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An old girlfriend and I started talking again after 5 years, after 5 months of just having a phone relationship we decided to go out. We stopped at one bar for a couple drinks and then stopped at another bar before going back to her place. While at the bar, she ran into an old guy friend and spent the next hour talking to him at our table and basically ignoring me. At first it didn't bother me, but she started getting buzzed and almost ordered me to get her another drink.


Suddenly old bad memories rushed back so I told her I was going to leave and all she said was "really?" I waited a few minutes as she continued to talk to her friend and than left, figuring her old friend would give her a ride home, which was only a few minutes away. Anyway, we talked and things were cool...so it seemed. Last week I invited her to a BBQ, at first she was hesitant, saying she doesn't do well around strangers but agreed to go depending on the weather.


The next morning We agreed not to go and I went myself. When I talked to her a few days later I told her it was a good decision because when I first got there it was boring but later that night a bunch of people showed up and it became a fun party. My ex was quiet, and then exploded saying "You haven't seen me in four years and get bored and leave but have the time of your life with others"...I told her I wasn't bored with her but bored with the bar we were at (13 people and Karaoke night)...she just started getting real nasty and mean so I told her I'd let her go and she said "good!" So I hung up.


So what do I do now? Walk away and forget about her? We did have a lot of turmoil similar to this in the past, fueled by alcohol.


Also it's her daughters 14th birthday next week, she used to be my little angle but doesn't remember me anymore...would it be appropriate to send her a birthday card or just move on??????

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move on move on move on!!


Seriously, it sounds like she has not gotten rid of her old ways and from the way you described your interactions with her she sounds pretty friggin rude! You must have a lot of patience and be a very understanding person to even consider hanging out with her again after the bar scene.


For your own peace of mind I definitely suggest you keep your distance from her. Her daughter is also a teenager and may not be too keen on making friends with her mom's old flame. Walk away justaguy, walk away!Good luck!

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