself as a prisoner in his marriage but stays for kids etc...

I understand not wanting to break up a family..but really calling yourself a prisoner...PLEASE!! How mellow-dramatic.



:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: He is a liar. Period. No one can force another person to stay in an unhappy situation. He is using that as an excuse.


It isn't breaking up a family; it is breaking up a marriage. A decent parent would their kids to see them happy and to show them either a strong single person or a happy marriage/relationship. A MM who thinks an OW would believe that crap is delusional!

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