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guys and girls, this one's tough

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Right, I'm new here, came across the website whilst searching on the internet.


I've never posted anything like this but after reading a few posts you all seem to really help each other and talk through the problems.


So here goes.......


I met my girlfriend about a year and a half ago, we worked at different offices within the same company. I made a flying visit to her office and met her for the first time. We had already had a few flirty conversations on the phone regarding busines, and we both took an instant liking to each other after we met. Jump forward about three months to the company christmas party, we had a whale of a time together, danced for about four hours, laughed like crazy and got really drunk. Nothing happened ( although at one point our faces were very close and we could both feel the tension ) and we ended the night with a polite kiss on the cheek and promises to be in touch soon.


Next I'm moved about an two hours away for work and we lose all contact even though we're still working for the same company. After about 2 months away, I get moved to the same office she's working out of! Game on!


The first few weeks we can't keep our eyes off each other, and one evening she leans in and gives me a really quick kiss! After this we start making excuses to be alone together and it's not long before we have our first full-on kiss, and we're going out on dates and sleeping together, she stays over occasionally but always leaves super early.


Then I find out she lives with her boyfriend of twelve years.


She tells me it's over with him and she really does want to start a relationship with me. We carry on, she promises to move out, and does eventually. She tells me she loves me one evening, and from that point on she maintains that she wants to move in together, thinks we have an amazing chance to be happy together.


Then her ex's father dies and she goes with him for the funeral. I find out on her return she slept with him whilst there. She admits if it was the other way round she would never want to see me again. She apolgises and tells me she does love me and doesn't want things to end.


Then her father died. Her ex goes with her. Nothing happens. Apparently.


Then she quits her job, and decides to go back home to spend some time with her mother. She gives up the flat and moves her stuff back in with her ex, telling me that she's still paying the rent there so it makes sense whilst she's home!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!


Four months later she's still living there. She's opening her own restaurant and doesn't want to take a flat of her own on at the moment as she might move into the restaurant when she takes over. She comes over maybe once every two weeks to see me, we always have a great time together and we talk everyday. She tells me she loves me but she doesn't want me to wait for her?? What the **** does that mean?


I may not have given a very flowing description of our relationship so far, but guys and girls I would dearly love some help and perspective on this!!


Any questions welcomed.

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You're willing to stay with a cheater? You have that little self respect for yourself? You still feel the need to call her your girlfriend AFTER she moved back in with her ex? Good lord man!


Her saying that she doesn't want you to wait for her is her nice way of saying she's back with the ex and you should take a nice long walk in the other direction.

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