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Ex bf threw my Jimmy Choo shoes from 19th floor balcony

Eternal Sunshine

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The moral of the story is:


Don't forget to take your expensive shoes with you; don't leave them at your ex's house!


Added bonus... don't leave expensive shoes (or anything else expensive) in plain sight in your car either.


Take care of your stuff if you want to keep it! :p

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But still, I know I'd have to have Victoria Beckham's closet in order to even conceive of making that kind of an oversight. I practically have a gps chip installed in the single pair of Chanel pumps I own. :laugh:


:lmao: I have two pairs of fancy shoes: a black satin stacked heel Prada pair, and a black peeptoe hidden stiletto platform Louboutin pair. They are seriously hidden in their beautiful boxes in my closet, on lockdown, and I sometimes check on them to make sure they're still there! :lmao:


But yeah, it's possible ES's JCs weren't difficult for her to obtain, but given her $$ situation, there's no way I'd leave those shoes at his house, especially with access to his house for an entire month, including a significant period after they'd broken up when she went to pick up the rest of her things.


Maybe she was secretly hoping for a happy ending, like Carrie and Big, down on one knee in the custom made closet, putting the Manolos on her feet like a diamond...? I mean, I think every woman has purposefully "accidentally" left something behind... ya know? Myself included.

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That's not to say that men don't value expensive things because of the value they impart, but honestly... this is more common among women. Do you see men purchasing "fake" high-end items, like handbags, sunglasses, jeans, etc., because they make it look like you have something more expensive than it is, without regard to quality? ...


I once worked with one of those guys who buys fancy $200 ties and leaves the price tags on. Yes, that's a thing.


There are plenty of guys who do this crap. It's just: they're obvious douchebags. I think it's just more socially acceptable for women to do it; I'm not sure if it's more common. Besides, they may not be super-pricey, but I know lots of guys who will only wear something in a certain brand. Just because it's a mid-priced brand does not make it a different phenomenon. In most cases, it's a mental thing. Women are actually way more likely to buy no-name brands (studies show!). That's why so much brand advertising is geared slightly more towards men, on gender-neutral products.

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girls splurge much more with money they dont have. they take out credit cards and buy shoes with diamons in and they cant aford rent. dummies.
Oh, the irony! :laugh:
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Well, I think you're misconstruing his point, unintentionally so. It's not about spending money being noble for one, and silly for another. Rather, it's about the motivation behind spending that money.


A $3000 TV for example: the guy isn't buying or showing off his $3000 TV to impress his friends on the basis that it cost $3000, but rather, that he now has a reeeeeeeeeeeeally effing big TV with awesome quality. Whereas a woman is more inclined to buy and show off fancy footwear on the basis that they cost $700+, not just because they're cute.


That's not to say that men don't value expensive things because of the value they impart, but honestly... this is more common among women. Do you see men purchasing "fake" high-end items, like handbags, sunglasses, jeans, etc., because they make it look like you have something more expensive than it is, without regard to quality? ...

Im glad someone actually gets my point.


Im all for people wanting to get the best things their money can afford. But it is just foolish to judge the value of an item solely by its price. It speaks volume about the person's financial sense.


CHANEL. Just like that. CHANEL.

Lol, I feel foolish myself now. I meant to say 'Pronounce'. :)
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girls splurge much more with money they dont have. they take out credit cards and buy shoes with diamons in and they cant aford rent. dummies.


Every now and then I come across a guy that is irresponsible with money just as well. My previous CEO drank champaign with diamonds in it, only to then later sh*t out the diamonds and flush them through the toilet. To each his own I suppose.

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I once worked with one of those guys who buys fancy $200 ties and leaves the price tags on. Yes, that's a thing.


There are plenty of guys who do this crap. It's just: they're obvious douchebags. I think it's just more socially acceptable for women to do it; I'm not sure if it's more common. Besides, they may not be super-pricey, but I know lots of guys who will only wear something in a certain brand. Just because it's a mid-priced brand does not make it a different phenomenon. In most cases, it's a mental thing. Women are actually way more likely to buy no-name brands (studies show!). That's why so much brand advertising is geared slightly more towards men, on gender-neutral products.

I do like brands myself, but whether they cost $500 or $5 means nothing to how I feel about using or wearing that particular brand. I dont feel less valuable for wearing something that costs so cheap.

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Im glad someone actually gets my point.


Im all for people wanting to get the best things their money can afford. But it is just foolish to judge the value of an item solely by its price. It speaks volume about the person's financial sense.


Lol, I feel foolish myself now. I meant to say 'Pronounce'. :)


I do like brands myself, but whether they cost $500 or $5 means nothing to how I feel about using or wearing that particular brand. I dont feel less valuable for wearing something that costs so cheap.


Right, but I don't think most of the girls who like their Jimmy Choos really would say they like them BECAUSE they are expensive. Some? Sure, but those are just the same as the guy with the price tag on his $200 tie! :) Most girls I know buy an expensive pair of shoes now and again because they like them to treat themselves. Now, if someone will "only wear" shoes that cost more than $300 because they don't want shoes under that price or something, they're just kind of stupid.

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I don't get the concept of paying four hundred dollars for shoes but he still should not have done that to your property. He had no right to do that and he could have at least sent them in the mail.

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How did the desire for expensive but otherwise useless things help us survive and reproduce tens of thousands of years ago (pre money)? So confused by that statement.


Say some cavemen kill a bear. They eat the meat and are left with the skin. The skin is obviously warm during cold winter and thus valuable. The caveman with the highest desire to get it will get it more often than a caveman who's not really interested, all other factors being equal. That means the caveman who desires valuable goods will have lower chances to freeze to death in winter than a caveman who doesn't, will reproduce more often (dead people tend to not reproduce that often) and thus spread the genes that make him desire valuable things.


Nowadays value is expressed in pricetags. A cheap BMW is less nice than an expensive BMW; a cheap computer is usually crap compared to an expensive computer. The human brain makes associations between things it's familiar with, and ofcourse sometimes they are incorrect. Many things with a high pricetag are valuable, so things with a high pricetag tend to be seen as valuable, and valuable goods should be desired.

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Say some cavemen kill a bear. They eat the meat and are left with the skin. The skin is obviously warm during cold winter and thus valuable. The caveman with the highest desire to get it will get it more often than a caveman who's not really interested, all other factors being equal. That means the caveman who desires valuable goods will have lower chances to freeze to death in winter than a caveman who doesn't, will reproduce more often (dead people tend to not reproduce that often) and thus spread the genes that make him desire valuable things.


Nowadays value is expressed in pricetags. A cheap BMW is less nice than an expensive BMW; a cheap computer is usually crap compared to an expensive computer. The human brain makes associations between things it's familiar with, and ofcourse sometimes they are incorrect. Many things with a high pricetag are valuable, so things with a high pricetag tend to be seen as valuable, and valuable goods should be desired.


I don't agree because the most "useful" things are not the same as the most "expensive" things (and also cavemen were highly cooperative, anthropologists believe, as cooperation was really key to our survival as a species, much more than competition), but at least I see where you were going. I don't think evolution has anything at all to do with brand loyalty or the way people view price, personally; I believe it's highly socialized. But YMMV.

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Im all for people wanting to get the best things their money can afford. But it is just foolish to judge the value of an item solely by its price. It speaks volume about the person's financial sense.


Where did the OP mention the dollar value of the shoes ?

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Also not to get into a gender war but many times paying more for high end electronics is paying for quality. For example I am an audiophile and I pay top dollar for the best stereo systems and headphones but sound quality matters to me. I must admit as well that many expensive items are not worth even a quarter of what they cost.


Many of these high priced fashions are mediocre crap with a name on them. They have actually proven it. They are usually made with shoddy materials and stitching in some sweatshop.

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bittersweet memories
She has previously said she has serious "money issues," financially takes care of her parents, and is severely in debt...so much that she cannot afford a single therapy session, which she has claimed she wants to do.


I guess we all have our priorities... :o


What Do You Care!! It's her choice how she wants to use her money :rolleyes:

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bittersweet memories
ES could start a thread about having toast for breakfast, and it would go on for several hundred posts, the majority of which would question her judgment or her veracity. She brings out the best in people on LS.



:lmao::lmao: So True!!

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There was an article recently in the paper about how Jimmy Choo shoes are very cheaply made. Even one wearing can nearly destroy them. You are supposed to resole them BEFORE wearing. So you didn't really lose much.


Try Payless Shoes for a knockoff pair that lasts longer.

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What Do You Care!! It's her choice how she wants to use her money :rolleyes:

Well, it IS one of the things that's wrong with our society. People overspend on frivolous crap, then they get to write off the debt in bankruptcy court, and the rest of us pay.

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Good lord. Take a no name and slap the Jimmy Choo name on it and I bet 99% of people could never tell the difference.

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People can spend their money on whatever they like.



Of course..

I have a full decked out woodshop downstairs with more spent than tons of Jimmy Choo's Shoes in tools laying around.. talk to my wife and she hasn't a clue why I have them.. but I do and I get tons of satisfaction from them when they are used.

It would be silly for anyone to judge me from the tools I have bought and say things about my priorities..


We all have our thing.. Woggle buys Audio Equipment for example..

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Jimmy Choos


There ya go. It's obscene, actually. :sick:


Yeah, was interesting that "$400" kept being used as the baseline cost for JC's. Never seen a pair under $700 ($695 doesn't count, after taxes!) Guess there aren't that many shoe fanatics on LS.

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Jimmy Choos


There ya go. It's obscene, actually. :sick:


I know how much they cost.. I have an ex-wife ya know :laugh:


Between Jimmy Choo, Dooney & Bourke and every other ultra expensive brand out there I have seen or bought it all... :laugh:

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Looks like you really screwed up, ES. You are a horrible person to be with. My sympathy goes out to this guy. I hope he recovers soon.


Agreed. Vile attention seeker.

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