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For the last couple years I've been depressed because of my weight, well I am on my weigh to losing my weight but now I have a question.


I have "man-boobs" and was wondering if walking will make me lose the fat in my chest, especially in my boobs area. Kind of embarassing to have tits and being a man.

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Good question. Fat loss cannot be targeted at a specific area. This is actually one of the biggest misconceptions that people have regarding excercise and fat loss. You cannot lose signicant abounts of fat by doing crunches-you might be able to build up the underlying muscles, but you're not really gonna lose fat.


Fat loss is achieved by doing cardio-walking, running, roller-blading, biking, skiing, etc. Also by watching your diet. Both of these elements are necessary to lose fat.


Your body will shed fat beginning in the areas that it wants to, gradually progressing to others. You cannot pick and chose by attempting to target specific areas. Also, you might want to consult your doctor to see if you suffer from a condition known as gynocomastia (a result of hormonal imbalances) which can cause enlarged breasts in men. It's pretty common, and easily treatable.


Whether this is the situation, or not, you can certainly decrease the size of your chest by excercising and good diet.

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Thanks for the great inspirational feedback. I feel a lot better knowing that it is possible to lose the fat in my chest by walking.


I use to weigh 288, now I weigh 245, which you can tell I've lost a great amount of weight by not only walking but by watching what I eat and not eating all the time.


I am continuing to walk and currently looking into getting something else like a bike, rollerblades or something to add to my walking. But because my weight, it gives me man-boobs and I want to get rid of those but I don't want to life weights. Mainly because as a Videographer after 7 hours of carrying my gear I don't want to come home only to life more weights. So I walk, and I walk alot and love it.


I wasn't sure though if walking would get rid of the fat in my upper chest also. I don't really want to build up muscles or anything, just get rid of the fat in my chest as well as elsewhere and work on getting a new figure to live a better life style. In fact, it has been 4 years since I weighed 245, and honestly I feel great. I'm overweight still, but I'm feeling better about myself cause yeah... I'm fat but I'm doing somethign about it instead of appearing as a big overweight lazy person.


But as long as walking will eventually get the fat out of my chest, I'll be happy. My job already offers some workout from lifting all the heavy gear and I'm not worried about looking like Sylvester Stallone I just want to get into shape.


As for Gynecomastia, I will look into that and maybe get an appointment with my doctor on my day off to see if maybe that causes me to have big man-boobs.



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Nah, I read up on gynocomastia and it's not that. I've had man-tits for the time I've been fat, which has been ever since I was young.. only 19 now. My man-tits is nothing but 100% pure fat.. bleh

Good question. Fat loss cannot be targeted at a specific area. This is actually one of the biggest misconceptions that people have regarding excercise and fat loss. You cannot lose signicant abounts of fat by doing crunches-you might be able to build up the underlying muscles, but you're not really gonna lose fat. Fat loss is achieved by doing cardio-walking, running, roller-blading, biking, skiing, etc. Also by watching your diet. Both of these elements are necessary to lose fat. Your body will shed fat beginning in the areas that it wants to, gradually progressing to others. You cannot pick and chose by attempting to target specific areas. Also, you might want to consult your doctor to see if you suffer from a condition known as gynocomastia (a result of hormonal imbalances) which can cause enlarged breasts in men. It's pretty common, and easily treatable. Whether this is the situation, or not, you can certainly decrease the size of your chest by excercising and good diet.
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OK, then it's gotta be the fat loss!


Also, don't be afraid to make use of many of the various fat-loss supplements available at your local GNC, or GNC-like store. Be careful not to be taken, though. The best fat-burner available on the market right now, which you can get at GNC is called Xenadrine. Potent stuff, and pretty safe when used as directed. Make sure to combine it with a good diet and exercise, though. Good luck.

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