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how do i tell my friend i like her?

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hey im liking this girl who has been my friend for over a year and circumstances have meant i couldnt realy flirt with her for various reasons.


first instance of this was then she broke up with her best friend and was in a complete state.i was the main person who was there to support her.she has pretty much recovered from that episode of her life as she moved schools and ound new friends.


at one point,i liked her and wanted to ask her out but i got a little angry when she didnt return a call.i found out she was actually out doing life-saving(she a trainee lifeguard).but i didnt find this out until 2 months after..so i didnt talk to her for 2 months.


i found out that she had been briefly cutting herself due to her parents relationship falling apart.she has stopped and that i dont think she will do it again.


i cried when i found out about that.she had been depressed before but i didnt think shed get that bad.but i found out in myself how much i actually cared for her.i wanted to be by her side....and cuddling her and basically being her boyfriend.


thing is,ive never let on at all that i did actually like her.this is because the states she been in,it would have been totally inappropiate to do so.but at some point,i want her.bascically,she has what i need in a girl and she openly admitted the things that she wants in a guy,which happened to be what i possess.


how do i do about telling ther hat i like her in that way?we have just been friends and never let on i liked her.any ideas?


any help greatly appreciated.



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You say that you haven't really flirted much in the past. Maybe this is the most logical lowest risk step. When you are with her start sending out signals of your intentions. Girls are generally much better about picking up on such things than blokes so you may be able to glean a lot from her reaction. Prolong eye contact longer than usual. Move slightly closer than you would to an ordinary friend. Always give her your full attention - pretend no one else is in the room. Little things like that would make a good start and be mindful of anything that she may subsequently be doing differently.


Ultimately you will have to make your move, (and there are many ways of doing this), but this way you could have a much better idea of what her response is likely to be.

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