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Ex bf threw my Jimmy Choo shoes from 19th floor balcony

Eternal Sunshine

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Though I'm sure you're not supposed to wear 2005 shoes in 2011. :)


Don't say that!! My Prada pair are from 2004; bought them in Italy at an outlet ($600 down to $75 EU, a steal!), so they're probably from the 2003 season, but I still wear them. Same with my Louboutins - they are 4 years old; the designer still makes the exact same shoe.


If it's a classic, quality piece, it never goes out of style. Like a cashmere cardigan... ;):love:

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How dare her use butter that isn't real butter.. that is her problem, always looking to lose a few pounds.


"Butter".. "Margarine" :laugh:

No kidding. :rolleyes:




Opening post from ES: I had toast this morning.

Response #1: Bet it was loaded with butter so no wonder you're a BBW.

Response #2: Bet it was white bread which is so unhealthy. You need to start a healthy eating plan.

Response #3, quoting #1 and #2: No wonder you have cancer if you eat like this.

Response #4: Poor ES. Sorry to hear that she's died from cancer. Where's the funeral? But I do have to add that she deserved it.


Anyways ES, glad you ditched the moron. Everything he does just reinforces why you honestly dodged a silver bullet.

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You girls are all so 2010.


Jimmy Choo, Chanel, Prada.....hmpfh. Adidas is where it's at b*tches.


That being said I get quite a lot of comments on my Adidas shoes, they're black with white stripes and for some reason women notice them and feel the need to comment on them. Got only positive comments so far. And oh yeah, they're from the 2011 collection. So there. :laugh:

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You girls are all so 2010.


Jimmy Choo, Chanel, Prada.....hmpfh. Adidas is where it's at b*tches.


That being said I get quite a lot of comments on my Adidas shoes, they're black with white stripes and for some reason women notice them and feel the need to comment on them. Got only positive comments so far. And oh yeah, they're from the 2011 collection. So there. :laugh:


I admit, adidas and UA have my heart, at least over Nike, etc. :laugh:

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Jimmy Choo's, not them! The travesty of throwing them over the balcony.


I've been through my share of designer shoes and I have to say many of them look nice. When you are upset, i.e. ES' ex-bf, you do some strange things. So throwing them away is his way of coping. After all they are ex's that parted ways.


I think both ES and her ex are both unreasonable. ES had plenty of time to collect her stuff. To ES' defense it could be under the bed and the other under the couch for all we know and she just thought of it. ES' ex should have just mailed it back or left it outside for her to retrieve.

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By the way ES... 19 floors up is a bit high to be throwing things off the balcony..

You would think the liability of hurting someone would warrant not throwing them from 19 floors up, at least that is what would go thru my mind if I was going to chuck something from 19 floors up.. what am I going to hit..


I'd bet he didn't throw them off the balcony...


By the way.. what do you have on your toast :laugh:

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By the way.. what do you have on your toast :laugh:




ES, I haven't said it yet, but he's a total immature jerk for witholding your shoes. He would be so, regardless of how much you paid for them, considering how he ended the relationship.


Whatever happened to that girl he met? Don't tell me... He now claims it was just a joke?

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Not only that you broke up with the guy while he's on vacation, bad timing, bad taste.


He actually broke up with her, not the other way around.

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ES, I haven't said it yet, but he's a total immature jerk for witholding your shoes. He would be so, regardless of how much you paid for them, considering how he ended the relationship.


Whatever happened to that girl he met? Don't tell me... He now claims it was just a joke?

Wait he ended the relationship??? Did he cheat on her or something?

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He actually broke up with her, not the other way around.

I thought he was really into her.... I'm confused, and shocked right now.

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Don't say that!! My Prada pair are from 2004; bought them in Italy at an outlet ($600 down to $75 EU, a steal!), so they're probably from the 2003 season, but I still wear them. Same with my Louboutins - they are 4 years old; the designer still makes the exact same shoe.


If it's a classic, quality piece, it never goes out of style. Like a cashmere cardigan... ;):love:




I bought mine in London. From Selfridges. Full price. Yeah...damn. :o

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What a dick? Funny considering what you put him through. You were emotionally abusive, and completely unreasonable at every turn. He was nothing but patient with you and you crapped all over him. I would be at my wits end if I was this guy, and probably be afraid to ever enter a relationship again. Not only that you broke up with the guy while he's on vacation, bad timing, bad taste.


He actually broke up with her, not the other way around.

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He actually broke up with her, not the other way around.

That is why I edited out my post, aplogies ES. This guy sounds like a real D-bag.

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Eddie Edirol

You know what? Thats a great way to piss off a woman that wont get back with you. But I wonder if she is actually hurt by this, or just pissed off for like...... a day..

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That is why I edited out my post, aplogies ES. This guy sounds like a real D-bag.


FWIW, he may have been a d*ck at the end (if the story told is true), but I still agree with the first part of your post. How he acted at the end doesn't changodor justify how she behaved herself throughout.

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Now we are on the right track.. lets turn this into another thread of hers that gets locked..


Anybody else want to take a shot at her..

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I once made a statement that I said might come to regret making... It was basically that ES continuing to talk about her ex as a post-mortum was a good thing, that is, IF it would help her see where she's come from so that she can figure out where she wants to go. You know, a sort of "what went wrong, and why, and when, and how can I do better next time" kind of thing.


Continuing to paint him as a bad guy (true or not, justified or not, explainable or not) doesn't help her learn and grow in the way I had hoped a continued post-mortum would. Oh well.

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First of all, stop talking about Chinese food. Y'all are getting me hungry. Mmm. . . lettuce wraps. How many PF Changs lettuce wraps = 1 pair of Jimmy Choos. :)


Oooh, or lemon chicken!


Ahh, nice! $395 is definitely a ton of money for shoes [excluding boots, imo] but for a classic style/brand, that's comfortable and that's held up over time, you got a great deal!


It's not a super classic style (well, for me---they're brown sandals with gold trim, which I wear fairly rarely, but a couple times a year; I wore them a fair amount through 2005), since I rarely wear heels nowadays. And that's a ton of money for any shoes to me. I rarely even spring $40 for a pair. Most of my boots are knock offs that were like $30, and they're super comfy.


In 2005 I was broke as a joke (still in undergrad) so it never occurred to me to even attempt to buy anything that extravagant back then, including check out the cost. It's insane how dramatically fashion prices have increased over the last few years!


Yeah, the last time I bought anything pricey was back in 2007 when I was still in advertising. That's what I did during the last year of school/immediately after.


By the way ES... 19 floors up is a bit high to be throwing things off the balcony..

You would think the liability of hurting someone would warrant not throwing them from 19 floors up, at least that is what would go thru my mind if I was going to chuck something from 19 floors up.. what am I going to hit..


I'd bet he didn't throw them off the balcony...


By the way.. what do you have on your toast :laugh:


Way to steal my idea from several pages back. :) Wouldn't throwing something from that height get someone a citation or something? Seems like that should be illegal.

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I doubt he threw them anywhere, guys aren't completely dumb when it comes to designers. The next girl he has will probably be wearing them.

If he watched any SATC with an ex gf, he'd probably recognise the brand and realise. He will need to check out the size of the feet on his future dates. 'if the shoe fits, then he commits'.


That being said I get quite a lot of comments on my Adidas shoes, they're black with white stripes and for some reason women notice them and feel the need to comment on them.

You be peacocking Nexus.


By the way.. what do you have on your toast.

Not Nutella..its Vegemite mate.


He actually broke up with her, not the other way around.

I thought that 'got a new east euro gf' txt was all a stooge to test out ES's reaction when he was stoned, and he admitted to it in one of his later suck up txts. (knowing this maybe is a sign I need to spend more time outdoors)

If it's a classic, quality piece, it never goes out of style

This is my take (generally speaking not with this pair of shoes) I'm surprised you women are all worried about year of manufucture on these shoes. Like SG's line, I thought a quality design never goes out of style, but maybe with fashion devotees its different.



When couples break up, the other partner (the dumpee) sometimes can pull some pretty petty stunts in an attempt to hurt the other person.

Edited by ascendotum
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I find it more disturbing that the OP is worrying about a pair of shoes, rather than worrying about fixing her relationship.


This shows exactly where her priorities are wrong. Go barefoot, and be happy!

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By far the most expensive shoes I own are a pair of rare gorgeous light grey suede and patent leather cigarette heel round-toed Chanel mary janes. Cost about $300 on ebay, which was a bargain since the original price was over $600. They are the most beautiful shoes I've ever seen and I have only ever worn them twice because I'm terrified of getting them dirty. Every so often I take them out of a drawer and admire them. :laugh::bunny: I know that's totally nuts but they're so pretty! :love:

Edited by torn_curtain
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