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My boyfriend going over to ex-girlfriends house ok or not ok??

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[font=arial]Hi everyone, I'm new to the board and have a problem I don’t have many girlfriends so I thought maybe you could help me out. I have been with my boyfriend for a year now. He was with a girl for 4 years before me and was really hurt by her but they said that they would remain friends. Then I came along I was in a five year relationship before him. He never talked about his girlfriend really tell the other day when it was her birthday and all day he was going on about how last year he got nothing from her and now he is not going to call her to say happy birthday. And he went on and on about it all day I could not take it no more it hurt me so we had a talk and he said it is better to tell me then hide it. I mean he always talks about going to her house and picking her up everyday and how it used to take him 20 min to get to her house, he never picks me up I drive there everyday. But that’s not the point of gifts and stuff he treats me so good and I love him so much it’s just the real problem is the other day she emailed him telling him she was having computer problems and need help if he could go over there to help her out. Now I don’t want to be a bitch and be like no you can't go because I trust him a 100% its just hurts to know he'll be there? He knows how I feel and he said he hates her for how he treated him and that he loves me and so on…but her parents and him where really close and he said that is the only reason he is fixing her computer. But she has a bf and two brothers I think she should know someone besides him to fix it…my bf said he would try to help her over the computer but if that did not work he would go over there? Am I acting to jealous what should I say to him? Should I let him go or not?[/font]

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This is my thought on your situation:


If you have this:

trust him a 100%

Then you have nothing to worry about.


He tells you that they are friends and only friends, I believe that nothing will happen if he is telling you the truth.


Don't worry about it unless he starts to hang out with her every other day.

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I think it is quite normal to feel jealous/worried in such circumnstances.

Even if you have nothing to worry about.


There is one of my bf's exes I'm very jealous of, I'd get *very*jealous and annoyed if he went to her house to fix her computer.


Why don't you ask him to go with him?

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Coming from a girl's POV I would be kind of upset myself if you are always making the effort to go and see him yet he will go and pick up the ex....after a year of being with you and he still seems "hurt" by the fact that she didn't get him anything for his b-day therefor he wasn't gonna call her....sounds to me like he was trying to convince himself not to call her! How sad I say move on and find someone who can love you and leave his exes in his past I mean isn't that the point of breaking up?

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IMO ex's should stay in the past where they belong. It's completely normal to feel some jealousy but if he feels the need to still help her I'd have to wonder what is up with that. :(

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Well, it's not really up to you to let him go or not...he'll go if he wants to regardless of how you feel because this girl is someone that he's spent four years with. It's kind of hard to lose something between two people, and I give you props for trying to understand why it's okay for him to go. But girl-to-girl, I wouldn't want my BF to go over to his ex's house either.


I believe she's unconsiously trying to cause something to happen between you and your BF. Maybe you should have a talk with her. Not a bitch out session but let her know where her place is; her place is not with your boyfriend.

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