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I wanna hear your horrible mom in-law stories

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So I read a thread about a horrible mother in-law. For me, if I had that, it would be heaven. I am dealing with the mother from hell, who has no other life than to make "her only son's" life horrible, and to make me feel uncomfortable. In my bf's family there is alot of competition for favouritism. For two long whole years I have had to deal with his mother and evil aunties who talk about everyone behind there back. They are the type of people who are nice to your face, but are backstabbing, trash talking, witches.


I can give you some examples of the evil things she has done to me, but not all cause then my thread would be too long. Here are 6 stories of the million things she has done to make me feel like ****!


I am half native, and live on a native reserve. My bf is full, as is his mom and dad. Well his mother and aunties always take the opportunity to mention "if you say you are a 'half-breed' you will get all the benefits from the government". Just rude comments on how I get everything because I am half French. They go out of their way to make these comments. I learned to ingnore them. Until, I was at a party they threw at their house and one of his mothers friends told me that (in confidence) They don't want my bf to be with me long or even marry me, because I am half French and that would make their would be Grandkids French. I was highly insulted, I spoke to my bf and told him and he was furious. I don't know if he ever said anything.


Another great day at the mom in laws proved the worst when she asked me if I could wash her walls for her. I said ok thinking the bitch would pay me. I had to scrub those wall for two days (smokes alot in the house) mind you I was working six days a week from 8 to 5 waiting tables, and I had the flu. She was upset cause it took me two days. She never said thank you or anything.


My sister is married to my bf's cousin, and mom in law always talk about how she doesn't like my sister and how she is a bitch. I never defended my sister cause I always felt as thought I would jump over the table and kill her if I got to caught up in the moment. I would ingnore her as usual. She is just unhappy.


Not long ago my bf and I where supposed to move out, but his parents mentioned that it would be a good idea if we wait a year and save money and they would buy us land and help us pay for half the house???? Yah confused me too, and he took the bait!!! Supposedly, my friend told me that the family was laughing at the fact of me and my bf moving out saying we would never be able to do it, and I would never now how to take care of my bf because I am too dumb. Yah know when you say one stupid thing and people thing you are dumb for the rest of your life, well that is exactly how they are. Why buy a house, who knows if in three years we will end up not together, then have to fight over a house!!! Nope ain't for me babe. I dropped that idea fast.


I give my bf credit cause he has put her in her place for all the comments she has made to me and behind my back. He told them if they don't like me he doesn't care cause he loves me. :love:


I want to know if I am not the only one on this ship. I want to hear all your horror stories.

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sorry I put this in the wrong thread catagory, but whoever reads this I want to hear all your "lovely" stories! :D

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its not mine, but my mother's.


mother in law tried to stand up and object during wedding, had to be held down during the wedding.

offered my mom money not to marry my dad

told my mother she would steal her oldest son (my bro)


she is evil.....after 20 some-odd years my parents are still happily married..

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My MIL gave me a 5lb bag of potatoes (minus 4 big 'taters that they ate) and a half a box of frozen shirmp for Christmas. (Oh, they have LOTS of money)


We gave her a nice chenille throw, which she said she loved but we later found, still in the orignal box with christmas wrapping paper, in some boxes she asked us to take to a charity for her. She never even took it out of the box!



She is a horrid, horrid, HORRID woman. My husband may have gotten past the abuse he suffered at her hands, but I'm still royally angry about it! She is a tiny, prissy, snob, society-lady-type and she flaunts it. Shes also racist and ignorant. She makes sure everyone knows she has a black maid who addresses her as Mrs. [xxxxx]. She doesn't say she has a maid, she insists on saying a black maid. That just gets my goat!


At my wedding reception my FIL (who was drunk) tried to get my mother to make a bet with him that my marriage wouldn't last 3 months. My step-mother-in-law couldn't keep her shoes on for the whole reception, but I will say she kept them on for about an hour! They were her flat slip-on shoes and she was not wearing socks. Although I can't say stuff just about the in-laws---my brother showed up in overalls, flannel shirt, and red bandana! Can you say r-e-d-n-e-c-k? :p

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I can take all day on this one, but I'll get to the worst first.

We have 2 mentally disabled children, and my MIL told me, to my face, that if her

son had only married someone else, she'd have "normal" grandchildren!

What "normal" is for her, I tremble at the thought of it!

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I have HUGE HUGE issues with my husband's mother - He is the oldest of 3 boys.


When he was going through his divorce, he started hanging around her house a lot and being her baby again. Well, when we started dating, he quit hanging around, and she's been peeed off ever since!!!She puts her nose into all of our business - tells us which house to buy and blah blah blah. I have never had someone force involvement in all my life.


One day, close to Thanksgiving, we were having Sunday dinner with my family and his family. We decided that we would go to my family's house on thanksgiving and my MIL's house the day after Thanksgiving - but my MIL was invited to be with my family on Thanksgiving Day. She pitched a big fit at dinner - we went home, and she calls to talk to my hubby. He puts it on speaker and does not tell her. She begins to talk about how she wouldn't dare have thanksgiving with my family after the way i treat her!!! (i've never been mean to her, just want hubby & I to have our own lives!!!) She says that she will not allow me to treat her the way my mother has treated my gma. And that with all the pressure my mom puts on my dad, no wonder he got shot, he was probably looking for a break (excuse me? He almost died - NOBODY wanted this to happen except for the jerk who shot him!!!) She went on and on about how rude I am and how she doesn't like me, blah blah blah. My hubby stood up for me, but everytime I see her, I think about those things that she said about me. She is very controlling and wants to be involved in everything & is constantly pressuring us to have a baby.


I can promise one thing my kids will not have to deal with me the way we have to deal with her!!!

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My in law (if that is what you want to call it) told my bf that when we get married she wants this person and that person at OUR wedding!!!!!When I mentioned that I wanted one of my older cousins at the wedding, she said she hates this woman, and if she thinks I would invite her to the wedding she wasn't gonna pay for any of it. :mad: The funny thing is her husband works all the time as an ironworker, he built the house, bought the land, the two cars are his, even the damn garage. The only thing she ever bought for that house was probably the beer for the house warming party, and the lenolium and floors in the kitchen and living room :laugh: . She thinks everything is hers!!!!??? She works 5 months out of the year at chip stand ( they make burger and fries) and she acts like it is hell work, I know what it is like to work someplace like that , and the way she acts is way overly exaggerated.


I have told my bf that there are times when I would love to hit his mother in the face with a 2 by 4. He said that it would be better if it was my fist!!!!


The biggest problem is my bf is an only child, and is probably sheltered to what is like to have a family, that doesn't spend quality time together inbetween beers.


The only time I think she is nice to me is when her family is around (ironically only when the sister in laws are around, just to make them mad!!!), like I said before about the competition. Trying to make me seem great then talk about me behind my back afterwards!!!! I don't see. She needs to control her sons life and it makes me kinda sick :sick: , do you think a relationship with a mama's boy who is an only child will work out or do I have alot of fighting to do? Mind you he is like 24 and still lives at home.

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Well, there's an old saying about not just marrying a man, you get the whole clan.

I don't know, my marriage is not what it used to be, actually we would be divorced if

we didn't have the kids to worry about. The man never listens to his mother now, so

I guess all the relationships are suffering at this stage of our lives. Maybe you should consider that, too.

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Originally posted by HokeyReligions

My MIL gave me a 5lb bag of potatoes (minus 4 big 'taters that they ate) and a half a box of frozen shirmp for Christmas. (Oh, they have LOTS of money)


We gave her a nice chenille throw, which she said she loved but we later found, still in the orignal box with christmas wrapping paper, in some boxes she asked us to take to a charity for her. She never even took it out of the box!



She is a horrid, horrid, HORRID woman. My husband may have gotten past the abuse he suffered at her hands, but I'm still royally angry about it! She is a tiny, prissy, snob, society-lady-type and she flaunts it. Shes also racist and ignorant. She makes sure everyone knows she has a black maid who addresses her as Mrs. [xxxxx]. She doesn't say she has a maid, she insists on saying a black maid. That just gets my goat!


At my wedding reception my FIL (who was drunk) tried to get my mother to make a bet with him that my marriage wouldn't last 3 months. My step-mother-in-law couldn't keep her shoes on for the whole reception, but I will say she kept them on for about an hour! They were her flat slip-on shoes and she was not wearing socks. Although I can't say stuff just about the in-laws---my brother showed up in overalls, flannel shirt, and red bandana! Can you say r-e-d-n-e-c-k? :p


:eek::eek::eek::eek: It came from the desert!

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  • 5 weeks later...

while i love my fiance to death, i can't stand his mother. she is one of the most crude, meddling people i have ever met.

when she came over to visit she:


1) started trying to clean the house


2) threw away my personal products while cleaning cuz she thought it looked too cluttered

3) told my fiance and i to act decent and not have so much sex

4) picked up our laundry basket, emptied it out and took my bra out and said: "god, that's small! i'm like, four times bigger"!!! (which would make her a size G :) )


5) said our marriage wouldn't last.. so why bother getting married. people get sick of each other within the first seven years..


6) farts loudly and swears like a drunken sailor


7) complains loudly in front of her son about how all men suck and relationships aren't worth it


these are just a few of things about her... :(

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How about having an "Everybody Love Raymond" kind of mother-in-law. My husband and i just got done having sex when all of a sudden the front door opens and there she is.....Just waling into OUR house. Luckily we were in the bedroom and we heard her just in time. WE CANT EVEN HAVE SEX IN OUR OWN HOUSE!!!

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My former MIL was awful...


She dreamed of him becoming a pastor, and instead pushed him so far away from God I don't think he'll ever come back.


When he was younger she found a condom in his bag and showed him pictures of aborted babies to show him the evils of premarital sex. She gave us a wedding present from a yard sale, which wouldn't have been so bad, but she also added a Christian marriage tape series. With one tape missing, the one on sex... Every Sunday at 7 am she would call to give him his weekly you should be in church talk, which had the exact opposite effect.


She hated me, and never missed a chance to tell him. I think it was because she assumed we were having sex after marriage (Oh NO... she assumed wrong btw lol) She would show up unannounced and just come in our house while we were gone. She lived out of state so I never understood why she couldn't call first. We came home one time to find her cleaning the house, and even found notes saying we owed it to her to keep the house clean. She would give us money or gifts and then later let us know they came with major strings attached.


The worst was her holistic healing, I believe in holistic healing to a point. But she put eucalyptus on my daughters feet when she was having an asthma attack, and made her very sick. She would take the kids for the day and they would come home talking about how she had given them all these pills... and the worst was the day we found out she had tuberculosis! She had refused medicine for it choosing herbal remedies instead... which would have been her business but as my Mom was telling me this I looked over to see her sharing a spoon with my six month old baby! Arghhh!


I have since remarried, and the last big battle was when I told her she was no longer allowed to show up unnanounced or walk into my home without being invited. She got so mad she said B*t*h it was rather funny.


My new MIL is a dream, she stays out of our fights and tells me her baby boy is far from perfect. She accepted me and my kids as parts of him and I adore her!!! So they aren't all bad.

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I really hated my MIL (soon to be ex). My husband and me are settling divorce right. I also hated that man too.


I got to know my husband 6 years ago. My first visit to his house already gave me a lot of frustration from MIL. When she saw me, she commented on my eyes and said I should go and operate to have double eyelids. Imagine first time see me, already comment on my dressing, looks etc.


Come on....her children are not pretty or handsome. And she dared to criticise me.


I know she all along dislike me as my maiden family is not rich. Her other daughter-in laws are from business background. My father is just blue collar people. But I still stand upright in their family as I am of same education as all their members. I did my studies through my own savings and hardships.


You cannot imagine MIL's greedy looks and that kind of cheap looks. Especially in front of those rich families. She will cling onto them as if they would give her money. That's one thing I cannot stand too.


So, all these years my husband just listened and never fight against MIL. Then we got married in 2002. Do you know what happened? The next day, MIL called my husband and "ADVISED" himdivorce to reconsider about the marriage. That stupid man asked "Do you want us to divorce?" MIL answered "Oh....that's your life...you think over it". MY GOD!!!!! At that time, husband told me what MIL said to him. We just laughed off.


Last year, my husband told to work in anoyther country. Then he found a new gf and did not let me know. I quit my job and joined him there. After 6 weeks, I was chased back home by him. He wanted divorce now. He even said "Since you and my mother cannot get along, might as well.....the new girl can click with my mom". I really wanted to slap on his face.


Now when he wanted divorce, he agreed with his mom.


Of course, i hated MIL and his son. His son hid the truth from MIL that I quit my job to join him. He just told MIL that he found a much better girl. So, I called MIl and gave her a piece of my mind. I told her off "You were encouraging your son to divorce....and that happened on 2nd day of marriage". Oh...MIL started to deny and said she was just blahing rubbish...she never meant it.


Never did I ever dream that MIL can be so bad....why can't she be like my own mother...she never poked her nose into people affairs............

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My current MIL is wonderful...finally....BUT my ex MIL was kinda a nut. When my exH and I got married, she didn't want his dad at the wedding (they're divorced) so she brought a gun to the wedding. Then, in the parking lot, my grandparents happened to park next to her van, and saw her getting high! So she was stoned during the wedding. She said she did it to calm her nerves because her ex was there. Funny, my ex FIL wanted NOTHING to do with her and actually ignored her.


My exH and I are still friends, but she has sinced passed away. She was ok during the marriage, I just will never forget that incident!

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  • 1 month later...

My bf's mother has seen me weep hysterically at the mere mention of his ex-girlfriend ... and still invites us both to family parties.

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My MIL would mention all the woman my SO has had flings with and talk about them in front of me!! Last thing I need to think about is my SO having sex with another woman.


She also has a habit of trying to make me feel stupid. I am seriously on the verge of smacking her face with a boot! She is the kind of mother who thinks her son does no wrong. Boy, I am one to tell her straight out. :D

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