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I Don't want to be his * Friend *....

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After all that has happened I do not want to be my x-bf's * friend * .


I would like other's opinions here regarding keeping it going as friends .


Personally after all the crap he did and the mind games , Me not speaking to him on the phone for 3 weeks now is a sense of personal relief and I am doing the *No Contact Rule * Thanks to You guys :)


If I didnt have this site in the last few months to constantly refer to and to get valuable lessons on coping with my loss, I don't know what would have been the outcome...most likely continue to be pathetic and wish for something that will never happen...and listen to his assinine boring calls about how wonderful his new life is without me....


That is one of the reasons we broke up....he still wanted to hang out with his X gf and when I got upset...he decided he would rather break us apart then to lose his x-gf's friendship.....Thank God I was able to see what a LOSER he was by coming here and reading hundreds of posts of fantastic advice :)

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Um, I have NEVER been able to stay friends with x-bf's.....I always figured it was some immaturity of mine to be unable to do this but I don't care enough to fix it. I don't see the point in the friendship. Usually they end because of something the person did anyhow, why would I want to be friends with a person who was a jerk to me?

The ex-husband and I fake it to a point for the sake of the kids, and we only have to do so a few times a year when discussing visitation situations. We are nice, polite, joking, etc. and it has been a relief to no longer fight or have tension between us but I would not consider him a friend. I would never go to him if I was in trouble, scared, confused, etc. which is what I do with my friends.


What is wrong with a clean break? They work for me. Not a nasty break, but a clean break. I have plenty of true friends, I dont' need to hang onto ex-bf's too. JUST MY OPINION :D

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I've never understood the "let's just be friends" thing. An ex-lover once said to me, "let's just be friends" and my response was, "I have enough friends already, thank you.".


Then again, I am now in the first long term relationship of my life, 9 years, 5 of those living together, so I can't say that it's not possible or that it can't work. I just don't think it would work for me.

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i would say dont attempt at being friends...u cant be friends... atleast i cant.. wont it make u think abt the bad times every time u talk to him? or be envious of him listening to him abt his new wonderful life? i know im not mature enough either so i just avoid him

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Depends on the situation...if something happened as in this case (wanting to hang out with an ex) then it might be more difficult to still see each other and hang out as friends...if you just lost interest in one another, it is definitely possible to remain friends. Sometimes it might be a good idea incase you want a chance at getting back together with them...

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