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billy the kid

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What an interesting path you are leading me down, Billy.


I believe the value system we embrace determines money's importance in our relationships. I believe any mature couple can survive happily in any situation as long as they agree on their measure of success and the effort they are willing to make in achieving that success.


As long as the husband and wife treat each other with unselfish respect I believe the issue of who earns more is not important as long as the couple work together in agreement to their goals. Again I stress a mature relationship because I believe a maturely committed love takes all fear and selfishness out of the relationship. Decisions are made for their mutual best; the trust that builds through that commitment will keep a healthy perspective on money.


There is a verse in the Bible that states my own perspective. I'm loosely paraphrasing here because I can't remember exactly...


"I have been in much


and I have been in little.


This I have learned, to


be content with such that I have"


Contentment, not money, is the measure of our success and thereby, the foundation of our happiness.


....What do you think Billy? What if the woman you loved earned much more than you? What if she were poor?

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well Taressa I agree with you completely, it really does take maturity in a relationship to make it work.. but as for my self I have walked both roads, and I also believe it comes with your up bringing, and what you were tought to be most important... I come from a small town and most girls are tought that money is most important, they go a couple years in collage, never finish, marry some guy with money then look down on guys and girls that don't have it, and the thing that really burns my but is that they didn't have money to begin with. By the way I have a degree in zoology, and so I really think your anwser earlier to day about the cat thing was good, you were biased, so you should not have answered... but like I said your answer was good.. hope you had a good weekend.

What an interesting path you are leading me down, Billy. I believe the value system we embrace determines money's importance in our relationships. I believe any mature couple can survive happily in any situation as long as they agree on their measure of success and the effort they are willing to make in achieving that success. As long as the husband and wife treat each other with unselfish respect I believe the issue of who earns more is not important as long as the couple work together in agreement to their goals. Again I stress a mature relationship because I believe a maturely committed love takes all fear and selfishness out of the relationship. Decisions are made for their mutual best; the trust that builds through that commitment will keep a healthy perspective on money. There is a verse in the Bible that states my own perspective. I'm loosely paraphrasing here because I can't remember exactly... "I have been in much and I have been in little. This I have learned, to be content with such that I have" Contentment, not money, is the measure of our success and thereby, the foundation of our happiness. ....What do you think Billy? What if the woman you loved earned much more than you? What if she were poor?
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so sleep on this one... now were not talking about money, just love and people in relationships that come together... and you are allowed to research this one if you wish, and have time. soooo what happens when extremes meet? Key ( a proverb found in all languages...)

well Taressa I agree with you completely, it really does take maturity in a relationship to make it work.. but as for my self I have walked both roads, and I also believe it comes with your up bringing, and what you were tought to be most important... I come from a small town and most girls are tought that money is most important, they go a couple years in collage, never finish, marry some guy with money then look down on guys and girls that don't have it, and the thing that really burns my but is that they didn't have money to begin with. By the way I have a degree in zoology, and so I really think your anwser earlier to day about the cat thing was good, you were biased, so you should not have answered... but like I said your answer was good.. hope you had a good weekend.
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this might help. " in hell, and earth, and seas, and heaven above. Love conquers all, and we must yield to love...... sleep good and happy dreams.

so sleep on this one... now were not talking about money, just love and people in relationships that come together... and you are allowed to research this one if you wish, and have time. soooo what happens when extremes meet? Key ( a proverb found in all languages...)
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Oh Billy, I loved the poetry teaser and I've enjoyed the search you sent me on. I believe you've brought us into the passionate Italian poetry of Virgil now?


First, I believe God prepares the hearts of those he issues an unusual call to. He'll issue a bold call only to those he has created with bold heart...


When extremes meet and find that instant attraction the world is all the better for the energy and passion they create. The bravest of people will keep eyes wide open and pursue the relationship. To do anything less would be to compromise a lifetime of something great, something extraordinary.


Somewhere within those extremes is something rare and beautiful and few are bold enough to stretch out their hands to hold onto it. We work to keep that which we cherish so I believe also that the unyielding attraction grows into an unselfish union that overcomes the differences. In another poem, Virgil writes about love's power to overcome:


"All-pow'rful Love! what changes canst thou cause In human hearts, subjected to thy laws!" (Virgil)


I believe love (the mature, unselfish love - - not the fluttering-heart feeling) teaches us to deal unselfishly in the art of compromise with our mate.


So there's a choice to be made when extremes meet. We can yield to that love or yield to our fears. Those that choose the easier path may avoid the fury in settling differences but they will never know the splendor they might have had. I would yield to love.


Do you have the rest of the quote, Billy? I would love to hear the rest of what you wrote.


Perhaps your wishes for sleep and pleasant dreams will see me through tonight. Last night I fought monsters who left me with a pounding heart when I awoke.


Have you ever been attracted to a woman of an extreme?


Good night Billy and thank you for the touch of poetry the morning after a storm.


One last bit of Virgil...


"...let us follow our fates, whether they seem to lead, or to withdraw. No matter what shall be, all fortune can be conquered by endurance."

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